
cover art for Ruby Phoenix Ep. 28: Kings & Kaijus

Dice Will Roll

Ruby Phoenix Ep. 28: Kings & Kaijus


The moment they've been fighting for has been snatched from them. The city they call home has come under siege. The sky turns orange with smoke. And the Radiant Winds are fucking pissed. Our heroes come face to face with a walking natural disaster, and must save the city! Rushing through the streets of Goka, saving civilians and trying to figure out how to solve the colossal foe that seeks to do them harm. For the first time ever... This is a threat the Radiant Winds can't overcome through force! Will they prevail? Or is it curtains for the Radiant Winds?



RESCUE civilians from certain peril! SOLVE long forgotten puzzles with clues you'd discarded! SURVIVE the rampage of the king of the Kaiju!

All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Queerest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the Hard Questions like... Will Derry PLEASE stop singing in episodes?

Content Warnings: Natural Disasters, Widespread loss of life, Bridge collapses, house fires, execution of prisoners, verified OH SHIT moments


Sound by Syrinscape: Because Your Games Deserve Epic Sound

Music by YouFulca

Additional Music by McRo Music

Even More Additional Music by Emdasche

Even More-er Additional Music by Mojimba

Theme Song by Sim @TheSimulacrae



Art by RanaOhara

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  • 1. Kingmaker Ep. 1: Brambles & Bandits

    Enter the Stolen Lands; an untamed wilderness thriving with brigands, beasts and worse. In desperate need of heroes, a call to adventure was put out- unfortunately, no heroes were available to respond, so we just settled for a handful of gay dorks.Join Dice Will Roll in their new campaign, a conversion of the iconic Kingmaker Adventure Path to Pathfinder 2nd Edition for an irreverent journey through modern TTRPG, with adventures spanning from rolling 4 Nat 1's in a row to standing up to the darkest forces of the multiverse. Bandits get bitten. Stew gets crunched. Journeys get started. All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... What's the fastest way to get rid of a Bandit Problem?Discord: Facebook: Twitter: Music Via Owlcat GamesTheme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 LicenseAd Music: Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod
  • 2. Kingmaker Ep. 2: Caverns & Creeps

    Our heroes, Alden Felstad the Half-Orc Fighter, Ichor Eteocles the Human Bard and Kaska Tanavin the Half-Elf Druid (and Issorar the wolf!) start their journey through the Stolen Lands in search of some evil-doers they're hoping to tangle with. However, turns out finding where they went is a little harder than they expected in an uncharted wilderness! Skeletons get investigated. Caves get discovered. Monsters get slain. All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... How do you stop a Kobold from crying? Discord: Facebook: Twitter: Music Via Owlcat GamesTheme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 LicenseAd Music: Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod
  • 3. Kingmaker Ep. 3: Mites & Mayhem

    Deep beneath a haggard old tree, our group of explorers, adventurers and a wolf have found an unlikely friend, and have promised to help him take back what's been stolen from his clan. But things aren't always what they seem, and sometimes, you just gotta fight your way through waves of bugs and other icky creatures before you can continue on your mission to go kick some bandit ass. That's how the saying goes, right?Kobolds go cower. Vermin get sliced. Idols get dethroned. All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... What color is centipede blood, anyway?Discord: Facebook: Twitter: Music Via Owlcat GamesTheme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
  • 4. Kingmaker Ep. 4: Castles & Companions

    After a busy day adventuring, our heroes of the wilds get ready to continue their quest, but come upon a few minor roadblocks which cause them to reconsider their plan of action. And by a few, I mean a single one. And by minor, I mean super major. And by reconsider their plan of action, I mean realize this whole bandit-slaying thing just got a million times more deadly. For our heroes, I mean. Dreams get discussed. Warnings get given. Companions get introduced. All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... is it a problem if I find the grizzled silver fox with an axe to my throat kinda sexy?   Discord: Facebook: Twitter: Kilcela: Heart of Heroes: Via Owlcat GamesTheme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
  • 5. Kingmaker Ep. 5: Thieves & Tales

