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Evening with an Artist

A podcast chatting about everything animation, interviews with industry professionals, film and series reviews, live events and promoting local artists

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  • 10. Review - Super Mario Bros Movie

    02:06:23||Season 1, Ep. 10
    We saw the Super Mario Bros movie and we want to talk about it so LETSA GOOOO!Join us for a review that we recorded immediately after seeing the movie in theaters, and yes, there are spoilers so please see the movie first! We race through the plot and discuss our favorite easter eggs seen in the film, as well as what we considered to be “missed opportunities”. We also threw out some theories to the story and the lore present in the film and we gave some insight into what could make the next Nintendo film better! And of course we talked about the voice actors!Bonus, we discuss the theatrical after-credits teaser, so if you didn’t feel like waiting through the credits don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!“Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches I love you!!!”Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us:

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  • 10. The AI Art Phenomenon

    01:11:09||Season 1, Ep. 10
    Hello and buckle in as we dip our toes into the world of AI generated art. We chat about what it means to us and how we think it may shape the future, for better or worse, and what that means for the artists it exploits. This discussion, of course, inevitably leads to pondering the future of robotics and wondering when AI will finally become sentient and lead to our destruction and ultimate demise… Don’t worry we don’t dwell on that too long I promise. We also discuss the importance of paying artists a fair wage and understanding why art costs what it does.Then we get into a big list of shows and films we have been catching up on. Some of which include: Dragon Prince, the Boys Diabolical, Black cauldron, Quest for Camelot, Sea Beast, and our anticipation for the Way of Water. Jordyn also confesses one of her biggest pet peeves when it comes to a particular camera effect."Is there anything worse than water droplets on the camera lens?"Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us:
  • 9. Chit Chat - Happy Holidays from the Uncanny Valley

    54:21||Season 1, Ep. 9
    Happy New Year! We are back from a short break for the holidays and boy do we have a lot to talk about. We discuss holiday must watch classics and get into some other, less desirable Christmas themed films. How many “A Christmas Carols” have you seen? Rich goes over all the animated versions he never misses to watch every year.We get into some CG vs. realism and how we feel about wandering too far into the Uncanny Valley.What classics do you watch every year?Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us:
  • 8. Chit Chat - How we Consume Media is Changing

    55:08||Season 1, Ep. 8
    Hello, hello! Today we chat more about the Mario Movie, which had a second trailer drop AND a secret (yet not so secret) snippet was shared at the game awards. Then we get into incoming trailers and the latest released disney film. We discuss how upcoming animated films get fed to us through various media and how things have changed so much. We get a little nostalgic (and start to feel old) as we talk about how being in the know is getting increasingly difficult even though things are more and more accessible. “You stab it and stab it and stab it and stab it”Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us:
  • 7. Chit Chat - Disney Scandals and Stardew Valley

    46:45||Season 1, Ep. 7
    Hey everyone, today we have so much to talk about! We are starting to hear more about the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie, future Avatarverse projects and who will be animating them! We chat about our hopes for Avatar’s style, and use Klaus vs Arcane as an example. We give you first impressions on the new apple movie “Luck” and get into some new and cool 2D Disney series coming soon. Have you heard of the Emperor’s New Groove scandal? Rich brings up some interesting facts about the birth of the film that I had never heard of before (and which had been buried). Then we get into what we’ve been watching lately, the guilt behind some of it, and hear Jordyn gush over the amazingness that is Stardew Valley!“I saw a heron wading gracefully through the morning mist. Such are the treasures of a quiet life.”Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us:
  • 6. Chit Chat - Studios getting Bought out and Adult Animation Faux-Pas

    25:07||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Today we get right into the nitty gritty and we dive into dicey waters. Warner Brothers is being bought out and there is a lot of talk about what this will mean for the future of the company, and what we care most about, the employees and the cartoons. This brings up the discussion of what happens when shows get dropped.In brighter news we talk about Deadendia, Harley Quinn and other cool shows we have been watching lately. We get into the comic to live action show, Riverdale, which inevitably leads to chatting about other remakes and one big question: should adult live action shows change to animated series?Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us:
  • 5. Chit Chat - Mario Movie News and Films to Watch out For

    32:02||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Hello and welcome to our first chit chat episode! We talk about a bunch of trailer drops that we are really excited about including Wendell and Wild, a new stop-motion film that looks spooky and fun! Not to mention jumpin’ goombas here comes the Mario Movie! We go over the newest trailer and the poster release that is getting us hyped for the video game crossover into feature film. We list what’s coming so don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for a bunch of incoming Disney and Pixar films. Finally we talk a little bit about the hype over the upcoming Avatar film and we wonder how many people get confused between Avatar, and AVATAR.“Wahoooo!”Check out our website: eveningwithanartist.comJoin us on Discord: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Instagram: @eveningwithanartistFollow us on Twitter: @EveningwaArtistFollow Rich on Instagram: @richmeister84Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @turnipcakeartEmail us: