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Couple of Blokes Couple of Beers

Voicemail: From Mick

Season 3, Ep. 0

Ox and Marko love to hear your feedback, might be a comment, a question, and idea - you can leave your comment on social media, email us, or leave a voicemail at our website here, just like Mighty Mick did.

See you next Wednesday!

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  • 71. Ep71: Marko Reveals His Secret Massage Fantasy, and Why Does Ox have 8 Grand in Fines?

    Pod starts with Ox and Marko ripping the piss, again, out of Third Man's lemon and ginger tea. Borderline defamatory. There may be legal action pending. Ox again recommends Third Man addresses his sore throat with scotch. A comment on Vicks on feet, and what it does to your socks reminds Ox of Marko's approach to socks....if you've not heard it, it is quite unusual.We discuss fines. And Ox explains a significant fine situation where he has a bunch of unpaid fines that have copped a heap of interest. He tells us his plan to get out of the fines, or at least down to the original fine removing the interest. Marko has also received a fine recently at his place, which he and Trish challenged because they'd never seen it before. Marko then raises a fact that he has heard about the country Chile. It is the most ridiculous fact you've heard, but he's convinced it is correct. It's not. Ox then adds to this with a Greenland/Iceland fact. We then discuss Vikings and where they went pillaging. Marko raises a problem that he has with a movie that he recently watched on Netflix called Margin Call. We discuss whether we can watch Kevin Spacey and Will Smith movies anymore. Marko gives Ox and Third Man homework which is to watch Margin Call. Ox then recommends a series called 'Drops of God' which he says is unbelievable.Another stat from Ox the statman, this week he has two. The first to do with Sesame Street, more a fact than a stat, the second to do with the word Stewardesses. It is a great stat. He then adds in a third one, which is also not a stat, but a fact. We need to address Ox's understanding of facts vs stats.Marko then reveals a fantasy that he has been having recently involving 'massage' of sorts. He explains and reckons he needs to make it happen. Ox agrees.Lots of feedback and questions this week, keep it coming, we love it. Heaps of feedback on our conversations on 'roasts' a couple of weeks ago, including a suggestion that Marko should be roasted. Ox makes a hugely inappropriate joke that has him and Marko in stitches. Ridiculous and embarrassing. Possibly putting our podcast license at risk.We reveal the poll results of Ox's mate's ball bag issue. You have voted yes, so we'll figure out how to pixellate it and put it up. Disappointing.Thanks to the team at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear? You won't believe the prices!And we'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • 70. Ep70: Ox 'Don't Start Me on F***ing Golf Clubs', and When a Bucks Night Went Pear-Shaped.

    This weeks pod gets off to a rough start when Marko discovers that his coffee from McDonalds has been made with the wrong milk. He is unhappy, and is considering going back and lining up the kid who made it. Ox remembers a story about a Mackas incident that happened to him which makes him think he is getting old.Third Man doesn't believe that Marko going back to the Mackas to line up the kid who made the coffee, Ox and Marko both think he has no choice and the kid deserves to be pulled in line as this will lead to more bad behaviour. We then discuss issues with Red Rooster and their stock management.Ox has some breaking news on the Bellarine Peninsula. The first involving Wayne 'Duck' Carey opening a new 'entertainment establishment' in Geelong....who'd have thought. Ox tells us about the time he went to one of these establishments on a bucks night and the entertainers were mostly pregnant, which he believes is poor rostering and it dampened the mood of the bucks night. His advice for Duck, pregnant women not the best rostering option. The discussion takes an awkward turn when Marko believes women in this line of work need to be taught about contraception....which is fundamentally ridiculous on so many levels, so Ox and Third Man are distancing themselves from his comment. Complaints should be addressed to Marko.Ox moves onto his other breaking news from the Bellarine involving a high profile former politician who has bought a house in Barwon Heads, which could mean an issue for Ox's golf club. Marko finds it hilarious, Ox is concerned. On 13th Beach Golf, there has been a twist on the Duck Spring Roll issue, which has evolved to other food offerings. Marko reckons the club is not looking after its members. Ox raises another concern at 13th Beach Golf Club about the coffee machine and when service starts.Ox the Statman is back with a cracking stat this week about pigs, and a second stat about elbows. And then he bangs out a third stat on crocodiles!Third Man plays some audio that he heard during the week featuring the guys who must be the dumbest criminal in the world. Ox admits that he's done quite a few dumb things over the journey, he tells us about his dumb decisions involving multiple gym memberships. Very funny. But not financially responsible. Ox is about to have a few days in Bali with his young bloke, and when he gets back he intends to address the gym issue.Have you done this? Ox wants to hear how you have wasted money, he doesn't want to be alone on this issue.We chat about the legendary John Blackman's passing a couple of weeks ago. Ox and Marko knew him well.Ox raises a song that he thinks everyone knows. They don't. Marko and Third Man have never heard of the song, or of the singer he's talking about. And we have a family member who has analysed Marko's Willy Wonka dream.Thanks to the team at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear? You won't believe the prices!And we'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • 69. Ep69: Ox: 'If I Went on a Cruise, I'd Roll off the Boat', and Marko: 'Put Your Dog Down'

