
cover art for Living Beyond the Limits, Part-4

Fresh Encounter Radio Podcast

Living Beyond the Limits, Part-4

Season 23, Ep. 282

••• The Power of Diligent Perspiration .

••• Bible Study Verses: Psalm 126:6, Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 1 Corinthians 9:16, 1 Samuel 30:6, Proverbs 22:29 , Luke 14:28, I Corinthians 9:27, I Corinthians 9:16, Proverbs 22:29, Philippians 3:13, Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 29:18, Genesis 30:1, Genesis 32:26, II Kings 2:10, Hebrews 6:11-12 .

••• “Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know”, Charles Kingsley, 1819 - 1875, Curate of Eversley Parish in Hampshire, England †

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” Galatians 6:9, NKJV .

••• What is Diligent Perspiration?

••• What 3-life actions does diligent perspiration require?

••• What 5-factors are associated with diligence and success?

••• What are 3-possible positive results of diligence?

••• What are 4-dangers of Indolence?

••• What are the 5-steps in developing a diligent mentality?

••• Are you going to trust The Living Invisible Almighty Creator God and have your small group pray that you will be willing to diligently perspire, so that you can live a life a God intended through the power of Holy Spirit?

••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on June 24, 2023 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .

••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you .


••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Tolga Aslantürk Photography, İzmir, Turkey,, , .

••• † .

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••• FERP230624 Episode #282 GOT 230624Ep282 .

••• Living Beyond the Limits: The Power of Diligent Perspiration .

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  • 345. The Process of Temptation

    29:25||Season 27, Ep. 345
    ••• Victory Over Temptation, Ep 345 . ••• Bible Study Verses: James 1.9-20, Genesis 3.1-6, Proverb 4.23, Hebrews 4.15, Proverbs 4:23, Luke 6:45 . ••• “Satan gives Adam an apple, and takes away Paradise. Therefore in all temptations let us consider not what he offers, but what we shall lose", Richard Sibbes, 1577-1635, A Puritan Golden Treasury, English theologian. He is known as a Biblical exegete, and as a representative, with William Perkins and John Preston, of what has been called "main-line" Puritanism. He attended St John's College, Cambridge from 1595. He was lecturer at Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge, from about 1610 to 1616. It is erroneously held by 18th and 19th century scholars that Sibbes was deprived of his various academic posts on account of his Puritanism. In fact he was never deprived of any of his posts, due to his ingenuity of the system. He was then preacher at Gray's Inn, London, from 1617, returning to Cambridge as Master of Catherine Hall in 1626, without giving up the London position. He was the author of several devotional works expressing intense religious feeling -- The Saint's Cordial (1629), The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax (1631, exegesis of Isaiah 42:3), The Soules Conflict (1635), etc.••• “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it”, 1 Corinthians 10:13, NKJV . ••• When does temptation start? ••• What did the serpent do to tempt Eve into making the biggest mistake in human history? ••• Why is an unguarded heart so detrimental to ones future on earth and in heaven? ••• What are 3-things that cause temptation to turn into sin? ••• What 3-steps of temptation lead to death? ••• What will diminish the probability that you will be tempted? ••• What is the main problem with temptation? ••• What are 2-advantages of knowing how temptation works? ••• What are 2-ways to have victory over temptation?••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about having victory over temptation through the power of Holy Spirit? ••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on September 7, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible . ••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you . ••• Broadcaster's Website - . •••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Ike louie Natividad Mikee Sevillano Photography, Ecuador, South America,,, . ••• † .••• SHARING LINK: . ••• Study Guides at - .••• RESOURCE - . ••• RESOURCE - .••• FERP240907 Episode#345 GOT240907Ep345 .••• The Process of Temptation - Victory Over Temptation .
  • 344. God’s Way Vs Your Way, Part-4

