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Dr. Isabel MD Inspires

How to Cure Constipation Naturally

In today’s coaching session, we are going to learn about HOW TO CURE CONSTIPATION Naturally.

People usually come to the doctor for pills to cure their constipation, but today, I’m going to coach you how to cure it naturally.

Fact is, the regular poo is around 30cm long which is about 12 inches, with a diameter that needs to be from the index finger to the thumb.

You should be regularly moving your bowels at least once a day or if you can’t poo a whole one like this, then you want to make sure that it’s at least half, twice a day.

Now let’s cure constipation!

1. Drink enough water. 7-9 glasses a day.

2. Take magnesium citrate. Most of us are magnesium deficient because of stress, processed food, sugars and we don’t eat enough greens.

• Make sure you’re eating your:

o Nuts

o Beans

o Greens

o Take 200-1000mg of magnesium citrate a night. This will help you sleep better too! Once you get to the point of having loose stools or diarrhea, then back off by 200mg.

For instance, you can start off with 400mg one night. The next night, if you don’t get diarrhea or loose stools then what you want to do that night is take 600mg. The next day, if you start having loose stools then you know you back down to about 400 again and just kind of play with maybe 400-500mg a night.

However, if you’re still not having good 30cm stools, one foot, or half of that twice a day, index to thumb, then you want to bump it up to 800mg. Again, keep on increasing up by 200 until you get loose stools.

3. Fiber. 50 grams day. The best fiber is beans, nuts, seeds, greens and low GI fruits. Also, put in some chia seeds or flaxseed. Make sure your flaxseed seeds aren’t ground yet because it goes rancid easily.

Just grind them yourself in a coffee grinder when you need them. You can put them in smoothies, in your breakfast, lunch, cereal, and in your salad.

4. Oils. This will keep our gastrointestinal tract nice and greased up like a well lubricated machine.

• Good saturated oils are:

o Coconut oil

o Fish fat like salmon or sardines

o Extra virgin olive oil

o Organic butter

5. Exercise.

• Brisk walk for 20 minutes a day or even get a rebounder and bounce on it for 10 minutes.

6. Probiotic. This will clean and repair your gut.

7. Vitamin C. At least 2000-4000 grams a day to help keep you flowing nicely.

Here are foods to avoid:

1. Gluten

2. Dairy

3. Low fat diet

These are medications that cause constipation:

1. Antibiotics

2. Calcium channel blockers

3. Anti-depressants

Understand that you’re a special recipe and with the things we’ve learned today, you can now craft the perfect amount of the above ideas to create your perfect poo and help prevent colon cancer.


