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Get To Know Them

Get To Know Them

Season 4, Ep. 22

This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with Mom of five, wife, photographer and cancer warrior, Julie Rock!

In this interview Julie shares her life story and what it's like to be an entrepreneur living with cancer.

She discusses the challenges, her personal losses, the pain she has endured and how her attitude of gratitude and fiery spirit has kept her reaching of the stars, despite her diagnosis.

I learned so much from Julie. Her mission is to have open conversations about what it's like to live with cancer in hopes that anyone listening will know that she is right here with them.

Julie Rock is exactly that, a rock for others who need a person they can listen to and relate to.

Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here.

Monica XO

Guest info -

Thank you to my sponsors -

Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me.

Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink

Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options

Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.

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  • 23. Get To Know Them

    54:28||Season 4, Ep. 23
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with health and wellness coach and founder of Radiant Leadership Foundation, Gina Faubert. Summer is about to start and that's a busy time for Gina! As soon as the whistle blows and school is officially out for summer, Gina and her team kick off "Radiant Girls". A summer camp where girls are empowered to shine. In this interview Gina explains how she "fell into" creating a camp for girls. Something she had never even dreamed of but can't imagine not doing it today. Her camp focuses on fun wellness activities with empowering coaching to build a positive self-image, emotional intelligence, and strong leadership skills. It was a pleasure to hear Gina's story of how she came to starting this camp and why she is so passionate about keeping it going. She might even have a few spots left! Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info - you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me.Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rinkFlourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink optionsIntro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.
  • 20. Get To Know Them

    01:05:50||Season 4, Ep. 20
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with group fitness instructor and personal trainer, Kim McCurlie! Kim is a refreshing ray of sunshine with her go get em' attitude when it comes to fitness. She wants you to keep that body moving and lift those weights no matter what fitness level you are at. As Kim says, "If you find an activity you enjoy, keep doing it." Making fitness a habit and a lifestyle choice is how we get the most out of our precious lives. Kim chats with us about her own fitness journey which led her to running Marathon's at Disney.Plus, she shares a heart warming story about meeting her long time crush, Mr. Donny Osmond. Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info -   / fitgurlkim   Thank you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me. Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.
  • 20. Get To Know Them

    55:13||Season 4, Ep. 20
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with Business & Well-Being Mentor, the Author of Good to Grow: Cultivate Your Mindset and Habits to Thrive as an Entrepreneur, a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and the creator of the Still Me, But Alcohol-Free program, Laura Valvasori. In this interview Laura talks about her "Good To Grow" book and what inspired her to write about entrepreneurship. She learned so much in between her first and second draft that she practically re-wrote her whole book! We quickly jump into why Laura chose to stop drinking alcohol three and a half years ago. Such an inspiring story for anyone who is thinking about living alcohol free. The program she has created, "Still Me But Alcohol Free" launches on May 20th. Laura is the perfect person to take this journey with. Having been through all the feels herself she is the best role model and person for facilitating and putting a program like this together. Laura breaks down the modules of her program in this interview so you'll know exactly what to expect. Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info - you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me.Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rinkFlourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink optionsIntro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers. #oakvilleontario #LauraValvasori #stillmebutalcoholfree #alcoholfree #monicagraves #shewalkscanada #sobercurious #goodtogrow #author #gettoknowthem
  • 19. Get To Know Them

    56:53||Season 4, Ep. 19
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with Drummer, Producer, Mixer & Audio Instructor, Deryck Roche. What a delight to chat with this talented full time self made music man. Deryck's life story is an inspiration for anyone in the arts. Especially those interested in working as a full time musician in Canada. Deryck drops several pearls of wisdom and gives some great insight into where he would like to see the future of the music industry. A hard working guy with a positive attitude and real pride for what he does. Plus he surprised me with a tour of his music studio, a great added bonus. Be sure to check out Deryck and his band @chicnwafflesband at the Wheat Sheaf in Toronto on a Saturday night. Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info - Studio Website - Band Website - Thank you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me. Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.
  • 18. Get To Know Them

    01:03:20||Season 4, Ep. 18
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with bilateral breast cancer survivor, BRCA carrier, physician and restorative areola and nipple tattooist, Dr. Alexandra Ginty. Get ready for an hour of inspiration, innovation and the most positive vibes from this amazing woman. Her story will blow your mind, she is a trailblazer, the first physician in Canada and quite possibly the world to not only train to become a restorative areola and nipple tattooist but she also advocated to have the procedure covered under our Ontario Health Insurance Plan. (OHIP) Every woman with reconstructive surgery needs to know about Dr. Ginty. Her own diagnosis sparked her to do her research and find a way for women to leave the hospital, feeling "whole" again. As Dr. Ginty says, "This is not an add on, this is putting back what was taken away." Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info - you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me. Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.
  • 17. Get To Know Them

    59:33||Season 4, Ep. 17
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with professional photographer, Renata Pollock. Renata's road to a career in photography, with her own studio, has taken many twists and turns. I found Renata's story to be especially inspiring as she tried so many different avenues before landing on work that is truly fulfilling to her. In life it's not always easy to figure out how to make money doing what you love. From working at a call centre for a major magazine distributor in Brazil to caring for children at a day care centre to working with clay and starting her own pottery business, Renata has had the bravery to dip her toes into many different career options to get to where she is today. She is proof that we must always walk in the direction of our dreams. Discovering what is not for us is the road to discovering what is. Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info -  @RenataPollock  Thank you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me. Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.
  • 16. Get To Know Them

    58:28||Season 4, Ep. 16
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with Heartlake Turtle Trooper, Ruth Takayesu. From being the kid who's family saved turtles in the neighbourhood to now volunteering and advocating for turtles in the Brampton area, Ruth has so much to share about these amazing creatures. Some of the oldest living reptiles among us, you will learn so much about them in this interview. Did you know that moving them out of their own habitat can cost them their survival? They thrive on their ancestral land! Ruth and the Heartland Turtle Troopers are out there in the wetlands making sure the turtles stay there and that they are well protected. Ruth has some great stories about working with turtles and shares some really fun facts about the snapping kind! Let's just say she debunks a common myth about them. Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info - Thank you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me. Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.
  • 14. Get To Know Them

    41:27||Season 4, Ep. 14
    This week on Get To Know Them, I chatted with Director of Operations for the Syrian Canadian Foundation, Suzanne Muir. Ever since I met Suzanne years ago she's had a passion to empower women who are new to Canada by providing them with a network of support. She started her own networking group called "Spark" back in those days while working full time for the School Board. Today she is living her dream full time to help empower newcomers to Canada in her position at SCF by running programs like Women in Civic Engagement, a NEW Venture Women's entrepreneur program, a Youth Skilled Trades program as well as Engag3D VR and AI language learning project. This interview is packed with inspiration and information for all Canadians interested in what it's like to be a newcomer in 2024 and how we can show our support. Sit back and enjoy the interview, it's great to have you here. Monica XO Guest info - Thank you to my sponsors - Brenda Beddome at - and for dressing and accessorizing me. Scooters Roller Palace - meet me Thursday's at the rink Flourish & Bask - with delicious alcohol free drink options Intro and outro music written and composed by my friend Steve Eggers with vocals by Steve and his daughters, Chantel and Vanessa Eggers.