    29:26||Season 27, Ep. 344
    ••• Hearts Aligned, Part-4, Ep 344 . ••• Bible Study Verses: Jonah 4, Jonah 3, 2 Chronicles 16.9, 1 Samuel 13.14, Amos 3.3, Jeremiah 17.9, Ezekiel 36.26, Romans 10.10, Psalm 51.17, Jonah 2, Revelation 16, Matthew 5.8, Revelation 3.20, Proverbs 3.5-6 . ••• “Holiness of heart and life. This is not the perfection of the human nature, but the holiness of the divine nature dwelling within", A.B. Simpson, Founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance and author of 70 books on Christian living. He pastored several churches in Ontario. Later, he accepted the call to serve as pastor of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. It was there that his life and ministry were completely changed in that, during a revival meeting, he experienced the fullness of the Spirit. He continued in the Presbyterian Church until 1881, when he founded an independent Gospel Tabernacle in New York.••• “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”, Philippians 2:3-5, NKJV . ••• What did Jonah do after he warned Nineveh of their impending doom? ••• What did God say to Jonah after his plant died? ••• What was Jonah’s view of pagans? ••• How was Jonah's attitude similar to some Christians' attitude today? ••• What are 6-reasons why Jonah was opposed to to Nineveh’s salvation? ••• What are 4-indications that your heart is aligned with God? ••• What 2-things do not perfect one’s heart? ••• What are 4-reasons why we must should give our hearts to the Almighty Creator God? ••• When does God start directing one’s path? ••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you will be more intentional about allowing God to align His heart with yours through the power of Holy Spirit? ••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on August 31, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible . ••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you . ••• Broadcaster's Website - . •••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Jess Loiterton Aerial Photography, Honolulu Hawaii,,,,,, . ••• † . ••• SHARING LINK: . ••• Study Guides at - . ••• God of 2nd Chances Song:••• RESOURCE - . ••• RESOURCE - . ••• FERP240831 Episode#344 GOT240831Ep344 .••• God’s Way Vs Your Way - Hearts Aligned, Part-4 . 
  • 343. God’s Way Vs Your Way, Part-3

    29:29||Season 27, Ep. 343
    The God of 2nd Chances, Part-3, Ep 343 . ••• Bible Study Verses: Jonah 3, Joshua 25.15, Deuteronomy 8.1-2, Isaiah 1.19, John 15.7, Deuteronomy 30.19, 1 Corinthians 3, Genesis 18, Jonah 1.2, Amos 3.3, 1 Corinthians 2, Hebrews 10. 7 . ••• “A wise man turns chance into good fortune", Thomas Fuller, 1608-1661, An English churchman and historian. He is now remembered for his writings, particularly his Worthies of England, published after his death. He was a prolific author, and one of the first English writers able to live by his pen. † ••• “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward ◙ us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance”, 2 Peter 3:9, NKJV .••• What does God do before He pours out wrath on people? ••• Why can’t people blame God if calamity comes upon them? ••• What determines how God will act? ••• What is a choice and what is it based on? ••• What are 4-reasons why a choice is important? ••• What are 3-reasons why choice matters? ••• What is a function of blessings in a Christians life? ••• Why was evil averted in Niniva? ••• What is a function of what God will do in your life? ••• How do you make the right choice? ••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about allowing God to have His own way in our life through the power of Holy Spirit? ••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on August 24, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you . ••• Broadcaster's Website - .•••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Jess Loiterton Aerial Photography, Honolulu Hawaii,,,,,, . ••• † .••• SHARING LINK: . ••• Study Guides at - .••• God of 2nd Chances Song: .••• RESOURCE - . ••• RESOURCE - .••• FERP240824 Episode#343 GOT240824Ep343 .••• God’s Way Vs Your Way - The God of 2nd Chances, Part-3 .
  • 342. God’s Way Vs Your Way, Part-2

