
Did you take the bins out?

In the chaos of their lives Matty & Bella have struggled to make time for each other, so once a week they have a shot of their choice, hit record and unpack the week that was.

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  • 1. Episode 1 - Swearing kids, cake fails, netball & the hospital.

    In this episode we'll hear what swear word is the one of choice for the 5 year old, how Michelle's first netball training went, why Matty was in hospital for a week and how that ruined a birthday cake.
  • Episode 0 - The Pilot

    THE PILOT - when we recorded this we didn't have a name or a structure for the pod. Enjoy as we fumble and bumble our way through the pilot of Did You Take The Bins Out?
  • Did You Take The Bins Out Teaser

    Matty & Bella record the teaser for Season 1 of 'Did You Take The Bins Out?".