
Customer Equity Accelerator
Ep. 125 | Learning from Politics: How Momentum Impacts Your Business with Mike Berland of Decode M
This week Mike Berland, Founder and CEO of research, data, and analytics firm Decode M as well as author of the new book MAXIMUM MOMENTUM: How to Get It, How to Keep It joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. Mike and Allison discuss the 5 drivers of momentum, it’s influence on elections, and how momentum can impact the growth trajectory of a business.
"There are 5 drivers of momentum… we talk about disruption, we talk about innovation, we talk about polarization, we talk about sticky issues, and we talk about social impact." - Mike Berland
Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!
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129. Ep. 129 | Next Generation Business Metrics with Jim Deiotte
36:46||Season 1, Ep. 129This week Jim Deiotte, Executive Director of the Master of Professional Accountancy Program at the University of California joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. The program Jim oversees is anchored in emerging data use technologies as well as the practical, legal, and ethical uses and application of data. In this episode Jim and Allison explore the future of business metrics that report on ESG (environment, social, and governance). This episode explores why ESG is more important than ever, the old and new ways of valuing a company, new metrics that provide a lens into ESG, stakeholder engagement, and much more. "I just don’t think enough time has been spent with customers and understanding the value that they can confer. And with the flow of data that’s happening out there right now I think you can really solidify and prove greater portions of value on your customer relationships." - Jim Deiotte Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!128. Ep. 128 | Customer Data Privacy: Who Has The Right To Use It? with Richard Whitt
41:07||Season 1, Ep. 128This week Richard Whitt, President of GLIA Foundation and former Corporate Director of Strategic Initiatives at Google joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. GLIA Foundation’s mission is to better align modern day markets, technology, and political institutions with the greater public good. Richard brings over 30 years of experience in technology, law, policy, and strategy to this conversation about all things data privacy. "There is no data point that’s exactly the same as another data point because the context around it is always different, and that context often gets lost in the data stream when companies are trying to take a look at us." Richard Whitt Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!127. Ep. 127 | Getting To Know Your Customers with Moira McKenna
32:59||Season 1, Ep. 127This week Moira McKenna, VP of Business Development and Customer Success at data onboarding company, joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. Moriah and Allison talk about the data that the technology you use everyday collects, the hidden expense of understanding customer data, humanizing data, and how brands can start leveraging their data as a useful asset. "There is this ability to be empathetic as a brand to your consumer base if you actually understand and use the data well." - Moira McKenna Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!126. Ep. 126 | The New Normal For Retail with Denise Lee Yohn
27:34||Season 1, Ep. 126This week brand leadership expert Denise Lee Yohn joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. Denise is the bestselling author of What Great Brands Do: The Seven Brand-Building Principles that Separate the Best from the Rest and the new book FUSION: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies. Allison and Denise explore an array of topics including the impact of COVID-19 on retail, putting purpose over profits, aligning employee and customer experience, and much more. "I always say that your brand is what you do and how you do it. So as a leader you need to make sure that you are leading your organization in a way that is aligned with your brand vision." - Denise Lee Yohn Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!124. Ep. 124 | How Not to Treat Customers Like Its 1980, Allison Hartsoe, Ambition Data CEO
09:09||Season 1, Ep. 124This week Allison Hartsoe, CEO of Ambition Data talks about why we should not treat customers like it is the 1980s and how to be more forward thinking. In addition, it is product launch week and she will introduce Rubano’s Customer Core. Based on 100s of podcast interviews, dozens of consulting engagements, the Ambition Data team has put all our learnings into one solution while providing the personal guidance you love to achieve customer-centric change. "We’re immensely proud of Rubano and the potential it represents for companies to become closer to their customers, to know them, and innovate for them." - Allison Hartsoe Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!123. Ep. 123 | Customer-driven Data Science with Albertsons Colleen Qiu
36:57||Season 1, Ep. 123This week Colleen Qiu, head of data science at Albertsons, the second-largest grocery store chain in North America joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator. Colleen takes us through several customer-centric data stories from Providian Financial, eBay, Paypal, Chegg, Poshmark, Tesla and of course Albertsons. You will hear how some techniques remain the same and what critical factors create data science success. "At Tesla, Amazon and now Albertsons the customer focus is part of the core strategy from the leadership team." - Colleen Qiu Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!122. Ep. 122 | Lifelong Connections with Consumers with Jeff Nemeth at Ford
34:58||Season 1, Ep. 122This week Jeff Nemeth, Executive Director of Total Ownership Lifecycle Management at Ford Motor Company joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator to talk about consumer trust. While a lot of effort goes into measuring net promoter score and customer voice, Jeff brings it all back to one ingredient, consumer trust. He talks in detail about the consumer experience after the purchase, why you shouldn’t focus on price and how to deduce what value means to your customers. "Trust builds loyalty and loyalty builds customer lifetime value." - Jeff Nemeth Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!121. Ep. 121 | How Loyalty Programs Accelerate Recovery
37:32||Season 1, Ep. 121This week Len Llaguno, Founder of Kyros Insights joins Allison Hartsoe in the Accelerator to talk about the long-term impact of loyalty programs. While most marketers think only about loyalty programs that keep customers coming back, Len fills the gap by thinking about the long-term value so you can have your CFO say, “Yes!” "All loyalty programs have two problems. First, predicting redemptions and second, predicting CLV." - Len Llaguno Please help us spread the word about building your business’ customer equity through effective customer analytics. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa’s TuneIn, iHeartRadio or Spotify. And do tell us what you think by writing Allison at or Thanks for listening! Tell a friend!