
EBS Nanodegrees

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  • Toolkit for the Age of (Too Much) Information

    In today’s business landscape, where there is an abundance of recorded information, we have to uncover and study the dynamic relationships between observed variables and hidden constituents that hold sway over the efficient functioning of any system.“My dear, here we must process as much data as we can, just to stay in business. And if you wish to make a profit you must process at-least twice as much data.” - Red Queen to Alice in Business-Land.Necessity is the mother of all invention / creation / innovation, but the often forgotten father is frustration.In this age of (Too Much) Information, it is imperative to uncover nuggets of knowledge (signal) from buckets of nonsense (noise). We look at theoretical and empirical concepts, mixed with numerous practical case studies, to aid in this effort to extract meaning from chaos which can lead to better decision making in all aspects of life.More information about the nanodegree: host: Head of EBS Master’s studies Jim SeltenrijchGuest: Ravi KashyapPodcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: Learn more about EBS nanodegrees:

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  • Consumers, Society, and Culture

    This nano is a third in the series of EBS marketing nanodegrees that are looking at how marketing works, how communication works and how people “work” in the marketing equation. It looks at consumer behaviour and marketing decision making considering wider cultural and societal interactions. Our aim is to teach participants to understand consumer behaviour and conduct marketing activities in sustainable and responsible manner.More information about the nanodegree: host: Head of EBS Master’s studies Jim SeltenrijchGuest: Katri KeremPodcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: Learn more about EBS nanodegrees:
  • Strategic and Operational Value Creation

    Whether you are an entrepreneur or a business professional, this nano degree provides you with a unique combination of qualitative and quantitative tools to create value for your organization and your customers. Based on the latest research and practices in the fields of management, we equip you with novel managerial insights to solve your organizational challenges. We address value creation from two complementary perspectives. First, we implement a problem-solving meta-framework, which combines tools from various disciplines to create sustainable value. Then, we explore pro-active and re-active approaches for creating value in the short- and medium term.More information about the nanodegree: host: Head of EBS Master’s studies Jim SeltenrijchGuests: Sara Jahanmir and Alejandro LamasPodcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: Learn more about EBS nanodegrees:
  • Constructive Intercultural Management

    Cultural differences can become an asset to organizations when managed well. Join the nanodegree "Constructive Intercultural Management" and you will learn how to constructively deal with cultural diversity. More information about the nanodegree: host: Head of EBS Master’s studies Jim Seltenrijch Guest: Madeleine Bausch Podcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: more about EBS nanodegrees: nanodegrees’ podcast will be aired each Tuesday and Friday!
  • Business Innovation Management

    Through Business Innovation Management nanodegree, participants will master the concepts and tools needed to dramatically enhance the effectiveness of their efforts to create new businesses in companies by way of business innovation.More information about the nanodegree: host: Head of EBS Master’s studies Jim SeltenrijchGuests: Mart Kikas and Marko RilloPodcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: Learn more about EBS nanodegrees: nanodegrees’ podcast will be aired each Tuesday and Friday!
  • Data-Driven and Circular Business Transformations

    Artificial intelligence, circular economy, and green finance are buzzwords that we hear in the news, but often it is not clear how to apply those in practice."Data-Driven and Circular Business Transformations" nanodegree that is taught by internationally recognized experts who will demystify these megatrends, will show how these buzzwords can be used in a variety of business situations.More information about the nanodegree: Podcast host: Head of EBS Master’s studies Jim SeltenrijchGuests: Anna Ebers Broughel and Dr. Kerli Kant HvassPodcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: Learn more about EBS nanodegrees: nanodegrees’ podcast will be aired each Tuesday and Friday!
  • Business Intelligence – Applied Quantitative Data Analysis for Quality Improvement

    Data is said to have become the “new oil”. Typically we are told that this is something that big data-driven companies can create value from. To this end they are reported to be harvesting, analyzing and sometimes even selling the data. Somehow the use of data to improve the business decision making that SME-s, which are not dealing with big data, are overlooked. This program is tailored to address this issue by providing professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills and ethical principles. A new EBS nanodegree „Business Intelligence – Applied Quantitative Data Analysis for Quality Improvement “ addresses all of these topics: Get more info from the podcast where the Head of EBS Master’s Studies Jim Seltenrijch is interviewing Karmo Kroos, a leader of this nanodegree. Podcast is also available on Spotify: and Apple Podcasts: Learn more about EBS nanodegrees: EBS nanodegrees’ podcast will be aired each Tuesday and Friday!