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I recommend that it's locally grown and organic. If you can afford organics, great, if you can't, what you can do is you can fill up your greens into the basin, into your sink, put some water, fill it up with water, and 30 mils of apple cider vinegar or 30 mils of white vinegar, little bit of salt. Swish it around and let it sit there for 20 minutes. Then rinse it and dry it off and that's as close as you're going to get as getting the toxins off your greens.Now, you want to have abundant amounts of vegetables. Because you know what? Your greens are your main meal. you want to have three to four servings. Each serving is one palm. One serving, sorry, one serving is three to four palms. You can have three to four of those servings at each meal. It's not going to hurt you, because it's been beautiful, beautiful nutrition. Its got fiber, and its got beautiful carbohydrate.I want you to understand that your vegetables are actually your carbohydrates, okay? They're your carbohydrates. A lot of people don't understand that, but you do now. The next level is you want to have your meat, fish, fowl, which is your birds, or your eggs. The amount of that is your palm without the fingers, and that's one serving.The reason you want to have the meat, the fish, the fowl and the eggs is because it's got two beautiful things. One is it's got saturated fats. Saturated fat actually give you energy. I don't want you to be afraid of saturated fats. Saturated fats are good for you. They also decrease your hunger by telling your hormones in your stomach to talk to your brain to say, "You know what, I'm full. I don't need to keep on eating." The saturated fats actually help repair your hormones.Then the protein in the meat, the fish, the fowl and the eggs is important to build muscle. Because you got to have muscle, because muscle helps burn fat. You know what? The more toned muscle you have on your body, the more physiologically younger you are. You can actually be 15 years younger than your current age in your physiology, if you have enough strong muscle, and you've got low body fat. Isn't that amazing?Let's say you were 40. You could actually have the body, the inside body of a 25 year old. How does that feel? Or you can be 60 and have the physiological body of a 45 year old. Sounds good to me. Those are my goals.Now, make sure that your meat, fish, fowl and eggs are local, grass fed and organic if you can afford it. The next level is your healthy fats. Because fats are good for you, but we've got to be eating the right fats. Now, the fats that I'm recommending are the fats that are not your vegetable oils, like your corn and your canola or your sunflower, safflower or soybean oil. Those are vegetable oils, no good. Or your trans fats. Now, those are anything that's hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, get kicked out because they cause oxidative stress and they age you.These are the fats that are good for you. Things like butter, grass fed. Coconut oil or ghee, Olive oil, extra virgin olive oil for your salad, and source it locally so you know you're getting the real deal. Avocados, beautiful beautiful fat. Olives; green, black, lots of olives out there. But watch out for those pips because you can crunch down on them and break a tooth. I've done that before. Then you can eat raw nuts. Raw nuts, not roasted, not salted, raw. Things like macadamia. Let me see, what do we have in our cupboard? We've got macadamia, pecan, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, just to name a few, and raw seeds. Like your sunflower, your chia seeds, your sesame seeds, your flaxseed.Remember when you're going to eat your flaxseed, if you need to grind it up, buy them whole and grind them up by yourself in the coffee grinder. Don't buy them already ground up because they become oxidized and rancid and that's no good. You're wasting your money. So, buy them whole. The other healthy fat that's good for you is nut butters. You can actually make your nut butters in your kitchen; almond butter, macadamia butter, beautiful, beautiful nut butters.The reason you want to eat your healthy fats freely is because they give you energy and they decrease your hunger. Now, here at Doctoronamission, we're learning how not to be fat to phobics. Now, when we say that, we're talking about not being afraid of eating the right fats. So, don't be afraid of eating the good fats, okay? You have permission to eat good fats.The next level of the pyramid is, I label it moderation. What I want you to eat in moderation are high fiber carbohydrates, which I will explain what they are, and high fat dairy. The high fiber carbohydrates. Those are really good for you because fiber actually fills you up, it stabilizes your blood sugar and helps you have good bowel movements, which we love doing here, because we will not be having colon cancer, right? Right.The high fiber carbohydrates are things like quinoa, steel cut oats, and barley. Also, include beans, any kind of beans. black beans, lentil beans, chickpeas, red beans, chili beans, on and on and on. Next is your low GI fruits. Those I recommend should be locally grown and in season. Now, off the top of my head, low GI fruits are all your berries like your blueberries, your blackberries, your boysenberries, your apples, your kiwi fruit. Let me see, your grapefruit and I believe, oh yeah coconut, but raw coconut.The next is boiled kumera Now, you know I live here in New Zealand, so sweet potatoes are called kumera but in the rest of the world, sweet potato. So, boiled kumera or sweet potato. When you bake it, it actually has a higher sugar level. So, boil it is the best. The next are your whole grains. Whole grains like brown rice, black rice, Basmati rice and couscous. Then your high fat dairy.Now, the amount that you shouldn't, you should not exceed more than a half a cup of these combined at each meal, okay? Half a cup, that's all you get, okay? All right, now we go to the treats. Hence the reason why we're amongst the grapes. Treats, got to have treats. Golly, gosh, if I don't have a treat, I go crazy. I get more curls and I don't really need any more curls.The treats are red wine. If you're going to drink, red wine is the best because it's got beautiful antioxidants in the form of resveratrol, and it helps beef up your mitochondria. As you know, the mitochondria is your powerhouse engine that gets you going and keeps you young and strong.However, we need to discuss how much red wine I am recommending as a treat. If you don't drink, don't start. There's too much alcoholism in this world and I don't need to encourage you to do that. However, if you do drink, red wine is the best, and no more than three glasses a week.Now, here's a question, how many glasses of wine are there in one bottle of wine? Did you say two glasses of wine in one bottle? Did I hear you say four glasses of wine in a bottle? I'm sorry, don't throw tomatoes at me, but there are 7.2 standard drinks of wine in one bottle of wine. So, no more than three glasses a week, okay? All right. And then also, another treat is dark chocolate. Now, the dark chocolate is best if it's greater than 70% dark chocolate. The reason is because the higher the dark chocolate content, the less the sugar.Dark chocolate is beautiful. It's a lovely antioxidant that keeps us young and healthy. To recap this food pyramid, the bottom level is vegetables. The next tier is your meat, your fish, your fowl and your eggs. The next is your healthy fats. The next is moderation, and then the tippy top is your treats; red wine and dark chocolate.I hope that helps clear up a lot of the confusion about what we should be eating. Because I know I was confused. That's why I put this together because you let me know your pain points, and I appreciate that. Until next time, let's go out there, let's make a positive difference. Let's love unconditionally and let's forgive fast. Talk to you later. Bye bye.
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