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DECIDING to be great with Marisa Peer

Season 1, Ep. 57

In this episode Becki sits down with the world renowned author and leading transformation voice Marisa Peer to discuss how to overcome your fear of being seen, to remove worry of rejection and challenge your limiting beliefs so that you can become the master of your mind and breakthrough your limitations to access your best self. Marisa shares how to improve self esteem, create new habits that guarantee your success and how to use powerful words to get what you want in life. Marisa is the founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®)—a pioneering, multi-award-winning therapy, working toward critical acclaim as the new "go-to" therapy.

Marisa has spent over three decades treating a client list that includes international superstars, CEOs, royalty, and Olympic athletes. A best-selling author of five books, she has been heralded as "one of the most powerful transformers of human behaviour" and "one of the few women in history to have a profound impact on the field of hypnotherapy."

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  • 8. Ask Becki: Manifesting

    13:57||Season 5, Ep. 8
    In this episode Becki answers your questions all to do with Manifesting. From what words and phrases to avoid whilst speaking when you are manifesting? How do you let go whilst manifesting? Remember the universe has heard you the first time.-----A Create Podcast
  • 7. Ask Becki: Careers

    09:53||Season 5, Ep. 7
    In this episode Becki answers your questions all to do with Careers. From tips on manifesting a new job if you are unhappy in your current job and Should you go self employed or do you wait for your finances to allow it?-----A Create Podcast
  • 6. Ask Becki: Relationships

    12:33||Season 5, Ep. 6
    In this episode Becki answers your questions all to do with relationships. Can you truly manifest the perfect partner? Can you have a relationship with somebody you may not find sexually attracted to at first? -----A Create Podcast
  • 5. Trusting The Universe And Listening To Your Gut With Caroline Britton

    48:10||Season 5, Ep. 5
    In this episode Becki is joined by global speaker, coach, teacher, expert and mentor in helping people connect back to their sole. Mum of to and has been describes as a magic maker by those who have worked with her. It's Caroline Britton. Together Becki and Caroline talk about, shining your light, coming back into your most authentic self, aligning back into who you really are and learning to trust more in the universe and listing to your gut.-----A Create Podcast
  • 4. Should I Cut Them Out?

    16:15||Season 5, Ep. 4
    Should you you cut them out? In this episode Becki asks the question, 'Should you really be cutting people out of your life?' From those around you that can offer a purpose to your life or if their is truly to much negativity... However, could this play on your mind? People change over time, do you just roll with what is going on and come to conclusions when you need to?-----A Create Podcast
  • 3. Should your work be your purpose?

    14:47||Season 5, Ep. 3
    Should your purpose in this life be linked to work? In this episode Becki shares her own story of how she spent years working up the corporate ladder, only to realise she hated her job. Changing paths and starting a new career to coincide with the joy of living.-----A Create Podcast
  • 2. Resentment Towards Ourselves

    12:35||Season 5, Ep. 2
    In this episode Becki talks about resentment towards ourselves. Are you self sabotaging? Do you feel crappy and and worthless at times? Could it be all the little things that you may not even notice. The small things you do and say to yourself and for yourself every day, play such a huge impact on your self worth and how you feel within.
  • 1. Play Small - Live Small

    13:06||Season 5, Ep. 1
    In this episode Becki ask's the question, 'Are you holding yourself back'? Are you pushing yourself to play bigger and live bigger? What's holding you back from achieving more from the now?----A Create Podcast
  • 8. Judge yourself and others less today

    15:30||Season 4, Ep. 8
    Becki talks about how we can start caring less about what others do, and to concentrate on yourself more. It doesn't matter what he or she is doing, but what you are doing. Put your feelings into yourself and create that better person.---------A Create Podcast