
cover art for Adventures in Insgrovia

Future Diaries

Adventures in Insgrovia

Season 2, Ep. 7

After hearing more about Antonis’ universe, Tev’Dilar got intrigued by the stories about how life works there and decided to visit Insgrovia. The trip may have brought more questions than answers though, so she contacted the Future Diaries crew to discuss and understand more. How do Insgrovians meet their everyday needs without money and how does society prosper in this universe? Find out more in this episode!

Starring: Valeria Spirande, Mike Athay, Antonios TriantafyllakisScript of Story: Valeria Spirande, Antonios TriantafyllakisScript of Interview: Antonios Triantafyllakis, Mike AthayAudio Mixing and Mastering: Antonios TriantafyllakisMusic on Intro: Synthie Intro by Sascha EndeLink: on Story: Sehnsucht by Sascha EndeLink:
