
Don't Stop Us Now! Podcast

Authentic stories and practical advice from awesome, innovative women around the globe.

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  • 187. Recipe for Resilience and Growth - Dr Jacinta Jiménez

    Here we are halfway through the year and if you’re anything like the amazing people we work with in our programs and coaching, many of you are feeling like it's been a real slog. Combine that with what’s going on in the world, and with the fact that hybrid working can make you feel more isolated and alone, we thought it timely to invite back on the show a very popular guest who happens to be a Stanford-trained psychologist, burnout expert, award winning author, and an amazing executive leadership coach, Dr Jacinta Jiménez.We last featured Dr Jacinta on the show shortly after her award winning book, The Burnout Fix was published. Because we’re now seeing more, not less, burnout these days we’re so happy we were able to secure a window in Jacinta’s diary to hear the latest on wellbeing and taking care of ourselves and our teams at work.You’ll hear:How Dr Jacinta herself has had to come back from multiple operations including neurosurgery just last December which led to her having an unplanned stint in ICUHer take on the importance of giving ourselves time to reflect, integrate and recuperate, whether we’ve been sick or notHow you’re not alone in feeling isolated as Dr Jacinta calls out a ‘Connection Crisis’ happening to us all,And the practical things you can do if you’re feeling stretched too thin or burnt outEnjoy this enriching conversation with the wise and compassionate Dr Jacinta Jiminez.Useful LinksOur first interview with Jacinta - Fixing BurnoutJacinta’s websiteJacinta on Linkedin

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  • 186. Celebrating 6 Years: Epic Global Birthday Special

    Holy Dooley - we are now 6 years old!!! To celebrate this epic milestone for the show, we are taking the equivalent of a First Class Round the World ticket to hear from the most amazing, impactful and wise guests - all in this one episode! From the UK’s House of Lords, to the woman who has been declared as being responsible for creating the most exciting constitutional democracy in the world. From a global design icon and author to an internationally recognised and lauded Social Entrepreneur from Ethiopia. We hear from our very oldest (and wisest) guest at 92 and also our very youngest guest (mid 20’s) both on starting a business. And what different experiences they had some 70 years apart! There’s so much in here it’s hard to summarise so just a few of the things you will hear include: Advice from a non techy tech veteran on how all of us can, and need to, become meaningfully involved in tech How the world’s first non binary Government Minister and the world’s most recognised leader of enhancing democracy against authoritarianism, Audrey Tang, thinks about her role How a seasoned entrepreneur and philanthropist in the Americas believes women need to advocate much more strongly for themselves when it comes to negotiating; What to think about before you start your side hustle or startup; and   We hear from Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jennifer Aaker and her co-author colleague, Naomi Bagdonas, on how important it is for us all to lighten up a little. Our aim is that this celebration episode will brighten and lighten your day. So without further ado wish us Happy Birthday and enjoy this blockbuster episode!Useful LinksTrailer for feature documentary ‘Good Enough Ancestor’ about Audrey TangCurious to learn more? Check out our full interviews with our featured guests:Full episode with Martha Lane FoxFull episode with Audrey TangFull episode with June Dally WatkinsFull episode with Brukty TigabuFull episode with Margarita HerdociaFull episode with Sophia AthasFull episode with Debbie MillmanFull episode with Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas
  • 185. Wondering What Next? Greta’s Unique Listening Tour

    Our episode this week looks at an under-appreciated concept for reflecting on, and gaining new insights for your next career step or business idea.We go on a journey with Claire to learn about a ‘World Listening Tour’ that Greta did some years back. She had decided to leave her intense role at (RED) and wasn’t sure what she wanted to do next, nor even which country she should live in!This dilemma about what next prompted Greta to put together her very own listening tour to learn what had been happening in the world outside the bubble of her all-absorbing (RED) role, as well as discover what other interesting things were happening in the space she was interested in.  At the same time, she figured, she’d also get a ‘feel’ for whether she’d want to live in particular cities or not. In this unique episode we share:What a Listening Tour isWhat Greta wanted from her ‘World Listening Tour’ How she secured her meetings, sometimes with amazing people  What you need to consider to have your own successful listening tour, andHow you can have one these days without leaving home. What we love about the concept of a Listening Tour is that there’s no limit to the kind of topics or themes you might want to explore. And, as you’ll discover, through curious and well prepared conversations with contacts and strangers, a lot of insight can come. Perhaps a Listening Tour is exactly what you need now? Enjoy this episode! 
  • 184. Creative Journeyer - Elizabeth Eastland

