

Drunk Women Solving Crime


Season 1
Important announcement regarding the residency shows of 2024.... Due to circumstances beyond our control, the last residency at 21Soho will be on February 6th.  After that DWSC are switching to The Museum of Comedy for the shows in March, April, May and June.  Anyone already holding a ticket should have been contacted by 21Soho and offered a refund, if this hasn't happened, then please email  To purchase tickets for the new shows at The Museum of Comedy, please go to  Please listen to the announcement for further details and accept our apologies for this less-than-ideal situation.  All our love,

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  • COMING UP NEXT EP ...Ronni Ancona

    The next episode of DWSC is LIT! Not least because the one and only Ronni Ancona took to the stage at our latest London Residency show. Find out what went down on Wednesday (or Tuesday via Patreon) , and have this little nugget in the meantime... Come and see Taylor and Hannah LIVE! They will be at Ventnor Fringe on 26th and 27th July 2024 At this year's London Podcast Festival, mashing with The Ghost Huns Podcast to bring you Drunk Huns Solving Ghosts AND tickets are now on sale for their double header Christmas Show at The Brighton Komedia on 16th December 2024 All details and ticket links can be found here - Drunk Women Solving Crime - The UK's hit true crime comedy podcast
  • 296. 296: A Fishy Tale from Samira Banks

    In today's episode, Taylor and Hannah are joined by award winning comedian, Samira Banks, who tells us about a criminal spree where we learn the value of having a cow close by, and that some criminals can have an attack of empathy for their targets. The gang then gets involved in a crime which may (or may not), change your view of men - for better, or worse.And as always, we hear from a listener whose crime perhaps involves some of the youngest perps in the business. You can also support the show on Patreon, and for as little as £3 a month, have access to ad free episodes, bonus content, live zoom records AND be the subject of one of Taylor's incredible shout outs - Drunk Women Solving Crime | creating Podcasts | Patreon
  • COMING UP NEXT EP...With Samira Banks

    Well, lookie here, it's only a sneaky sample of what we can expect from this week's episode with the fantastic, award winning comic, Samira Banks. Catch the full podcast from Wednesday, OR available from Tuesday via our Patreon!
  • 295. 295 LIVE ZOOM: With Abby Wambaugh

    In this week's episode of DWSC, we get to see what happened when comedian Abby Wambaugh joined the live zoom, avidly watched - and aided - by our audience of patrons.Abby opened the show with a story about a flighty man called 'Noel', and showing off some promise for her Birmingham accent, before adding some artistic license to solve a crime, which just happens to be the 2nd largest heist in US history! We then hear from one of our watching patrons, whose story certainly disproves the notion of French being the international language of love. You can also support the show on Patreon, and for as little as £3 a month, have access to ad free episodes, bonus content, live zoom records AND be the subject of one of Taylor's incredible shout outs - Drunk Women Solving Crime | creating Podcasts | Patreon
  • COMING UP NEXT EP ... With Abby Wambaugh

    If you're already curious about what happened at our live Patreon zoom with the glorious Abby Wambaugh, then here's something to tickle your fancy until Wednesday's full ep - available 24hours earlier on Patreon. 
  • 294 Foxy Holes, with Shannon Kyle

    In today's epic ep, we're joined by best-selling ghost writer, Shannon Kyle, whose personal crime story is one not even she could have made up, plus it also reveals some very strong views on sweatpants.The gang then delve deeply into a scandal that rocked a sleepy town at the turn of the last century, and just goes to prove that today's trolls have nothing on what was going on back then.Finally we have a crime from a listener, which gives us all hope that the A-Team will one day help us get the vengeance we deserve.You can also support the show on Patreon, and for as little as £3 a month, have access to ad free episodes, bonus content, live zoom records AND be the subject of one of Taylor's incredible shout outs - Drunk Women Solving Crime | creating Podcasts | Patreon
  • COMING UP NEXT EP ...Shannon Kyle

    If Wednesday feels a long way to wait till the next feast of an episode, why not enjoy this amuse-bouche of when Hannah and Taylor were joined by best selling ghost writer Shannon Kyle....Don't forget, you can join our Patreon and get the latest ep in your ears a whole 24 hours earlier!
  • 293 DWSC LIVE: With Micky Overman

    It's another wild and unleashed episode of DWSC LIVE and joining Taylor and Hannah for the hi jinks is the incredible comedian, Micky Overman! Micky starts with a crime story which may sound familiar to regular listeners, but having the local insight could have solved this conundrum for a former guest. The team then discharges all crime solving forces in their power to get to the bottom of a very spooky entrepreneur's side hustle. And finally, we hear from a member of the audience who can spin a yarn with the best of them.You can also support the show on Patreon, and for as little as £3 a month, have access to ad free episodes, bonus content, live zoom records AND be the subject of one of Taylor's incredible shout outs - Drunk Women Solving Crime | creating Podcasts | Patreon
  • COMING UP NEXT EP ...Micky Overman

    Catch a glimpse of the next episode with the glorious Micky Overman! Ready for your ears on Wednesday, or on Tuesday via our Patreon.