    In a riveting start to the podcast, Ox wants to have some weather chat. So we humour him and discuss the weather. We recommend you fast forward through this part. Takes about 6 minutes or so, so feel free to skip through. You're welcome.But Ox does raise a reasonable point about what the 'feels like' thing means. As it turns out, Marko knows exactly why and explains it. Ox then discusses dam levels. Again, fast forward through.We move onto car washing, which Ox and Marko feel is a lost art. They don't believe that anybody, aside from Marko's neighbour, washes their car on the street on the driveway anymore. Ox loves the car deodorisers at car washes - he is a fan of Black Ice. Marko has a 'car wash subscription', which sounds ridiculous, but as he explains it actually sounds pretty good. Makes sense for Marko given he is a clean and neat freak. We discuss Marko's commitment to cleanliness and neatness, he admits that his superpower is ironing. He reckons he has the Ferrari of irons and he loves it.Ox reckons there is good money in car washes. Which raises a business idea which we discuss and we feel we might become billionaires from this idea. We put Ox on the spot to come up with a killer slogan, and he doesn't disappoint, coming up with a ripper!On the way to the pod today, Marko saw a misspelt sign which was amusing not only for the error, but the kind of business it was. Pic on socials, we'd love to see other examples, send them in, or post them on our socials.Ox the statman is back as usual and he has a technology stat for us this week. Before the stat Ox decides that we need more geeks and nerds listening to the pod. Not sure how we do that, but this weeks stat is a good start.Third Man raises a 'Can We Still Be Friends' scenario about his dog Archie. Ox and Marko have different advice. Marko's advice slightly offensive.But, no time for chat about dogs....Marko has been swamped with feedback on Marko's Willy Wonka dreams from last weeks show. Which leads to TV shows that caused bad dreams when we were kids. Dr Who and Prisoner the main two. We try to remember the Prisoner theme song, which was a ripper, and sing it (badly and incorrectly). Which leads to a chat about misheard lyrics. There's a heap of them. Ox says he is terrible at remembering song lyrics, but his kids are great....although he got one over his daughter last week with a John Farnham song. Marko recommends the John Farnham doco which he loved.We have some feedback from a family member with two first names and we try to figure out what his first name is. And another family member lines up Ox's choice of radio station.Thanks to the team at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear? You won't believe the prices! We'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved with the show on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • Bonus: AFL Kings Birthday Weekend Footy Preview

    A bonus pod today previewing each game this weekend, aside from Richmond v Adelaide which was last night, with Ox and Marko particularly keen on the Dees v Pies game on Monday given their respective allegiances.If you're set for a big weekend of footy, have a listen to todays pod where we run through the games.We're here thanks to Paul & Kurt at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear? You won't believe the prices! We'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved with the show on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, feel free to send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • 68. Ep68: Why Ox Loves 'Kiss Cam', Markos 'Sexy & Raunchy' Dream Problem, & Ox Lines Up JJJ

    The pod gets off to a rough start. Third Man has a cold and he's drinking lemon and ginger tea, Ox and Marko decide to bully him and massively rip the piss out of him. There may be a complaint to pod HR over this situation.But once the rampant bullying is out of the way, we get into the pod. Ox has been stitched up by another driver on the road, but was secretly impressed by this other blokes behaviour. It has to do with driving etiquette.Third Man raises a question to do with contract law.. It has to do with the 'Kiss and Ride' signs at NSW train stations. Ox brings up Kiss Cam at sporting events, he loves it. Marko reckons it is the greatest thing to happen to halftime sport.We discuss who Ox and Marko's musician 'dream date' would be. Some surprising suggestions, and we hear a story about the famous singer who Ox arranged to sing for Marko at his 50th birthday. Ox has heard a song on triple j that horrified him, full of f-bombs at 11.40am. He can't believe that they're allowed to play it. Won't somebody think of the kids!Ox the statman is back, 2 stats this week. One general knowledge, and one on animals. Both rippers. Marko has had some strange dreams lately, one about being Willy Wonka, and he wants advice from Ox on what these dreams mean. He explains the dreams. Ox googles them, and discovers that the dreams Marko is having are common.Family member Dean wants to have a chat about the merits of Wodonga, he's a fan. Marko wants to know if Deano knows Trev the burglar. Deano gives us a run-through of some of the great things in Wodonga. Results of our poll on best sportsman of all time. Marko is disappointed, Ox is on the money. Marko says swimming is the most pathetic sport of all.Ox criticises the name of Marko's other podcast with Nick O'Hern 'Talk Birdie To Me'. He reckons the name is fundamentally flawed. Producer Daz wants some Hand Sandy's for Christmas for gifts, Ox is in negotiations with Temu for distribution.Ox has a Christmas business idea to do, in part, with the Hand Sandy. Leads to some other ideas. These could work. Is there an update on the duck spring roll situation at Ox's golf club? Plenty of feedback on the letter from Jenny West to Ox a week or two ago.Thanks to the team at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear? You won't believe the prices! We'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved with the show on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • 67. Ep67: Ox & Marko's Beauty Regimes, Celebrity Roasts, & Why Ox Has a Problem with Dale Thomas

