
cover art for 72. What are the differences between investing in and out of super?

Get Rich Slow Club

72. What are the differences between investing in and out of super?

Tash and Ana recently received a thought-provoking question from a listener named Angela:

I’m new to the world of investing and looking to get started. What are the differences between putting more money into superannuation, compared to ETFs? I’m a sole trader, so I can decide how much I invest in super.

Firstly – thanks for sharing your question, Angela! Secondly – this is a pertinent topic, since we’ve received versions of this questions from multiple listeners. That’s why, in this episode, we set out to compare the potential pros and cons of super and ETFs. As a bonus, we also discuss the tax changes in this new financial year, and how they may impact you.






Get Rich Slow Club




Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.

Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from

Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from

If you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.

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  • 77. Is it better to buy individual shares or ETFs?

    Value investing is a strategy often favoured by those seeking to play a more active role in their investments. Touted by Warren Buffett, it involves finding companies that the investor believes to be undervalued, then buying them before the market recognises their worth.To be fair, it’s not as speculative as some other active styles of investing. Even so, its focus on beating the market puts it at odds with the Get Rich Slow philosophy. It also usually prioritises individual shares over ETFs, which long-time listeners will know we love.Of course, you might not share the Get Rich Slow Club’s reservations around value investing. Seeking potentially undervalued individual shares over ETFs might align perfectly with your risk tolerance. So, in the spirit of open dialogue, Tash and Ana spend this episode delving into value investing. To add more flavour to the discussion, they’re joined by Brandon from New Money – a staunch supporter of value investing.Whether you prefer individual shares or ETFs, you won’t want to miss this!@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 76. First Home Super Saver scheme and what you need to know about it

    In case you’ve missed it, the First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme is an initiative that does what the name suggests. With the FHSS, you can save for your first home deposit within your superannuation. By doing so, you can aim to benefit from certain advantages that don’t apply to shares or savings accounts.Like so much in super, the details surrounding the FHSS can feel a bit muddled. That’s why Tash and Ana have devoted this session to discussing the FHSS, how it works, and how it can help you save for a home. Give them an episode, and they’ll give you a primer in the First Home Super Saver scheme!@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 75. How one of the world's best investors averages 20% returns every year

    The name “Warren Buffett” has almost become synonymous with investing success. As the 10th richest person in the world, Warren Buffett is arguably one of the world’s most famous investors. You’d be forgiven, then, for assuming his investing strategy involves access to assets most of us could never even fathom. Surely, without his deep pockets and mind for numbers, his approach would be too risky for the rest of us.…right?Actually, no. For all his investing returns, Warren Buffett’s investing philosophy closely resembles that of the Get Rich Slow Club. It’s steady, methodical, at times boring, and accessible to everyone. And in this session, Tash chats with Brandon from New Money about how Buffett does it. Your crash course in Warren Buffett’s investing strategy awaits!@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 74. Why we need systemic financial change

    Conversations around gender-based financial inequality often focus on how far we’ve come as a society. While it’s important to celebrate, we also shouldn’t lose sight of how much change remains ahead of us. To this day, financial hardship and homelessness still disproportionately affect women in Australia. And for all of our collective focus on individual efforts, there needs to be systemic financial change if we want to see results.In this episode, Tash and Ana speak with someone who is striving to bring this systemic inequality to an end. A financial educator at Sprout Education, Jenny Rolfe-Wallace also hosts the international award-winning podcast It’s Not About The Money (Australia). Join Jenny as she talks with the Get Rich Slow Club about financial intersectionality, gender-based poverty, and what we can do about it.@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 73. Why a year of sacrifice is needed feat. Emma from the Broke Generation

    Tash and Ana’s conversations with Emma from The Broke Generation have become the stuff of legend. In past episodes, they’ve covered an array of topics, spanning from budgeting techniques to moisturiser. This time around, they get a bit more philosophical – and you’ll be glad they did.In this session, Emma shares her learnings from a year of sacrifice, and how the experience shaped her money habits. By finding lessons in adversity, we’re able to build resilience and inform our get-rich-slow strategies at the same time. And that’s precisely what Tash, Ana and Emma hope you take from this ep.@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 71. What buying a $100 moisturiser taught me about money feat. Emma from the Broke Generation

    Emma from The Broke Generation has shared some deep wisdom on this podcast. However, while practical strategies and structured insights are useful guides, there are moments in which we learn all we need from a single experience.In this session, Tash details how the purchase of a $100 moisturiser altered her relationship with money. At a glance, it seems like a strange catalyst for change. However, for Tash, the moisturiser symbolised a fork in the road – a choice about the life she wanted to live. Whether or not you use moisturiser yourself, you’ll be able to relate; we all have our own “$100 moisturiser”, and how we respond to it can influence how we manage our finances.Tune in for the anecdotes, and leave with a fresh perspective on your own money habits!@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 70. Card Points 101: How to make the most of rewards

    As a general rule, the Get Rich Slow Club approaches credit card points with a wary eye. Anything that compels us into spending more money clashes with our philosophy, and points can fall into that category. With that said, there are obviously times when we need (or simply want) to spend money. At moments like these, points can be a nifty hack in our quest to get rich slow.That’s why, in this episode, Tash and Ana dive into the weird world of bonus points. Beyond providing an overview on how they work, they also compare the pros and cons of different points systems; explore how to earn them easily; and discuss how to spend them for maximum effect.@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
  • 69. Is investing in VDHG long-term a good idea?

    VDHG is a very popular investment within the Australian long-term investing community. It was no surprise, then, when a listener recently asked us:“Is investing in VDHG long-term a good option?”At the Get Rich Slow Club, we don’t like to deal in “good investments” or “bad investments”. After all, the right investment for you might be the wrong choice for someone else. That’s because VDHG’s (or any asset’s) suitability for you can depend on a range of factors, from your risk tolerance, to the amount you want to invest.In this session, we discuss these different factors in-depth. By doing so, we hope to help you feel empowered about choosing your investments – whether it’s VDHG or anything else.@tashinvests@anakresina@getrichslowclub@pearlerhqGet Rich Slow ClubPearlerYouTubeDisclaimerAny advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Natasha Etschmann is an Authorised Representative #1299881 of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL#420367. Read the FSG available from is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.