     Our daring adventurers continue their exploration of the Stolen Lands, their goals shaken after the revelation that there's more to their little brigand busting journey than originally imagined. Putting off their initial plan, they try do a few decidedly less deadly quests while exploring the wilds, only to happen across a few unlikely sources that let them discover more about not only the bandit problem, but the problem bandit himself- the villainous Stag Lord. Jeez, that gave me goosebumps! What a scary dude, huh?  Haunches get munched. Bandits get blasted. Stories get woven.  All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... how can you help a Kobold get over its indigestion?    Discord:  Facebook:  Twitter: Patreon:  Kilcela: Heart of Heroes: Music Via Owlcat Games Theme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Ad Music:  Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
  • 6. Kingmaker Ep. 6: Boggards & Beasts

    Armed with new knowledge of their foes that make them look even more inept than before, our valiant travellers bide their time and venture into the woods in search of a secret lost temple, forgotten through the ages. However, as they make their way through the forests of the Greenbelt, they realize something: the wilderness is a lot wilder than previously anticipated! Uh-oh!  Animals get soothed. Druids fall into pits. Fighters experience Catholic Guilt.  All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... what's the fastest way to calm a raging boar?  Discord:  Facebook:  Twitter: Patreon:  Kilcela: Heart of Heroes: Music Via Owlcat Games Theme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Ad Music:  Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
  • 7. Kingmaker Ep. 7: Ales & Adventurers

    So, a druid, a fighter and a bard walk into a temple, right? And there's a massive bear, yeah? Except it doesn't seem to really be a bear, and it's like, half covered in moss, and is maybe kinda some sort of monster? And then the barkeeper says "Why the long face!" Ha! Regardless, our heroes continue their quests, and get a healthy dose of new quests too, along with some new friends, some new coin, and a lot of booze! Hookups get made. Livers get destroyed. Kingdoms get promised. All this and more in this episode of Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... should I really trust every single zombie that crawls out of a river to give me a quest?   Discord:  Facebook:  Twitter: Patreon:  Kilcela: Heart of Heroes: Music Via Owlcat Games Theme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Ad Music:  Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
  • 8. Kingmaker Ep. 8: Fables & Fey

    Our explorers of the Stolen Lands are on the hunt: they're looking for the monstrous Tatzylwyrm, a snake-like dragon which is rumoured to lurk along the rivers of the Greenbelt! However, as per usual, stuff gets in the way- some tricksters toy with them, they tell each other their pasts, and become closer as friends! But can the power of friendship prepare them for the ghastly discovery that waits in the clearing..? Who's to say? Maybe it will, maybe it won't! It all depends on how the dice roll! Stories get woven. Monsters get hunted. Dread creeps through souls. All this and more in this episode of  Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... how do I get these annoying invisible pranksters to leave me alone? Discord:  Facebook:  Twitter: Patreon:  Kilcela: Heart of Heroes: Music Via Owlcat Games Theme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Ad Music:  Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
  • 9. Kingmaker Ep. 9: Wyrms & Wanderers

    After days of searching through the craggy forests of the Narlmarches, our heroes have finally hunted down their quarry: Tatzylwyrms! Fighting the snake-like dragons at a ford deep in the woods, the party quickly realizes that the poisonous gasps of the Tatzylwyrms are more than enough to be a credible threat to our heroes- why were they on this quest again? Wait, because someone wants to use their heads for interior design? No offence, but is that really worth almost dying over? If I'm going out, I wanna die for a cause, or in some kind of accident, not to be chow for some wannabe wyverns! Bucket lists get checked. Lessons get given. Nightmares plague the sleeping. All this and more in this episode of  Dice Will Roll, the Gayest Pathfinder Podcast on the Planet, where we ask the hard questions like... what are the best berries to brew a potion with? Discord:  Facebook:  Twitter: Patreon:  Kilcela: Heart of Heroes: Music Via Owlcat Games Theme Song: Kick Shock by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Ad Music:  Local Forecast - Elevator, Airport Lounge, Lobby Time and Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast: