Dakota Town Hall
Season 5, Ep. 86
We get a First Thunder Fire update from Scott Jacobson, with Public Affairs for Black Hills National Forest. Meet Austin the Producer. H O T T O Goooooooosssssss. Austin Goss from The Dakota Scout is back to prognosticate about leadership, Dusty's petition signing, and a hint about upcoming heat. Trump is for Cannbis. ISO - Victory Gala speaker. Tweets about babies. @AustinGossSD @JakeShoenbeck @DakotaTownHall
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100. 2024 Recap Part 1
58:53||Season 5, Ep. 100Happy Christmas! Welcome to Episode 100! It's Part 1 of our 2-part series covering the biggest stories of 2024. Before that, special guests Dennis Aanenson, Kara Flynn join the show. Dennis Aeneson recently wrote a book called 'Bring It On.' Proceeds partially go to the Children's Home Society of South Dakota. Pat Powers of Dakota War College has a new show you should check out. Pat joins us to recap the biggest stories of 2024. @AuthorDennisAanenson, @JakeSchoenbeck, @SoDakCampaigns @DakotaTownHall99. The Uncle Jimmo Fund
55:58||Season 5, Ep. 99Right before the Rock Garden Tour, we're broadcasting from the Kirby Family Studios at SDPB, downtown Sioux Falls. Friends of SDPB CEO / SDSU game caller Ryan Howlett makes SDPBs funding case, and D13 Rep / Show historian Tony Venhuizen discusses his property tax relief plan. THE Lori Walsh joins. Burger chat ensues. Oh, those pesky culture wars.98. The Budget from Bob's
01:01:23||Season 5, Ep. 98The budget came out and the voucher discussion has officially started. We've got experts! (Thankfully) We chat education with the Head of Public Affairs of the SD Education Association, Sandra Waltman plus the former head of the NAESP / Jake's camp counselor Samantha Waldner. (2023 National Distinguished Principal!) Austin Hot Goss is back to chat leadership, budget, thanks for the hate ratings, and the greatest show in Pierre outside of the Pierre Players, the upcoming Dakota Town Hall Live show @JakeSchoenbeck @AustinGossSD @DakotaTownHall @SandraMWaltman @Swalder797. Whip It Good
53:28||Season 5, Ep. 97We're taking next week off, so this week we Whip It Good with the new Majority Whip, D31's Ramdy Deibert. We discuss committee assignments and the division, or maybe lack of, in GOP leadership. D1's Michael Rohl joins the show to discuss the hot topics of the week in South Dakota. BIll Off 2025 gets early heat with Rohl vs TVH. Taft fat vs Teddy fat.96. Gaetz the Heck Out Of Here
55:00||Season 5, Ep. 96Great weeks for Thune and Noem, as well as the Freedom Caucus end of the SD GOP. D34 Senate Elect Taffy Howard joins the show to discuss the upcoming legislative plans, amd Denise Maher from SD Strong joins to discuss the upcoming event on Dec 13th as well as some healthy Lt Gov speculation. 17 year olds, dude... (allegedly)95. No, Indeed!
56:34||Season 5, Ep. 9547,282 of you aren't very cool. Co-Founder and President of Media1, John Fiksdal joins the show to break down the voter turnout and share some views. Congrats to Tony and HOOOTT Goss for being crowned the Election Calcutta Champs. Schoenbeck pronunciations. Lower turnout than expected in SD. Tight District races. Lt Gov Schoenbeck?! @Fiks, @JakeSchoenbeck, @DakotaTowhHall (Recorded 11-7-24)94. Election Calcutta 2024!
01:28:06||Season 5, Ep. 94It's the Big Show! The largest group of experts to date. We're joined by Show Historian, Rep Tony Venhuizen. D21 Senator Erin Tobin, DWC's Pat Powers, The Dakota Scout's Austin 'HOT' Goss, and SD Searchlight's Seth Tupper. We put numbers to paper and guess the ballot measures and a few district races. Next week we'll pick the winners and losers of the winners and losers. @JakeSchoenbeck, @ErinTobin21, @DakotaTownHall, @Tony_Venhuizen, @SoDakCampaigns, @Murdocj, @AustinGossSD, @SethTupper93. Could We Not Praise the Hitler?
01:14:01||Season 5, Ep. 93Less than 2 weeks out and we hop East and West in the first 2 breaks - From District 5, Glen Vilhauer tried to fill some Schoe's and from D32, Steve Duffy talks about reelection. Yes on G / Yes on 28's Rick Weiland is back to talk about both ballot issues and take some shots. We hop in the Real Talk LeSabre. @JakeSchoenbeck, @DakotaTownHall, @RickWeilandTIB92. Double Schoenbeck with a Twist
58:51||Season 5, Ep. 92Back on the show, the one and only @LeeSchoenbeck is back - We talk about the districts that are down to the wire around the state, and then we get Lee's take on some ballot initiatives and the leadership vote. Is Pennington County the Wuhan Lab of Wingnut? Awkward 40 minutes of music you won't get back. Marked safe from ChemTrails, Thanks Sen Pishke. @JakeSchoenbeck @DakotaTownHall