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FatherShould Podcast

Put Us Behind God In Your Acknowledgments

Season 4, Ep. 5

In this episode of FatherShould, we explore the crucial role of parenting as a team effort. Sharing the challenges and rewards of working together to raise children while effectively communicating and collaborating with your co-parent.

Listen as we discuss the importance of setting clear expectations and boundaries, the benefits of sharing responsibilities and decision-making, and the impact a strong parentship can have on your children's emotional and social development.

Whether you're a new parent or have been co-parenting for years, both parents are needed to maintain the balance in parenthood that benefits everyone.

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  • 7. Spoken Words Unspoken

    01:00:35||Season 4, Ep. 7
    In this riveting episode of the FatherShould Podcast, we're thrilled to welcome special guest Dr. Nakeisha Savage, author of the self-published book, "Spoken Words Unspoken." Through her deeply personal narrative, Dr. Savage bravely explores the landscape of abusive relationships, fatherhood/parenting, and the transformational journey of learning to love oneself.This conversation uncovers the significant role of fatherhood in shaping a child's perspective toward relationships. We dive into the lessons Dr. Savage has learned from her own experience and how she navigated the turbulent waters of an abusive relationship. Together, we delve into the path of self-love and healing, providing valuable insights for those in similar situations.Join us as we shed light on the power of breaking free from toxic patterns, the healing strength of self-love, and the vital role fathers play in these narratives. This episode is to be noticed - a testament to resilience, a path toward healing, and an exploration of the intertwined narratives of fatherhood and self-love. Tune in for an enlightening and empowering discussion.
  • 6. The Upside of a Lie... Finding Carlos

    54:05||Season 4, Ep. 6
    In this emotional and inspiring episode of FatherShould, Fleming and Ms. Von speak with guest Carlos Buskey about his experience of being lied to by his mother about the identity of his father. Carlos shares how he always sensed that something was off, but it wasn't until he was an adult that he discovered the truth. It was a complicated journey, but ultimately Carlos found his biological father and established a meaningful relationship with him.He also talks about how therapy was an essential part of his healing process, helping him to work through his emotions and preparing him for this moment.Throughout the conversation, all three stress the importance of therapy for anyone going through a significant life change or trauma. They discuss the stigma against therapy and how seeking professional help can be empowering and life-changing.This episode is a powerful reminder of the importance of honesty, communication, and seeking support when faced with difficult challenges. It also showcases how therapy can be essential for personal growth and healing.
  • 4. Bromosexual Friendships

    01:03:40||Season 4, Ep. 4
    We believe in breaking down the stigma surrounding male friendships, regardless of sexual orientation! It’s so important to acknowledge that platonic relationships between men, no matter their sexual identity, are just as valid and important as any other friendship.On this week’s episode, we welcome Keith, Maurice, and Tone to ask the question can a gay and straight man have a friendship? 
  • 3. Mother’s Day & Sidenotes

    51:57||Season 4, Ep. 3
  • 2. Raising A Different Ability

    57:24||Season 4, Ep. 2
    This week on FatherShould Podcast, we sat down with Gerald and his wife, Felicia Williams, to discuss raising a child with a different ability.Although challenging initially, the couple focused on their son's strengths and interests. They found incorporating creativity and various sports into his daily activities helpful while fostering a supportive community, primarily through family and friends raising amazing kids with different abilities.Remember that every child with autism is unique and has their own strengths and challenges. Don't compare your child to others. Celebrate their unique qualities.
  • 1. You’re Not Your F’n Resume!

    01:00:11||Season 4, Ep. 1
    FatherShould Podcast returns for its fourth season!!!! This week Fleming and Ms. Von discuss cryptocurrency, bad dad jokes, the need not to prove ourselves to people, therapy and strippers. We are back to bring you fresh perspectives and insights on the joys and challenges of fatherhood, co-parenting and surrogacy in #20Today. 
  • 20. This Time It’s Personal!

    01:07:29||Season 3, Ep. 20
    Season 3 finale of FatherShould, Karen Faustin joins the show, turning the tables on Fleming and Ms. Von to gauge their reflections on the latest season. Among other poignant and thought-provoking questions, she asks them both to summarize the season in three words, and has each expand on the other’s chosen words. They touch on the sacrifice and hard work of building a successful podcast, what they appreciate about each other, and what they’ve learned from their guests. It’s emotional. For Ms. Von the biggest takeaway from this season was the importance of being your own self-advocate, while Fleming felt the running theme was how people can make a healthy functioning family dynamic work through all kinds of adversity. They also look to the future, to Season 4 and beyond, and reveal what shape they hope the show will take. Fleming, notably hoping for it to become an agent of change. As long as men, and their crucial role in society, especially as fathers, continue to be undervalued, Fleming and Ms. Von will continue to champion them through thoughtful dialogue, unflinching storytelling, and humor.
  • 19. You Sound Just Like Your…

    01:00:38||Season 3, Ep. 19
    “There’s nothing wrong with needing a time-out from your kid,“ says Ganell Lewis, who returns to the podcast to talk about the challenges of co-parenting, custody arrangements, and the influence of parents on children via both nature and nurture. Ganell argues that family courts work to keep children with their mothers regardless of the childrens’ best interest, and that the role of fathers is not taken seriously because it’s not recognized. Ms. Vonn argues that men don’t make the same sacrifices as women in terms of child rearing and therefore co-parenting should be divided more equally. Fleming argues that if women want equal custody, they have to give up a certain amount of power and control (and some will have to be willing to part with the extra money). Throughout this lively hour, all three dare to be honest about issues society tends to gloss over, fairly turn over both sides of every issue, and check themselves as gamely as they check each other and the rest of society. As always, they find humor and camaraderie amidst even the heavier topics, and you’ll find yourself nodding along–and shaking your head–throughout.