
cover art for Bonus Episode - 2020 AOTY Lists

Culture Fear

Bonus Episode - 2020 AOTY Lists

This year has been brilliant for music. So many records have brought joy to myself and my friends over such a strange time.

I chatted to my friend T (who I also play in the band Consolation with) and we went through our ten favourite albums of the year, our favourite banger, the record we listened to most over the year that didn't come out this year as well as those records we found nostalgic comfort in.

There is also an accompanying radio show I have put together on our mixcloud where you can hear a song from each of my favourite records, you can find that here:

If you can't remember the name of a record we talk about or just want to see what our lists are without listening head over to our instagram page @culturefear

Take care, have a great festive period.

Love Sean x

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  • 1. Mini Was A Preteen Arsonist - Martha

    20:07||Season 2, Ep. 1
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