
Dumpster Talk
I’m tripping balls… and so is my anus.
Ep. 31
Josh Slater joins in on the fun. Lots of laughs while chatting about awkward comedy TV Shows, Jelly Belly's, A.I. saving humanity, the sad reality of pigeons, Roadhouse (2024), sexy Jake Gyllenhaal, MANGO and an extra special recap of Slater's spiritual escape to Peru to trip balls.
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30. Touched by Gary Busey
01:25:31||Ep. 30Join the fellas while they chat about underage drinking, today's latest scams, Gary Busey getting handsy in a Mexican pool and 'Date Night' with Macho Man, Eric Bana & Christopher Walken. Plus a bunch of other nonsense of course.... If there's anything you'd like to get Justin "Baloney Jones" MacDonald's opinion on, then you should totally fire off a sweet email to info@dumpstertalk.comAlso, take a damn minute to Subscribe, Rate & Share with all your Friends!www.dumpstertalk.com29. Ridin' With Daddy
02:12:16||Ep. 29Recapping all the wonderful places McD has been travelling to, Scotland, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, England, NYC.... most people enjoy these places! Get ready to hear what good old Baloney Jones has to say about them. Also lots of fun chatting about indie wrestling and answering Date Night questions.If there's anything you'd like to get McD's opinion on, then you should totally fire off a sweet email to info@dumpstertalk.comAnd take a damn minute to please Subscribe, Rate & Share with all your Friends!www.dumpstertalk.com28. Date Night: A Tough Level
01:30:38||Ep. 28Well it's 2023... the fellas are back! A mountain of fun things to hear about in this one. McD's trip to Cuba, food, guided tours, a good ol' fashioned walk home in Oshawa, which obviously results in a smashed phone... Why DOES everyone hate McD so much? These ding-dongs prove they have very little knowledge on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, vaping, simulation theory, the best noises, fav presidents and more! Also, can you guess which of them never had any hopes and dreams growing up? I bet you can...If there's anything you'd like to get McD's opinion on, then you should totally fire off a sweet email to info@dumpstertalk.comAnd take a damn minute to please Subscribe, Rate & Share with all your Friends!27. Dusty Bibles Lead to Dirty Livin'
01:33:44||Ep. 27Two in a Month!?!?! It's a Christmas Miracle! The fellas got their shit together to squeeze in one more before the end of the year, and even brought along a guest! Nate Shelton from the GeekCentric Podcast joins Mikesmith and McD for a festive holiday special! Come get merry about topics like the terms 'Geek' 'Nerd' 'Dork' 'Dweeb' & 'Spaz', bringing back practical jokes, McD's hatred of Christmas, buying extended family gifts, Halloween.., Nate hosts a quiz game!!! And of course a bunch of other random trash talk as perusual... If there's anything you'd like to get these ding dong's opinion on, then you should totally fire off a sweet email to info@dumpstertalk.comPlease Subscribe, Rate & Share with all your Friends!www.dumpstertalk.com26. The most edited episode yet. Somehow this is all the best parts...
01:04:33||Ep. 26Brought a guest and we're all a mess... so of course we go deep into the world's most important topics like men's jewelry, BEDMAS, McD giving his dad super, Hulk sized green CGI bangers, some really REALLY bad impressions, some bad top fives... and somehow we made it to an ending. (Note to self: I think we need to be recording well before everyone is this bombed. What do y'all think?)If there's anything you'd like to get these ding dong's opinion on, then you should totally fire off a sweet email to info@dumpstertalk.comPlease Subscribe, Rate & Share with all your Friends!www.dumpstertalk.com25. $7k on Firefighter School, and all I got was this Lousy Podcast
02:03:36||Ep. 25McD went to Firefighter School in Austin, Texas. We know you want to hear all about how it went. So he "made some notes" and then tried to tell a cohesive story about the whole experience. Pop this on to hear about "The Chief" giving the group some high value life lessons.... hammered in the middle of the night, McD almost dying, some other guy almost dying and other hellish times ol' Baloney Jones had while down in 'murica. There's also a collection of other dumb stories recounted at the end of this because hey! It's been a while right? If there's anything you'd like to get these ding dong's opinion on, please fire off a sweet email to info@dumpstertalk.comPlease Subscribe, Rate & Share with all your Friends! www.dumpstertalk.com24. I Shove It Into My Face and I Rub My Hand All Over
01:32:06||Ep. 24A whole two years wrapped up into one mediocre return from the depths of the ongoing pandemic. The fellas sit around the table after a couple bowls of loud mouth soup discussing some current events, some not so current events, and of course issue some loose promises of sending out T-Shirts.Shoot a couple questions/thoughts over to and see if one actually gets sent to you!Please Rate, Share & Subscribe!You can also follow these dill weeds on all your favourite social sites, @dumpstertalkwww.dumpstertalk.comZjUCL1AyP2EAma7gifsBEpisode 23 – Excuse Me Sir, Will You Buy Me a Shotgun?
02:05:52|Another first Friday of the month is upon us and thus comes another Episode with Mikesmith and Justin “Baloney Jones” MacDonald. The fellas announce the winners of the “Would You Rather?” contest, as well as chats about Cider, Apples, Security Guards, Killing Mice, Celebrity Endorsed Food Appliances, Hulk Hogan's Sex Tape, Agnostic or Atheist, The Bible Belt, The Drinking Age, Live Backing Tracks, “I am Gwad”, Centaur vs. Faunus, More Fingers vs. More Toes, Newton & Toot, Getting Unwanted Things in Your Snacks, Hot Tubs and of course a whole whack load of piss breaks… Please Rate, Share & Subscribe! Also follow @dumpstertalk on all your favourite social sites. #thiswillneverwork