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2. Lies of Fire
47:44||Season 2, Ep. 2This episode of Exoneration Nation is full of manipulation, lies, and betrayal. Join us as we hear the parents of Rhonda Orr tell their side of the story their daughter story who is currently served 15 years on a life sentence.1. Seeking the Truth
57:55||Season 2, Ep. 1On this season of Exoneration Nation hold on to your seats as we discover the disturbing truth about our nation justice system. We will uncover how police falsified information about evidence they did not have any lying on the witness stand. ~Whatever affects one affects all indirectly.By Martin Luther King JrJudge Burns Part 2
18:00||Season 1James Hammond
38:00||Season 1Judge Birmingham
38:34||Season 1Judge Kelly
32:23||Season 1Keith Turner & Thomas McGowan
46:46||Season 11. Brittany White
45:51||Season 1, Ep. 1