
Fifty Years of Shit Robots
Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. Every week we rate the robot from a movie, if it gets a score of 7 out of 10 then we say that it is not a shit robot. Today, we begin our Star Wars season by not looking at Star Wars. We are joined by author and animator Niel Bushnell to discuss Space 1999 and the old sci-fi of the mid-70s whose time was running out.
WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more
TikTok: @FiftyYOSR
Insta: @FiftyYOSR
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49:35||Season 10, Ep. 7Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. In our seventh episode in our Star Wars season we look at how Obi Wan, Luke and the Droids enlist the help of a rakish cad who goes by the name of Han Solo. WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESSTAR WARS LOCATIONS: MOS EISLEY BAD LIP READING: BUSHES OF LOVE WHO SHOT FIRST? RARE PETER CUSHING INTERVIEW IN 1977 JABBA THE HUT SCENE COMPARISONS 147. STAR WARS 6: OBI WHO KENOBI?
39:44||Season 10, Ep. 6Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. In our sixth episode in our Star Wars season we look at the introduction of an old friend, Obi One Kenobi. Could it be the same person as Old Ben Kenobi? WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESSEAN CONNERY WROTE A BOND SCRIPT DID GEORGE LUCAS ALWAYS KNOW THAT DARTH VADAR AND ANAKIN SKYWALKER WERE THE SAME PERSON? THE CAR THAT THE LANDSPEEDER WAS BASED ON THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: ALEC GUINNESS STRUCK GOLD WITH STAR WARS 146. STAR WARS 5: A CALL TO ADVENTURE
38:36||Season 10, Ep. 5Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. In our fifth episode in our Star Wars season we meet a young farm boy with a thirst for adventure. WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESDYNASTY OPENING TITLES STAR WARS TIMELINE,(100%20BBY%20%E2%80%93%2019%20BBY) JABBA THE HUT 1997 SPECIAL EDITION INSERT JABBA THE HUT CONCEPT MAQUETTE SIMON PEGG AND NICK FROST C3PO AND R2D2 DR SMITH INSULTS (LOST IN SPACE TV SHOW) KENNY BAKER OBITUARY MARK HAMILL ON JOHNNY CARSON INTOLERANCE SET (1916) THE MONSTROUS SET THAT JUMPSTARTED HOLLYWOOD ASTROBOY CHARGES ANOTHER ROBOT 145. STAR WARS 4: EPISODE 4
40:38||Season 10, Ep. 4Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. In our fourth episode in our Star Wars season we look at the first ten minutes of the film, which is set onboard the rebel Blockade Runner. WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESTHE HISTORY OF HARMY’S DESPECIALIZED VERSION “MUSIC BY JOHN WILLIAMS” IS AVAILABLE ON DISNEY + IN THE UK THE HISTORY OF THE STAR WARS LOGO THE ORIGINAL 1977 CRAWL BUCK ROGERS SERIAL 1936 (THE CRAWL) UNION PACIFIC OPENING TITLES WILHELM SCREAM ORIGINAL RECORDING DARTH VADER KICKIN’ ASS IN ROGUE ONE 144. STAR WARS 3: A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS
53:09||Season 10, Ep. 3Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. In our third episode in our Star Wars season we look at George Lucas and the people that George needed to help get the movie across the line WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESGEORGE LUCAS: MORE THAN A GENIUS TO ALAN LADD JNR RALPH MCQUARRIE CONCEPT ART JOHN WILLIAMS’S CLASSICAL INFLUENCES 143. STAR WARS 2: THE 1970S FUN FACTORY
27:48||Season 10, Ep. 2Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. Exorcist director William Friedkin said that "Star Wars came out of nowhere like a juggernaut". But is this true? Today we meander through the 60s and 70s looking at what inspired the biggest movie of all time. WARNING 2! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESWHAT IS THE HAYS CODE? WHAT IS FRENCH NEW WAVE? WHAT IS ITALIAN NEO-REALISM? WHERE TO BEGIN WITH KITCHEN SINK MOVIES? 1970S AMERICA THE UK THREE-DAY WEEK TOP OF THE BOTS PART 3
38:52|Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. Every week we rate the robot from a movie, if it gets a score of 7 out of 10 then we say that it is not a shit robot. Today, we take a look back at the last five of the robots between 1927 and 1977 that we deemed "not shit". Let's try and do some proper ranking and come up our Top of the Bots. WARNING! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESHUEY, LOUIE AND DEWEY RICHARD BENJAMIN REMEMBERS WESTWORLD YUL BRYNNER INTERVIEW DARK STAR: BOMB 20 CONVERSATION DESILU STUDIO HISTORY MAJEL BARRETT-RODDENBERRY THE CONVERSATION: WHY THE STEPFORD WIVES IS STILL RELEVANT TODAY TOP OF THE BOTS PART 2
29:54|Between Metropolis and Star Wars lies a 50 year wasteland of terrible movie robots. Every week we rate the robot from a movie, if it gets a score of 7 out of 10 then we say that it is not a shit robot. Today, we take a look back at six of the robots between 1927 and 1977 that we deemed "not shit". Let's try and do some proper ranking and come up our Top of the Bots. WARNING! The S**t-bomb is used but nothing more TikTok: @FiftyYOSRInsta: @FiftyYOSRNOTESWHAT IS FRENCH NEW WAVE CINEMA? WHAT IS FILM NOIR? DOUGLAS RAIN: THE IMMORTAL VOICE AI DISCOVERS MILLIONS OF NEW MATERIALS FACEBOOK AI CREATE NEW LANGUAGE