
cover art for EP 28: ASK AN EXPERT Interview with Chantill Lopez

Embodied Business, Inspired Brain

EP 28: ASK AN EXPERT Interview with Chantill Lopez

Season 1, Ep. 28

In this episode, Anne interviews nervous system expert Chantill Lopez. Chantill started her professional life as a journalist and quickly moved into the realm of movement education where she has stayed for more than 20 years as an entrepreneur and studio owner. Her extensive studies have led her to become one of the top experts in applying Nervous System work to movement + behavior change in the areas of education, business development, and personal growth. She is an innovator, international educator, presenter, mentor, and coach whose passion is supporting people in creating whole-person health that is sustainable across all areas of their lives. She has studied directly with Polyvagal Theory creator, Stephen Porges, and leading NS expert Deb Dana. Her work draws from brain-based learning frameworks, motivation and communication science, somatic and humanistic psychology, and other emerging models. She is also the founder and creator of the Nervous System Integration Facilitator Certification Program.

In this episode Chantill explains how she came to this work and what questions she was trying to solve.

Some of the many questions answered in this episode are:

1. How do you introduce this work to your clients?

2. How do thoughts affect our nervous system?

3. How do the eyes affect the vagus nerve?

We are offering a free 30-minute Clarity Call twice a week for our podcast listeners who are interested in learning about our Nervous System work. We are currently teaching the 28-day nervous system course. If you would like to know more about it you can find it on our website The Embodied Business Institute.

This episode was originally recorded live for our Facebook group Making Money+Meaning members. This Facebook group is a beautiful way to connect with us and other like-minded educators and entrepreneurs. 

Find Us: Embodied Business-Inspired Brain Podcast

Website: The Embodied Brain Institute

YouTube: Embodied Business Inspired Brain Podcast

Facebook: Make Money + Meaning

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