    Our episode this week features a woman who has one of the most unique backgrounds and skill sets we’ve come across. Elizabeth Eastland is a full time artist these days, however her career prior to the last few years centred around leadership roles in global corporates and academia focussed on technology,  innovation and entrepreneurship. Liz is a Canadian Australian now based in Sydney, however her career has taken her from North America to Australia and Paris and back to Sydney. She’s been a CEO of a telco startup, held a global role at telco giant Alcatel, and she’s headed up innovation and entrepreneurship programs for two universities, the University of Wollongong and the University of NSW.  What’s so fascinating about Liz is that right from the start she embraced and studied two disciplines: art (initially creative writing) and science, and she’s continued this duality right throughout her executive career. It’s not surprising to learn her father was a rocket scientist and her mother an artist and designer. Plus Liz herself has at least 3 degrees. In this intriguing conversation you’ll hear: Liz’s reaction when she was transferred to Australia at age 28How Liz’s multi disciplinary background has given her unique perspectives on what it takes to be truly innovativeHow a planned nine month, mid career break turned into a four year voyage sailing around the MediterraneanHow Liz was effectively responsible for the innovation strategy of a whole nation in one of her roles; and Liz’s surprising, yet super refreshing, definition of success for herself. Enjoy this fascinating conversation with the creative and uber-disciplined Elizabeth Eastland. Useful Links:Elizabeth Eastland website (including details of her May 2024 art exhibition)
  • 183. AI Visionary - Lee Yearsley

    Every now and then we meet with a guest who blows us away by the scale and worthiness of their vision. And there’s no doubting this week’s guest is one of those. Lee Yearsley is an AI veteran and entrepreneur with a unique track record that speaks to her skill of anticipating the future. Raised in Zimbabwe and South Africa, Lee sold her last AI company 10 years ago to IBM. It was the first company in the world to deploy AI in businesses such as banks, insurance companies and health care. And now Lee’s at it again channelling her philosophy of building a global AI company that the world will need, not today, but in 5 years time. Her vision is big; she wants to reach more than 100 million customers worldwide. Lee’s business is called Akin and her determination to use technology for good has seen her incorporate as a public benefit corporation (that’s an American legal entity that embeds a business model that benefits both shareholders and society). Akin is bringing a new and more advanced type of AI to market, called Adaptive Reasoning. It already has customers ranging from NASA to healthcare companies with disabled clients.Now despite the fact Lee has a track record of founding and exiting several businesses, she shares with us just how difficult it is to raise funding as a female founder. In this episode you’ll hear how: Lee was positively dissuaded, if not barred, from studying computer science at Uni because she was a woman She says she ignores the accepted wisdom of how to build a successful startup and that others should ignore it tooPervasive AI systems already are and how much they’re influencing the decisions we make in a negative way; and The creative and unique way Lee goes about envisioning, building and growing her business. We were lucky to spend time with Lee after she spoke at the Impact Investment Summit in Sydney recently. Enjoy this episode with the visionary and genuinely pioneering Lee Yearsley. Useful LinksAkin AILee on LinkedIn
  • 182. How to Manage Up

    Ever had a boss who made life difficult? We have good news as this week’s show is one of our regular ‘How To’ episodes where we focus on a common career challenge; and our episode this week is all about How to Manage Up. Many of us have been there, that experience of frustration with a manager who just doesn't seem to get it for whatever reason. Maybe they're a little too hands-off and leave you floundering for direction, or maybe they're the complete opposite, a controlling micromanager who wants to be across every tiny detail.We certainly know what that feels like, and if you’re in that position right now, we feel for you. More importantly, this episode is especially for you! In this episode you’ll hear how to:Influence your manager: We'll share strategies on how to effectively communicate your ideas and get buy-in for your projectsGet the credit you deserve:  No more feeling like your contributions are going unnoticed! You’ll learn actionable tips to ensure your hard work gets the recognition it deserves; and . . .What to do when you’re being micromanaged: and how to manage it in a professional and respectful wayNo one sets out to be a bad boss but sadly sometimes it happens, often due to insecurity or a lack of trust. Knowing what to do when you find yourself in this situation is invaluable, so don’t miss this episode! Useful LinkLink to Trust Equation
  • 181. Woman in a Hurry - Marisa Warren

    If you’ve got a dream but don’t think you’re qualified to get there, think again. Our amazing guest today, venture capitalist Marisa Warren, is best described as a driven woman in a hurry. She’s never let a lack of experience stop her from chasing her goals. Marisa is co-founder and Managing Partner of a unique venture capital firm called Aliavia. Aliavia is a California based firm focused on early stage investments backing female founders in both the U.S. and Australia. Marisa has grown up in tech, spending the first 18 years of her career in enterprise software sales. She was in such a hurry to start working she ignored her parents’ urging to go to university and struck out to make her own path, starting in Sydney. In this episode you’ll hear how:How Marisa survives challenging times including being made redundant from big corporates on 3 separate occasions  What happened in a New York elevator when she met the Australian voice behind Siri Marisa’s advice to female founders to flip the power dynamic with investorsAnd, the differences she sees between Australian and American female founders. For transparency we want to share that we are investors in Aliavia’s first fund and are big supporters of the investment purpose that combines supporting women founders and building incredible businesses. Enjoy this episode with the driven and admirably impatient Marisa Warren. Useful LinksAliavia VenturesMarisa on LinkedIn