
cover art for 084: Find Hope

I Cry In Corners

084: Find Hope

This bonus episode, 'Be Hope,' is a message Chari taught at her home church, Hope St Pete. Enjoy. 

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  • 11. 100: Know The Good

    28:30||Season 10, Ep. 11
    In this milestone 100th episode and the season finale of "I Cry In Corners," we reflect on the journey through Galatians, exploring the profound truths Paul shared with the early church. We've unpacked the essence of following Jesus, loving others, and standing firm in the simple gospel amidst external pressures. This episode, inspired by Galatians 6:7-15, delves into the importance of knowing and sowing goodness, resting in God's promises, and deepening our relationship with Him. Join us as we celebrate this incredible journey and continue to seek a clearer understanding of God's framework, magnify Jesus' truth, and attune ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for being a part of this adventure.
  • 10. 099: Know The Fruit

    24:41||Season 10, Ep. 10
    In this episode, Chari is diving into what it means to bear good fruit in our lives. I'll share insights from Galatians 5, where Paul talks about living in the Spirit and producing the fruit of God's Kingdom. We’ll explore the importance of knowing Jesus daily, being rooted in the right spiritual environment, and understanding the fruits we should be producing. Plus, you'll get a sneak peek of my upcoming sermon to close out the Summer on the Mount series. Let's jump in and learn how to cultivate a life that thrives in God’s love and truth.
  • 9. 098: Know The Weaknesses

    23:23||Season 98, Ep. 9
    We are back at it in this new episode, 'Know the Weaknesses!' In our journey through the book of Galatians, we're exploring what it means to live by God’s framework in a culture that doesn't. We've delved deep into Paul’s teachings, urging us to know God intimately amidst the church's and its leaders' imperfections. Join us as we uncover the truths about weaknesses and learn to identify and surrender our weaknesses while embracing our identity in Christ.
  • 8. 097: Know The Law

    23:19||Season 10, Ep. 8
    In today's episode, "Know The Law," we're diving deep into Galatians to unpack the importance of understanding the Law. Paul's got some fire in his belly, urging the Galatians not to swap out grace for a bunch of religious rules. He's reminding them of that epic promise God made to Abraham and why it's still crucial today. Living out this promise means keeping Jesus front and center, sticking close to His teachings, and walking in His humility and love. It's all about staying rooted in Scripture and staying tuned in to the Holy Spirit's guidance. So, let's dig into God's promise, letting His grace mold our lives, and let's be those radiant lights of love in a world starved for truth.
  • 7. 096: Know The Promise

    23:42||Season 10, Ep. 7
    In this episode, "Know The Promise," we're diving into Galatians to explore what it means to have a rock-solid faith. Paul's fired up, urging the Galatians not to ditch grace for religious rules. He reminds them of God's promise to Abraham and why it matters today. Living out this promise means keeping Jesus at the center, following His teachings, and walking in His humility and love. It's about staying true to Scripture and listening to the Holy Spirit. So, let's stay rooted in God's promise, letting His grace shape our lives, and be beacons of love in a world craving truth. Catch you next time, weirdos!
  • 6. 095: Know The Spirit

    28:48||Season 10, Ep. 6
    Hey folks! In this podcast episode, "Know The Spirit," I'm talking about having an unshakable faith, especially when it comes to understanding the Holy Spirit. We're diving into Galatians, where Paul's urging the church to stick to the gospel of grace and not get swayed by legalism.Knowing the Holy Spirit isn't just about having experiences; it's recognizing the Spirit as a person and staying rooted in Jesus and the Scriptures. We tackle how to discern genuine spiritual guidance from counterfeit expressions.Ultimately, it's about abiding by God's goodness and trusting the process of faith, even when life gets tough. So, are you ready to dive into this journey with me? Let's go!
  • 5. 094: Know The Battle

    31:36||Season 10, Ep. 5
    Hey, podcast fam! Today, we're getting real about unshakable faith using Galatians as our guide. Paul's like, "Hold up! Our faith is in Jesus, not in religion or culture." He's all about fighting the right battles—ones that help people know God better. Then, Paul calls out Peter for letting fear mess things up. But he corrects with love, reminding Peter it's all about faith in Jesus, not old rules. So, let's keep our faith strong, pick our battles wisely, and correct with love and grace. It's all about Jesus and His amazing grace.
  • 4. 093: Know Your Role

    23:33||Season 10, Ep. 4
    Hey Fam, In this episode, we journey into Galatians 2 with Paul, exploring his unwavering commitment to Jesus amidst pressure to conform. We are gonna unpack his encounters with leaders in the Jerusalem church and how he stayed grounded in his faith. Through Paul's story, we delve into the importance of knowing our identity, discernment, and purpose—all centered on Jesus. It's a reminder to stand firm in our faith and reflect Christ in everything we do. Have you ever struggled in knowing your identity or purpose? Well, get ready for some clarity.
  • 3. 092: Know God's Timing

    24:54||Season 10, Ep. 3
    Hey fam! Welcome back to another episode of our journey through season 10, where we're all about unlocking the secrets of unshakable faith. Today, we're tackling a topic that's crucial for anyone walking this faith journey: knowing God's timing. Now, in episode 3 of this season, we're zooming in on a part of Paul's story that often gets overlooked. It's all about understanding the timing of God's plans and how that plays out in our lives.Here's the deal: life moves fast, and knowing when to say yes or no, when to act or wait, can be tricky. But it's essential. And that's where wisdom, discernment, and a healthy dose of emotional control come into play. So, in this episode, we're diving deep into Paul's journey and how he navigated God's timing with grace and purpose. We'll unpack how understanding God's timing involves seeking counsel, embracing pauses, and trusting that even in the silent seasons, God is at work. Whether you're in a season of alignment, seeking counsel, or feeling stuck in the silence, know this: God's timing is perfect. He's got a purpose for every season of your life, and He's drawing you closer to Him for His glory. Stay tuned for more insights, more real talk, and more encouragement as we journey together through this season. Love you, weirdos!---for more info on chair visit