    29:24||Season 27, Ep. 342
    ••• The God of 2nd Chances, Ep 342 . ••• Bible Study Verses: Jonah 2, Jonah 1, Isaiah 46.9-13, Matthew 11.28, Jonah 4.2, Genesis 22, Genesis 6.3, Psalm 46.10, Revelation 3.20, 1 Corinthians 10.11, 2 Timothy 3.16-17 . ••• “Quite honestly, most people are quick to "write someone off." But our God is a God of the second chance. Learn from One who is patient with you, and you'll learn to be patient with others”, Woodrow Kroll, Broadcaster, for the international Back to the Bible radio and television programs. † ••• “My soul still remembers And sinks within me. This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’S mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him”, Lamentations 3.20-25, NKJV .••• Who does God forgive?••• What were 3-reasons why Jonah ended up in the belly of the fish? ••• How could have Jonah avoided the big fish experience? ••• What were 4-reasons why Jonah choose the hard way? ••• How eager is God to forgive? ••• Why must we often beg others to serve? ••• What are the 2-benefits of not choosing the hard way? ••• Why is it so difficult to obey God’s instructions? ••• When will God give you new instructions? ••• What are the 2-lasting consequences of the hard way? ••• What are 2-strategies for avoiding the hard way? ••• What is a function of what God will do in your life? ••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about allowing God to have His own way in our life through the power of Holy Spirit? ••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on August 17, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you . ••• Broadcaster's Website - .•••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Jess Loiterton Aerial Photography, Honolulu Hawaii,,,,,, . ••• † .••• SHARING LINK: . ••• Study Guides at - .••• God of 2nd Chances Song:••• RESOURCE - .••• RESOURCE - .••• FERP240817 Episode#342 GOT240817Ep342 .••• God’s Way Vs Your Way - The God of 2nd Chances
  • 341. God’s Way Vs Your Way

    29:27||Season 27, Ep. 341
    His Way Is The Best Way••• Bible Study Verses: Jonah 1.1-5, Hebrews 10.25, Luke 18.1, Obadiah 1.3, Psalm 24.1, Proverbs 14.12, Matthew 26.53, John 6.38, 1 Corinthians 10.11, 2 Timothy 3.16-17 .••• “I believe that the happiest of all Christians and the truest of Christians are those who never dare to doubt God, but take His Word simply as it stands, and believe it, and ask no questions, just feeling assured that if God has said it, it will be so”, I believe that the happiest of all Christians and the truest of Christians are those who never dare to doubt God, but take His Word simply as it stands, and believe it, and ask no questions, just feeling assured that if God has said it, it will be so. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-1892, English Baptist pastor & writer. Known as the "Prince of Preachers." He was converted to Christ at the age of 16 and immediately began preaching in the streets and fields before he was 21. In his first church, he began with 100 members. It grew until he was preaching to 10,000 people in the Surrey Music Hall. His church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle, seated 6,000 people. He withdrew from every movement among English Baptists which tended to criticize the Authorized Version 1611 in any way. Before his death, he published more than 2,000 sermons and 49 volumes of commentaries, sayings, anecdotes, illustrations, and devotions. †••• “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.!”, 1 John 2.17, NKJV .••• What was the call of Jonah?••• What were 3-reasons Jonah wanted to do his own will instead of God’s will?••• What were 3-reasons why Jonah wasn’t happy about God’s forgiveness of Nineveh?••• What were 5-reasons why do so many Christians have the Jonah attitude?••• What were 5-reasons why some Christians throw a holy tantrum?••• How often do many Christians want to have their own way?••• What did Jonah not know about having his own way?••• Why must we allow God to have His way in our lives?••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about allowing God to have His own way in our life through the power of Holy Spirit?••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on August 10, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible . ••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you . ••• Broadcaster's Website - . •••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Jess Loiterton Aerial Photography, Honolulu Hawaii,,,,,, . ••• † . ••• SHARING LINK: . ••• Study Guides at - .••• RESOURCE - .••• RESOURCE - .••• FERP240810 Episode#341 GOT240810Ep341 .••• God’s Way Vs Your Way - Thy Will Be Done
  • 340. The Heart of Worship

