
cover art for Indigo Waves interview - Music from The Wants, Public Body, Joey Maxwell and more.

Crush Club

Indigo Waves interview - Music from The Wants, Public Body, Joey Maxwell and more.

IT’S THE HAT-TRICK: three weeks in a row for the Crush Club! And the haters said it couldn’t be done. But we proved them wrong. We proved them all wrong.

This week we have a veritable smorgasbord of brilliant new music to get you through these tricky times, including: The Wants, Coach Party, Adult Prom and many many more. I know we say this every show, but this really is the best selection of music ever in the history of Western civilisation. It simply is.

Not only that, we also get the scoop on writing music in isolation and some pitch perfect Scottish impressions from the Utah hitmakers Indigo Waves. Frankly, I think it was a tad irresponsible that Rob went all the way to America to get that interview done. Think of all the people he must have come into contact with... But those are just the lengths we go to in order to bring you the best in new music.

Stay Safe. Stay Inside. Stay Crushed.

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  • London's best gigs under a tenner in May 2022

    We're back listeners. Or in the words of Darren, 'we're baaaaaaaack'. That's right. Back to get your feet a tapping and arms a shaking at the thought of brand new live music. In a reboot/refresh/re-something we'll be offering you a smorgasbord of top-notch, bargain-price gigs across the capital. Want to see Pist Idiots for under a tenner? Of course you do. Fancy an all-dayer in Camden for the same price. You're bloody right you do. So listen up to a story about how, your calendar for the next month got turned upside down (and filled with a set of terrifyingly good gigs). Plus the usual nonsense you've come to expect from us in the way of 'chat'.Spotify playlist: us on the socials:
  • A Spring Time New Music Extravaganza

    It’s the first podcast of 2021 people! Yes it’s midway through February but we have been VERY busy with THINGS, so cut us some slack ok? Rob had Covid for god’s sake, get off his sickly back. The wait, as always, will have been more than worth it as bring you twelve of the HOTTEST and SPICIEST new tunes from MONSTER bands such as: Gender Roles, Exit Spells, Alex Amour, Low Hummer, Blanketman, Bored at My Grandma’s House and T. Rexico. Hear for yourself which bands we say “I really wish I could see these guys live” and “Remember gigs? And festivals…” about! It’s all coming up in this week’s MINDBLOWING instalment of the Crush Club – Britain’s only bi-monthly indie rock musical podcast EXTRAVAGANZA!See you in 2022,X

    Is that a new festive episode of the Crush Club in your stocking or are you just pleased to see us?We've all nearly made it to the end of 2020, well done us! There have been some highs (Rob's temperature this week) some lows (pretty much everything else), but it's nearly bloody over. So sit back, open a can of sparkling eggnog and get ready to enjoy some of the best new music from artists like: Roxy Girls, Courting, Lice, FEET, EUT, Coach Party and a bunch more.Whichever tier you find yourself in this holiday, make sure you keep safe and have a very Merry Christmas - maybe next year we can all go see some live music together. Lots of festive love,Crush ClubXOr the emojified version: Is that a new 🌑 festive episode of the Crush 😍 Club ♣️ in your stocking 🧦 or are 👉 you 😀😀😀 just pleased to see 🙈 us?We've all nearly made it 🚮 to the end 🔚 of 2020, well done us! There have 🈶 been some highs 🆙🔆 (Rob's temperature 🤒 this week) some lows 🔅 (pretty much everything else), but it's nearly bloody over. 🤬 So 🆘 sit 💺💺💺 back, ↩️ open 😮 a can of sparkling 🌟 eggnog and get 🉐 ready to enjoy some of the best new 🇳🇨 music 🔣 from artists 🎙 like: 💏 Roxy Girls, 🤷 Courting, 👩‍⚖️ Lice, FEET, 🚶 EUT, Coach Party 🎊 and a bunch more. ➕ Whichever tier you 😊 find 🔎 yourself in this holiday, make sure you 🤟 keep safe and have 🈶 a very Merry Christmas 🎁 - maybe next ⏭ year we 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 can all go see 👁 some live music 🎺 together. Lots of festive love, 💑💘 Crush 😍😍😍 Club ♣️ X

    The world has changed irrevocably since we last put out a podcast. Infection numbers continue to rise, increasingly stringent lockdown procedures have been implemented and, most troublingly of all, I've managed to spill smoothie all inside the motorised part of my smoothie maker and now I can't get rid of the fruit flies in my studio apartment. But some things never change listener. We still have the best up and coming artists in our second ever submission special, including: Szou, BlackStarKids, The Stoned Immaculate, The Kind and so many more. We still have the best banter and incisive comments about nicknames that Rob used to have. We still make a ruddy good new music podcast.WE STILL ROCK.And so do you.

    The people have spoken and we have listened: Crush Club submission special baby! After sifting through quite literally millions of incredible submissions to the show, we are bringing you the hottest, spiciest, most tantalising hits to make your life just that little bit better. You want Tom John Hall? We hear you. A bit of Art Block in your life? No problem. Craving Sleepyboy? Well then get your listening holes around this because over the next 40 minutes or so we have more incredible new artists than you’ll know what to do with. Awesome music, average banter – Crush Club is back in session.
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  • Interviews with Walt Disco & Coach Party. Music from Crack Cloud, Yard Act, Lazarus Kane and more.

    You ravenous bunch of slimy ingrates. You disgusting, clutching, covetous bunch of new musical hounds. Can you not leave us alone for one week? Just one week we want to not make a hit indie podcast full to the brim with brilliant new bands like Crack Cloud, Lazarus Kane and 2nd Grade, but you won’t let us will you?“We need it!” We hear you cry as you claw your way into our rooms in the dead of night. “We need two incredible interviews with Coach Party and Walt Disco! We must find out about their new EPS, their lives in lockdown and the latest news about niche modes of transport in the Isle of Wight!” You hiss, barely distinguishable as human by this point. Well we’ve got them for you. For another week your musical thirst will be sated. You’ve gained a new episode of your favourite new music podcast, but in getting it what have you lost? I hope it was worth it.You sicken us. #likeandsubscribe #5starreviews #tellyourmatesplz
  • Interviews with Gaygirl and Alex Nicol, music from Roxy Girl, On Video, Team Picture & more.

    It’s time to raise the gang plank, climb the mast and swab that poop deck, because the good ship Crush Club is setting sail once more, packed to the gills with a cargo of some of the freshest new music that doubloons can buy!We have shantys this week from: Roxy Girls, Team Picture, Pet Shimmers and many more which are almost guaranteed to shiver the timbers of even the most hardened land lubber. And this week our salty crew is joined for a chat by not one, but two scurvy seadogs in the form of the phenomenal Gaygirl and the fantastic Alex Nicol. We parlay about new albums on the horizon, ways of keeping yourself sane in lockdown and the merits of dunking jaffa cakes. Frankly I think someone should be made to walk the plank for that last one, but there you go… The Boat that Rocked or a Titanic failure? You decide!(disclaimer: we are not a boat and are in fact a new music podcast dedicated to new music discovery. We condemn both piracy and grog in the strongest terms possible)