
cover art for The Squad, the POTUS, and the Laws of Power

Make America Garett Again

The Squad, the POTUS, and the Laws of Power

Ep. 8

Drama, drama, drama. The news has been full of it over the past few weeks.

Two stories in particular have dominated the headlines; I'll tell you why they don't matter.

Then, Donald Trump has been chastised for his latest Twitter comments toward "The Squad" last week. But who's the real winner here?

And finally, the Democratic candidates are readying for another debate. What can you expect? Who should we be watching?

Find out here on the Make America Garett Again Podcast!

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  • 38. The Next Big Crash (and what the Democrats can gain from it)

    It's been awhile, but we're back!In this episode, we'll talk about the boom-bust cycle. What causes the boom? What's actually happening during the bust? What do prices have to do with any of this?And perhaps most importantly:What can the Democrats in power do to take advantage of it all?Find out more right here!
  • 37. Do Short-Sellers Have a Place in the Free Market?

    A few weeks ago, the financial world was thrown into a bit of chaos as a group of trolls from Reddit pulled off one of the great short squeezes of our time.You've heard this explained dozens of times by now.But what was left out of the stories you've heard?And what does that have to do with the big picture?We'll look at the Gamestop situation from a free markets perspective and help you understand the economics of the stock market on a much deeper level than any of your Facebook friends.We'll also get into wealth inequality and the biggest reason this gap is occurring.Also, be sure to check me out as a guest on The Unbeaten Path by Kraig. Bob Murphy Show
  • 36. The Biden Inauguration and The Great Reset

    You couldn't turn on the news or scroll through your timeline this week without seeing the corporate media fawning over the inauguration ceremony of new President Joe Biden. But what's so special about the Inauguration Ceremony anyway? We'll dive into the psychological factors of the ceremony that are designed to draw you in and make you more compliant, whether you voted for this regime or not.Next up: You've heard of The Great Reset.But is it reality? Conspiracy? Or just wishful thinking? You might find out that our greatest defense against The Great Reset are the very men who are clamoring for it.
  • 35. Conspiracy Theories, The 25th Amendment, and The Great Tech Purge

    It's been a busy week!Conservatives have been scouring the internet trying to determine if last week's capital protestors were just bad actors from Antifa.The Democrats are preparing articles of impeachment and calling for Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Donald Trump from the Oval Office.And tech companies everywhere are dumping the president, leaving his supporters searching for a place to call their digital home.We'll explain the lure of conspiracy theories, the attacks they inspire, the origins of the 25th amendment, and whether or not Twitter has the authority to delete @RealDonaldTrump.All this and more on today's episode!
  • 34. Storming the Capital: Aggression or Activism?

    The Democrats may have stolen the election, but the MAGA crowd stole the headlines this week when a group of protesters barged into the Capital Building in Washington and demanded that congressmen throw out the electoral votes for President-Elect Joe Biden. Your Democrat friends said it was domestic terrorism.Your Republican friends said it was patriotic.Your libertarian friends couldn't say anything because their mouths were too full of popcorn. But what should we really think of this? Was it a protest or a riot?And how does it compare to the Black Lives Matter protests after the murder of George Floyd last summer?Why do these protests keep escalating?And most importantly:How can we work toward peace in all this?Get answers right here. Available on all major podcast platforms.
  • 33. Who ya gonna call? Trustbusters!

    We got news this week that Facebook is getting hit with yet another anti-trust lawsuit. This time, it comes from 48 state attorneys saying that the company has a monopoly on social media. I recorded this episode back in October, shortly after a Democratic House committee filed similar action against Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Apple.The circumstances may have changed slightly, but the principles remain the same. What does this mean for those companies?What does this mean for the consumers?What is "common sense economics" and why do I want the Democrats to pay me for the phrase?And most importantly, what does this mean for YOU?Find out all this and more, right here.
  • 32. Did a Rigged Election Give Us Commander-In-Kamala?

    It's 3 weeks past Election Day and we're still not sure who will be President in 2020.Joe Biden has declared victory. Donald Trump has declared fraud.What do we make of all this? Who can we really believe?We'll discuss the accusations of fraud and ask if Donald Trump still has a path to victory.And who takes the comfy chair in the Oval Office if Joe Biden wins? Will he give the presidency to Kamala Harris right away, or will he hold on to it for himself?Get all these answers and more when you press play!
  • 31. Why I Kissed Voting Goodbye

    Welcome to the OFFICIAL election episode of 2020. We'll kick off with a few listener questions: Why do Republicans try to keep so many people from voting? And why are Democrats so determined to make sure mail in ballots are accepted?Then you'll learn the key differences between a republic and a democracy.And most importantly, we'll discuss the effects voting has on YOU.How does voting change the way you look at other people?How does it affect the way you look at that candidate who you hated, but held your nose and voted for anyway?And how does it affect our ability to look for other solutions?We'll answer all these questions and so many more in this special election episode.
  • 30. Should You Be Worried About the Vaccine?

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