    29:28||Season 27, Ep. 340
    •• The Spirit of Worship Ep 340••• Bible Study Verses: John 4.6-42, Isaiah 95.6, Genesis 5.24,Philippians 2.9-11, Romans 6.23, 1 John 2.15-16, Exodus 34.29-35, Isaiah 60.1-3, Matthew 19 ••• “A little lifting of the heart suffices; a little remembrance of God, one act of inward worship are prayers which, however short, are nevertheless acceptable to God”, Brother Lawrence, †••• It’s God’s will that we become true worshipers. And when something is God’s will, He will move heaven and earth to help us do that thing. He wants us as close to Him as we can possibly be. He longs to open the windows of heaven and pour out more and more of His love on us. Our only job is to surrender to Him on a daily basis so that He can daily give us more of Himself. But the Lord is such a Gentleman, He will never force us to do anything. He leaves the act of surrendering up to us. And that’s where it has to start. CeCe Winans ††••• “Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”, Psalm 150, NKJV••• Why did Christ Jesus give the lady at the well the gospel?••• Who did Christ Jesus tell the lady to worship in spirit and truth?••• What does true worship require?••• What are 4-reasons why we worship God?••• How does the bible say to worship?••• What are the 3-life steps on the path to the worship of God?••• If you decide to be a thief what type should you be?••• What should the condition of your heart be during worship?••• What are the 4-characteristics of the heart of who worships God in spirit and in truth?••• What is the 4-obstacles to true worship and how is it manifested?••• What are the 2-blessings of worship?••• What are at least 2-characteristics of one who can worship God in spirit and truth?••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about worshiping God in spirit and truth through the power of Holy Spirit?••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on August 3, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you .••• Broadcaster's Website -•••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by Rodolfo Quirós Photography, Panama, South America,,, Art Direction by gil on his mac with free mac layout software••• †••• ††••• SHARING LINK:••• Study Guides at -••• RESOURCE -••• RESOURCE -••• FERP240803 Episode#340 GOT240803Ep340••• The Heart of Worship - Spirit And Truth
  • 339. The Mystery Of The 7th Day, Part-2

    29:24||Season 27, Ep. 339
    The Mystery Of The 7th Day, Part-2 - Why The Sabbath is So Special, Ep 339••• Bible Study Verses: Genesis 2.1, Exodus 31.13, Malachi 3.10, Exodus 23.12, Deuteronomy 5.15, Leviticus 23.3, Isaiah 58.13-14, Ecclesiastes 9.11, Hebrews 3.19, Exodus 3.3-4, Isaiah 40.31, 2 Kings 2.13, Isaiah 30.15 .••• “People who do not worship are swept into a vast restlessness, epidemic in the world, with no steady direction and no sustaining purpose", Edmund Prosper Clowney, 1917-2005, Pastor & Assistant professor of practical theology in 1952. 1st president of that seminary until becoming the theologian-in-residence of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, VA. In 1990, he moved to Escondido, CA where he was adjunct professor at Westminster Seminary CA. Associate pastor at Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Houston, TX. Clowney eventually returned to Trinity Presbyterian as part-time theologian-in-residence, a position he held until his death. Author of 10-books including Called to the Ministry, Christian Meditation, The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament, and The Church † ••• “For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience”, Hebrews 4.8-11, NKJV . ••• What are 4-reasons why the sabbath is so special to The Lord?••• What is the relationship between the sabbath and the tithe?••• What are the 7-reasons why The Lord established the Sabbath day?••• What are 3-reasons why it’s so hard for many Christians to enter into the sabbath rest?••• What are the 3-blessings of honoring the 7th day?••• What are 4-life actions that help access the blessings of the 7th day? ••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you will be more intentional about honoring the 7th day through the power of Holy Spirit? ••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on July 27, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership Interntional and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you . ••• Broadcaster's Website - . •••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by cottonbro studio, Donations, , +7 (911) 259-99-79 , Чкаловский пр , 15, лит. А БЦ Печатный двор, вход №2, Санкт-Петербург , Art Direction by gil on his mac with free mac layout software .••• † . ••• SHARING LINK: . ••• Study Guides at - . ••• RESOURCE - . ••• RESOURCE - . ••• FERP240727 Episode#339 GOT240727Ep339 .••• The Mystery Of The 7th Day-Why The Sabbath is So Special .
  • 338. The Mystery Of The 7th Day

