
cover art for Antarctic Tour Guide

with Mon

Antarctic Tour Guide

Season 2, Ep. 20

Hello! Today on the pod I actually had a completely different episode for you ... but technology isn't playing ball with me so I’m saving that one for next week. Today we’re looking back at a chat I had during the covid lockdowns a few years ago. It’s with a lovely lass named Graceie who – as well as a working as a bunch of other things, is an Antarctic tour guide. Absolute legend and a really adventurous soul. You’ll probably hear it in my voice, because of the time difference, I think Gracie might’ve been in the US, we had to do it at like 4 or 5 in the morning in Queensland. But it was so worth it.. I really hope you enjoy it!

Get in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3





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  • 23. Trips

    Hello! I was supposed to bring you a special Pride episode to round up the end of Pride Month – which is of course June. If you’re follow the pod on socials you may have seen we were in Sicily over the weekend – which was absolutely amazing – BUT we were supposed to be back Monday morning, giving me plenty of time to put this episode together. However our flight kept getting delayed. Now as this episode is featuring some extra special guests, and of course because it’s about Pride – I just can’t half ass it. And I really want to do this episode justice SO with that in mind – we’re pushing it back a week – we’re going to “extend” Pride celebrations – it’s gonna be fab. So this week I’ve dug into my box of treasures and... in the spirit of travelling I’ve pulled out an episode from an old series I did called Trips with Mon. Now this is something completely different to what we’ve been listening to on this pod so far. It’s an immersive audio trip around the world. I came up with the concept during covid, because of course we weren’t able to travel. We’re going to listen to the first ep – to give you a bit of a taste. It’s the “travel” ep – complete with a full inflight service. Because of the nature of this series, it’s best listened to in a quiet space with headphones or earbuds. I’ve also linked to the rest of the series below if you want to check it out. So without further ado – sit back, relax and let the good times roll…Listen to the rest of Trips with Mon here: in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM:
  • 22. Professional Slapper

    I’m chuffed you’re here - Because I have an absolute ripper of an episode for you today. Do you ever get caught up in a deep scroll and suddenly realise you’re in a very “niche” part of the internet? Whether it’s slime content, mini kitchens, babies saying the F word, or maybe somewhere a bit darker... like last week’s episode, I found Nick, who is a collector of human remains and artefacts. Now my algorithm is pretty strange, I go to some weird and wonderful places. And something which really caught my eye recently was “professional slap” videos. The clips have been going viral, they’re so brutal. I went into an absolute worm hole with these videos… and someone who really stood out to me was a guy named Brian Ellis – AKA The Predator. I reached out on Instagram, and within a few days we were sitting down for a chat. I am over the moon to be able to share with you our conversation. Despite his nickname, Brian is so lovely – and incredibly talented. So without further ado… here’s Brian…Follow Brian on...INSTAGRAM:TIKTOK: bellis8pbpCheck out the official Power Slap account hereGet in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM:
  • 21. Collector of the Macabre

    My guest today is Nick Bowman, a collector and merchant of the macabre. And when I say macabre, some of the pieces we talk about, genuinely caught me off guard. But Nick was so lovely and so open, and I think he explained his fascination with these artifacts really well. Like he says in our chat – it’s not for everyone, nor is he trying to push this interest on anyone. Nick was really keen to bust some myths as there’s a lot of misconceptions about the collecting world – especially when you’re dealing with human body parts. We talk about everything from the practicalities of collecting and the ethics, to Nick’s private collection and to those big ticket items he would love to get his hands on. I do want to put in a disclaimer here – as I said we do talk about some pretty dark and heavy topics. You really are in for a treat, Nick’s great and this is such a fascinating conversation. So without further ado – let’s dive in….Contact Nick on..INSTAGRAM: @nickchopper_Get in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM:
  • 19. A Salty History

    Today we’re looking into the history of… salt.You’re probably thinking... WHY? They’re just tiny white crystals that you sprinkle on your chips - and you’re right, salt makes stuff taste.. glorious! But did you know it played a crucial role in shaping human civilization? Strap in because I’m about to knock your socks off!     Get in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM: #history #podcast
  • 18. Burlesque Performer - Fou Fou Kaboom

    Cute as a fluffy bunny, energetic as Tigger on speed and single-minded as a sex-starved sailor on leave (I stole that from her website) it’s the one… the only... Fou Fou Kaboom!I was lucky enough to see the UK's Burlesque Idol of 2022 in action before we sat down and had a chat, and let me tell you - she's one ridiculously talented human being. We speak about a lot of stuff – from the history of Burlesque and Fou Fou’s introduction to the artform, to her creative process, being a woman in the entertainment industry and misconceptions about the scene.I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. Follow Fou Fou Kaboom here:INSTAGRAM: @foufou.kaboomWEBSITE: by @atomic.tangerineCheck out the Courtesan here: @courtesanbrixtonGet in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM: #interview #burlesque #history #dance
  • 17. Raëlian Movement

    Today we're going back to a conversation I had in 2021 with Peter Heaven, a Level 4 guide within the Raëlian Movement. If you've never heard of this community, you are certainly in for a treat.The Raëlian Church was founded in the 1970s by French race-car journalist, Maitreya Rael after an extraordinary encounter with a human being from another planet.At the time of this conversation we were in the depth of a Covid 19 lockdown, and death was a major topic around the globe. I found this conversation quite comforting, and incredibly interesting.I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Peter, and I really hope you do to.With thanks to our guest: Peter HeavenRead more about Raëlism by following the link below 👇 The Message HEREGet in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM: #aliens #podcast #interview #death #life
  • 16. Clowns

    The inspiration behind today’s episode is a bit strange actually. I’ve been working at this amazing therapeutic school in London, and there’s this park nearby.. which was once a grave yard. And there lies a very famous pantomime clown named – Joseph Grimaldi. He passed away in 1837, but was the most popular English entertainer of the Regency era. As a tribute they put in this interactive installation where you can actually dance on his grave – it’s a bit dark, but I really love it. And it got me thinking, because I don’t really know much about clowns – well until now.. Get in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM: #clowns #history #fascinating #creepy
  • 15. The Croc Lady

    Well G'day! This could be THE most Australian story you’ve ever heard. A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to have a chat with the ICONIC Vicki Lowing – AKA The Croc Lady. It's still one of my favourite conversations to date, so I thought we'd take a peak back in history and re-visit it. Enjoy!Get in touch if you'd like to suggest an idea for an episode or just to say G'day <3INSTAGRAM: #interview #croclady #wildlife #Australia