
Fun Fables - Bedtime Stories With A Twist
Fan Fiction: Elliot The Race Car Driver
Season 14, Ep. 21
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Elliot and Jemma have written a wonderful story for us to create a Fun Fables episode. Check out the story and fantastic illustrations here.
Created and produced by: Horseplay Productions
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35. This Little Piggy
03:43||Season 14, Ep. 35Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)A little piggy goes to market... but doesn't want to go home.Fun Fables are a collection of classic children's audio stories, fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes that are fun and educational. Perfect for bedtime stories and car trips. The episodes have all the key elements of the tradition tales but at the same time are unique and add a bit of humour along the way.Email: hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Horseplay ProductionsNarrated by: The Narrator ManThe Big Bad Wolf's Birthday Bonanza - March
04:36||Season 14Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)The Big Bad Wolf wants to wish everyone who had a birthday this month a very happy birthday!!Got a birthday coming up next month? Ask a grown-up to email to be included in The Big Bad Wolf's next Birthday Bonanza 🥳Website: www.funfablespodcast.comCreated and produced by: Horseplay ProductionsNarrated by: The Big Bad Wolf34. Trick The Narrator Man - The Gingerbread Man... Again
04:22||Season 14, Ep. 34Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)The Narrator Man will read ANYTHING that's on his script! With the help of some very tricky tricksters, The Big Bad Wolf has changed the words to The Gingerbread Man... Again.Fun Fables are a collection of classic children's audio stories, fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes that are fun and educational. Perfect for bedtime stories and car trips. The episodes have all the key elements of the tradition tales but at the same time are unique and add a bit of humour along the way.Email: hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Horseplay ProductionsNarrated by: The Narrator Man33. Henry and Ruby Go To The River (Fan Favourite)
08:54||Season 14, Ep. 33Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)This episode was produced by the creators of Fun Fables. Henry & Ruby Go Down To The River: From Under the Bunya is a story written and voiced by Kerry Neil and is available for purchase as an ebook at hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Josh Newth32. Fan Fiction: Hamish, Ethan, Rayna, Hallie & Sydney
08:35||Season 14, Ep. 32Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)Hamish, Ethan, Rayna, Hallie & Sydney have written some wonderful stories for us to create a Fun Fables episode. Email: hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Horseplay ProductionsNarrated by: The Narrator ManThe Big Bad Wolf's Birthday Bonanza - February
03:45||Season 14Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)The Big Bad Wolf wants to wish everyone who had a birthday this month a very happy birthday!!Got a birthday coming up next month? Ask a grown-up to email to be included in The Big Bad Wolf's next Birthday Bonanza 🥳Website: www.funfablespodcast.comCreated and produced by: Horseplay ProductionsNarrated by: The Big Bad Wolf31. Fun Fables Quiz - Part 6
07:03||Season 14, Ep. 31Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)Think you know Fun Fables inside-out? Why not try The Fun Fables Quiz... Part 6!!!Fun Fables are a collection of classic children's audio stories, fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes that are fun and educational. Perfect for bedtime stories and car trips. The episodes have all the key elements of the tradition tales but at the same time are unique and add a bit of humour along the way. Email: hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Horseplay Productions30. Winnie-the-Pooh: Christopher Robin is Going Away
15:16||Season 14, Ep. 30Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)Christopher Robin is going away? Where is he going? Nobody knowsFun Fables are a collection of classic children's audio stories, fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes that are fun and educational. Perfect for bedtime stories and car trips. The episodes have all the key elements of the tradition tales but at the same time are unique and add a bit of humour along the way.Email: hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Horseplay ProductionsNarrated by: The Narrator Man29. Fun Fables Quiz - Part 5
05:53||Season 14, Ep. 29Tap here to listen ad-free (free trial, cancel any time)Think you know Fun Fables inside-out? Why not try The Fun Fables Quiz... Part 5!!!Fun Fables are a collection of classic children's audio stories, fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes that are fun and educational. Perfect for bedtime stories and car trips. The episodes have all the key elements of the tradition tales but at the same time are unique and add a bit of humour along the way. Email: hello@funfablespodcast.comWebsite: Created and produced by: Horseplay Productions