    29:19||Season 27, Ep. 338
    ••• The Mystery of Rest: Resting In Christ, Ep 338 .••• Bible Study Verses: Psalm 37.1, Hebrews 11.6, Romans 4, Hebrews 3.19, Ecclesiastes 9.11, Matthew 11.28-30 .••• “Another element of the Sabbath day rest which God instituted as a foreshadowing of our complete rest in Christ is that He blessed it, sanctified it, and made it holy. Here again we see the symbol of Christ as our Sabbath rest—the holy, perfect Son of God who sanctifies and makes holy all who believe in Him. God sanctified Christ, just as He sanctified the Sabbath day, and sent Him into the world (John 10:36) to be our sacrifice for sin. In Him we find complete rest from the labors of our self-effort, because He alone is holy and righteous. "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). We can now cease from our spiritual labors and rest in Him, not just one day a week, but always", Got Questions Ministries, a network of sites with a shared mission: to glorify God and reach people for Christ by providing biblical answers to spiritually related questions. †••• “...Jesus answered and said...Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”, Mathew 11:25-30, NKJV .••• What does it mean to rest in Christ?••• When did our Almighty most high God take a rest?••• What is a component of accessing the blessings of the Creator God?••• What are 4-reasons why we must entering into God’s rest?••• What is the result of becoming more confident in God?••• What are 5-benefits of resting in the Lord?••• What are 3-reasons why many find it difficult to rest in the presence of the Almighty God?••• What are the 4-life actions for entering into the rest of the Almighty Creator God?••• What are the 5-attributes of the kind of person who can enter the rest of the Lord?••• What is the Attitude of the sabbath?••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about entering into the rest of the Almighty God through the power of Holy Spirit?••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on July 20, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you .••• Broadcaster's Website - .•••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND photo by cottonbro studio, Donations, , +7 (911) 259-99-79 , Чкаловский пр , 15, лит. АБЦ , Art Direction by gil on his mac with free mac layout software .••• †••• SHARING LINK: .••• Study Guides at - .••• RESOURCE - .••• RESOURCE - .••• FERP240720 Episode#338 GOT240720Ep338 .••• The Mystery Of The 7th Day .
  • 337. Irrational, Part-5

    29:00||Season 27, Ep. 337
    ••• The Factor of Appreciation, Part-5••• Bible Study Verses: Genesis 17.1-7, Genesis 12, Genesis 18, Genesis 21.1-3, Romans 4.1-20 .••• “Worship is not a repetitious exercise of rituals and formulas. These create a veil that actually prevents us from enjoying the presence of the Lord. Worship is the heart poured out in gratitude and awe, expressing our appreciation of who He is and what He has done for us by His grace through Jesus Christ”, Dave Hunt, 1926-2013, Apologist Speaker, Broadcaster and author of numerous books on theology, prophecy, cults, and other religions, including critiques of Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, and Calvinism, among others, have sold over 4 million copies and have been translated into at least 20 languages. He has been in full-time ministry since 1973. Started the Berean Call in 1992. Theologically, Hunt is evangelical, dispensational, and associated with the Plymouth Brethren Movement. Although not a Calvinist, he did hold to eternal security. A strict Biblical Creationist - refutations of evolution were a frequent topic of his broadcasts. He believed that evolution is a form of occult religion related to reincarnation and said that "I think that one would have to be…an idiot to think that this universe happened by chance"••• “Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations!”, Psalm 100, NKJV••• What was the benefit of the contract between Abram and our All Mighty Creator God?••• How long did Sarah have to wait to give birth to Isaac?••• What was Abraham doing while he was waiting for the God’s promise to be fulfilled?••• What did Abraham refuse to do while waiting on the promise of God?••• What does God surround His throne with?••• What is the easiest way to come out of depression for a Christian?••• How do you force spiritually enemies into a corner?••• What 3 things happen when one refuses to praise God?••• How many reasons are there not to praise God?••• According to Romans 4, how do you give glory to the Almighty God?••• Are you going to ask your small group to pray that you be more intentional about praising God for all He has done through the power of Holy Spirit?••• Pastor Godwin Otuno expounds on this and much more on the exciting journey of Fresh Encounters Radio Podcast originally aired on July 13, 2024 on WNQM, Nashville Quality Ministries and WWCR World Wide Christian Radio broadcasted to all 7-continents on this big beautiful blue marble, earth, floating through space. Please be prayerful before studying The Word of God so that you will receive the most inspiration possible .••• This Discipleship Teaching Podcast is brought to you by Christian Leadership International and all the beloved of God who believe in it’s mission through prayer and support. Thank you .••• Broadcaster's Website - .•••• Exceeding Thanks to Universe Creator Christ Jesus AND painting by Frédéric Schopin (1804–1880),,••• † .••• SHARING LINK: .••• Study Guides at - .••• RESOURCE - .••• FERP240713 Episode#337 GOT240713Ep337 .••• Irrational - The Factor of Appreciation, Part-5 .