
Creating a buzz about health with Paula Carnell

Sharing the connections between bees and mankind

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  • 88. Paula Carnell interviews Tony Rothacker - Episode 88

    In this episode Paula Carnell interviews Tony Rothacker about setting up and running intergenerational programmes on Cocos Keeling Islands. Tony builds bridges between generations.What you will learn from this episode:-🐝 Intergenerational programmes🐝 Using technology for the good of humanity🐝 School programmes of volunteering🐝 How the youth are challenged🐝 How seniors can reconnect with the youth🐝 To encourage motivation for both generations to gain life skills🐝 What happens after they have completed the courses"they have their own language and culture""couple of people on the island that will pick the coconuts""there are traditions of doing the Scottish Reel""the best opportunity to save the traditions of the culture""when youngsters get educated they leave and very rarely come back""when people leave here they go a 51/2 hour flight away""ultimately save the island""I thought they were going to be very close to each other and help each other""youngsters are losing the respect for the elders""getting them motivated now"GUESTTony Rothackeryoungster.coCertified Social Enterprise based in Australia.JOIN PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.

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  • 87. Healing Land and Property - Episode 87

    In this episode Paula Carnell discusses healing land and property.What you will learn from this episode:-🐝 About deep healing.🐝 Following your dreams🐝 Challenges being faced living the dream🐝 Kathryn Vere and healing properties🐝.Working from a place of love🐝 The healing of the land🐝.Being give permissions to be on the islands“I’m going to talk about deep healing”“I’m following a dream I had in 1992 to come to these islands”“We are a week short of being her for 3 months”“everything has been a challenge”“blind folded and gagged and with my hands behind my back”“Men it’s not a done thing talking about seeing earth spirits”“she didn’t gave permission to work on the house”“you need to heal the land before you can start working on the property””by healing the root, healing the foundations it’s like taking the rug from under their feet”“I feel morning has broken like the first day”“I am here, I’m here to do good work”“when we combine our powers we can have such an impact on land”“if you share what you know it helps others grow”Kathryn Vere Podcast Link :- PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.
  • 86. Are bees examples of 5th dimensional living - Episode 86

    In this episode Paula Carnell discusses are bees an example of 5th dimensional living speciesWhat you will learn from this episode:-🐝 What 5th dimension perception is🐝 The importance of healing yourself🐝 About 3rd and 4th dimensions🐝 Why bees are 5th dimensional beings🐝 The importance of transitioning to 5th dimension “I had a dream and I spoke out about this”“when it comes to the public I tend to be a bit mainstream”“it started with me thinking that the bees are disappearing”“I was very interested in where the bees are going”“My son was looking at bees at school and he was looking at a prehistoric timeline”“Bees are 5th dimensional beings”“through history civilisations have built up and built up and then crashed”””you have a 3rd dimensional world and a 5th dimension”“in recent years I have detached myself from mainstream media and not bothered by things that others are bothered about””5th dimensional living is being present and is all about love”“when you’re resonating on that you’ll attract more bees”•everything is connected”“once we start to heal ourselves then we can heal the world”JOIN PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.
  • 85. Being truly heard - Episode 85

    In this episode Paula Carnell discusses being truly heard as part of healing.What you will learn from this episode:-🐝 How to be truly heard when it comes to your health🐝 How to not let yourself be judged🐝 How to get an understanding of what is happening to your body🐝 How to be treated as a whole person🐝 How valuable it is to be listened to🐝 Cocos Keeling islanders experiences"the geneticist had some students with him. He put down his pen and paper and listened""no wonder you felt ill, no wonder you have been so poorly""why could others not see the picture my medical history painted""I don't want any chemical medication - why did you come for the diagnosis""I wanted to use natural medicine, he said it was all rubbish""first appointment was 3 hours""how was I coping with my whole condition"JOIN PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.
  • 84. Why boredom is great for wellbeing - Episode 84

    In this episode Paula Carnell discusses why boredom is great for welbeing.What you will learn from this episode:-🐝 How embracing boredom can be creative. 🐝 Boredom can give us time to think. 🐝 How to sit with boredom 🐝 Boredom gives you time. 🐝 How babies use boredom productively 🐝.Avoiding boredom but being mindful 🐝 Why making time to be bored is fruitfulJOIN PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.
  • 83. Paula interviews Yanki Tandircioglu - Episode 83

    In this episode Paula interviews Masters student Yanki Tandircioglu.In this episode you will learn :-🐝 What is an apihouse🐝 Apitherapy🐝🐝🐝🐝"these beds are constructed by human beehouse""there are no physical interaction between humans and bees""you can smell the beehive and feel the micro vibrations""you can hear their voices, the bee buzzing sound""you breathe so many beneficial compounds""the beehouse group listened to the buzzing and external disturbances noises""the other group wore headphones and listened only to the bees""this is a branch of complimentary therapy""lots of research needs to be done"JOIN PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE GUESTYanki Tandirciogu THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.
  • 82. Starving Bees - Episode 82

    In this episode Paula Carnell discusses starving bees.What you will learn from this episode:-🐝 Why are we feeding bees in the summer🐝 Using sugar syrup🐝 The responsibility of the beekeeper for the bees🐝 How darkness from catastrophe can affect wildlife🐝 The detail needed to look into the nutrition available for feeding bees🐝 Human comparisons to bees and starving🐝 Herbal teas and bees"in the wild not all bees will survive"“are bees star starving ….it’s summer””could be 20, could be 30 hives and they are having to feed them"“we also have a problem with weather”"if it's raining the bees can't fly"“how much food can bees collect in sunny weather”“we need to look in a lot more detail what nutrition is available for bees and the impact that has on their health”"there is a culture in beekeeping to take the honey when there is a flow""it's a lot cheaper to plant more borage than feeding bees sugar""what if bees are dying out"JOIN PAULA"S COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Making Course :- :- Talk :- Paula on :-Instagram :- @paula.carnellYouTube :- @paulacarnellSubscribe to Paula's weekly newsletter: start up bundle :- Orecchia - Founder of Unbeelievable Health for 25% offABOUT THE HOSTAward winning TEDx Speaker and Winner of Environmental Consultant of the year 2023, Paula Carnell speaks globally on bees and the connection between bee health and human health. She has her own podcast “Creating a buzz about health” and a workshop in Galhampton Somerset. Paula first started her own business in 1990 as an artist, greeting card publisher and eventually her own gallery in Castle Cary. Exhibiting globally her paintings sold for 5 figures. Then after 20 years she fell ill and became bed and wheelchair bound with Ehlers Danlos syndrome. During her ‘cocoon’ phase, her husband built her a bee hive and bees moved in. Following her remarkable full recovery using herbal medicine and plant based minerals, Paula then re-emerged ‘creating a buzz about health’, sharing the wisdom gained from bees and understanding the connection between our own health and theirs. Trained in Bologna as a Honey Sommelier, Paula works with organisations worldwide who want to work with bees and honey in a sustainable, naturopathic way, often thinking ‘outside the box’.