
Dancehall Stories
Spreading the Jamaican Culture with Stacia Fya
Season 1, Ep. 14
This week's guest describes herself as 'The Angel of the Land'. Besides being a dancer and choreographer, she is a recording artiste, model, producer, designer, and a lot more. This multi-talented cultural ambassador is no one else than Stacia Fya!
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15. Dance Crews with Omar Cleanstep
31:27||Season 1, Ep. 15In this week's episode, we are talking about dance crews with Omar from Cleanstep Skankaz. How do you maintain good team dynamics? What does the cooperation between different dance crews look like? Why are there so few dance crews with female members?13. Secret Behind Sopreme Blazzaz' Success with Killer Bean
17:42||Season 1, Ep. 13This week's episode is featuring a world-famous dancer Killer Bean who has never lost a battle and who is the leader of Jamaica's biggest dance crew Sopreme Blazzaz . Where does the name Killer Bean from? What does it take to lead a dance crew? How are the members picked? And what are the future aspirations of this great dancer?12. Female Dancehall Today with Mara Jackhammer
14:49||Season 1, Ep. 12How can women have more dancing time at parties? What kind of jobs are available for female dancers? In this week's episode, we are talking about female dancehall in a new skool era with Mara Jackhammer.11. Dancing Outside of Kingston with Overload Skankaz
28:08||Season 1, Ep. 11In this week's episode, members of the Saint Catherine - based dance crew Overload Skankaz share the pros and cons of being from outside of Kingston. What are the challenges that the so called 'country crews' face and how to become successful dancers despite these challenges?10. Dancing with Passion with Happy Feet
28:47||Season 1, Ep. 10In this weeks episode, Happy Feet shares her inspiring story of becoming a dancer and believing in herself.9. Dancehall Image with Shakespear
20:48||Season 1, Ep. 9In this week's episode, we are talking about dancehall image with a dancer Shakespear who is the creator of the famous dance move Rock di World and who stands out wherever he goes with his big glasses. Why is image so important in dancehall? What can a person do to create their own style and stand out? What inspired Shakespear to create his own unique style?8. Balancing Life Between Jamaica and Europe with Rifical Gage
21:31||Season 1, Ep. 8How is it like to live in both Jamaica and Europe? What does it take to balance life between both places? What are the pros and cons of living in Europe? And how is like to be a Jamaican dancer in Europe? In this week's episode, a dancer Rifical Gage is sharing his experiences of living in two different continents.7. Challenges of Being a Dancer with Shorty
37:00||Season 1, Ep. 7Being a dancehall dancer is not easy. In this week's episode, Shorty Dancershine shares how Coronavirus has affected dancers in Jamaica, what kind of struggles females face in dancehall, and how foreigners can support Jamaican dancers among other things.