
cover art for SAS warfare, survival and resistance 1942-44

Explaining History

SAS warfare, survival and resistance 1942-44

In this episode of the Explaining History podcast we hear from Gerald Hough, whose new book Desert Raids with the SAS recounts the story of his father, Anthony, and his experience of war, captivity and escape. Part of the SAS in North Africa during the long desert campaigns between the 8th Army and the Afrika Korps, Anthony Hough was captured by the Italians and sent to a prison camp near Pescara in Italy. When Italy surrendered and Germany occupied the northern half of the country, he found himself trapped behind enemy lines and facing potential deportation to Germany. With two other soldiers he hid and then escaped as the camp was being emptied and found the most extraordinary support and help from Italian anti fascists in the nearby villages. Reduced eventually to living in a cave, Anthony Hough crossed mountainous terrain in winter and desperately ill managed to make it back across allied lines. Hear about this incredible story of survival and resistance.

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