    Fun pod today. Marko has brought in what he calls the Tom Brady of snacks - a new Twisties combo which combines chicken and cheese. The Ox challenges Marko's statement that Tom Brady is the greatest sportsperson in history, by tossing up Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. Disagreement ensues.On Tom Brady, The Ox has watched the roast and loved it. He explains to Marko what happened. Ox and Marko don't know why we're not doing roasts in Australia, and they list a bunch of Aussie names who should be roasted. Marko reckons we need to develop the Couple of Blokes roast TV show. The boys reckon there is one person in the world who should be roasted, and that is Trump. Ox reckons Trump is home and hosed for the election, Third Man disagrees but thinks it's tight. Marko is unsure. Whilst we avoid politics on the pod, Marko restates his hatred of councils.We discuss signs you're getting old. Ox makes the comment that his hearing is 'off the charts' good, and maybe getting better. Markos hearing isn't great. Marko wants to borrow Ox's ear cleaner thing, Ox disagrees saying that you can't share stuff like that.Has Marko had Botox? We discuss Marko's beauty routines. Ox is a fan of cucumbers on the eyes. Speaking of skin regimes, one of Ox's mates has had a very, very nasty accident involving a certain part of his body. He won't give his mate's name, but he does show a pic. It is horrific. Leads to a conversation about 'ball bags'. We need to know if we should share the photo, if you want to see it, let us know in our Twitter poll (hot tip - you don't want to see it).On the subject of Ox's mate, we discuss why some kids TV show characters didn't wear pants. Seems weird. And how did this get through the ABC TV censors?Ox the Statman is back, this week with a stat on Tiger Woods, delivered by Marko who has taken over the segment. It's a bit more complex than previous stats, but a good one.Marko has been listening to Ox calling the footy on SEN and loving it, Ox has been listening to Daisy Thomas on Triple M calling the footy and is annoyed by his continual use of one specific word - which we find out, from Ox, does not mean what we thought it did! Marko raises a saying that gets said wrong all the time.Ox has seen a new invention that he is annoyed he didn't think of. He explains. It has to do with peeling a specific fruit. Ox comes up with a name and slogan for this invention. Back onto fruit, Markos hatred of fruit comes up. We'll put a poll up on what you want Marko to eat, which Marko describes as a 'jump the shark' moment. Is he the only person who refuses to eat fruit ?Ox has been down to e&s trading and he managed to get an awesome deal in an example of incredible customer service, which is what you get at e&s - he explains on the pod.We're here thanks to the team at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear (just like Ox)? You won't believe the prices! We'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved with the show on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, feel free to send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • 66. Ep66: The Ox: "These Days I Walk Into a Pizza Hut and Put On 4 kilos" plus Baby Reindeer, Massive Chooks, & 'Stupid' Dogs

    Aaaaaand we're back. Ox and Marko are back from a couple of weeks off, and ready for a big show.Breaking news: Marko ran into an ex-girlfriend at a local coffee shop and didn't know how to handle it. He decided to not tell Trish, which seems risky. Marko says that he was a terrible boyfriend and she should have dumped him.On a more positive note, Marko has brought in a pack of Chickadees which we devour it in about 10 seconds. We discuss where chicken salt was invented, and find out the name of the bloke who invented it. We spend far too long discussing chicken salt and chickadees, but it was very tasty!Ox reveals an issue with his local golf club - 13th Beach Golf Club. He has a problem with the menu, specifically the duck spring rolls. The numbers in each servings are not ideal, and the chef refuses to change the servings. He's also not happy that the club doesn't accept cash, which means it's difficult to hide how many beers you've had from your other half. He also thinks that menus are written in the wrong font. Too small, too light.Speaking of restaurants, Marko is sad that Red Lobster in the US has gone out of business, and the reason is hilarious. Marko believes the line 'All You Can Eat' is a challenge, and restaurants are doomed if they go down that path.Ox gives an update on the toilet that he put on his nature strip as a social experiment. Marko feels that 'toilet art' is a growing category of the arts. Ox and Third Man then have a debate over Wodonga vs Wollongong. And then Ox reveals another crime act that has been committed in Trev responsible this time? It appears not. Ox says that his neighbours chook is the biggest one he's ever seen. We then talk chooks. Rivetting.Speaking of animals, Ox the Statman is back, with a great stat about parrots.Third Man asks if Ox and Marko have seen Baby Reindeer. Marko has no idea about it, Ox has been advised not to watch it. On further investigation, he heard this advice on Smooth FM. Third Man wants Ox and Marko to watch it as homework. Marko is keen as he's got no shows at the moment he's watching, and Ox has just rewatched Peaky Blinders.We find out that Marko is 'dog-ist'. He didn't like Woodrow from Simon Townsends Wonder World, and he thinks Third Man's dog Archie is 'stupid' because he sleeps all day.Feedback: Comments on Ox's joint in Wodonga and some of the happenings there. We reveal the results of our recent poll 'Is Joel a Dickhead', referring to the letter that Joel West wrote to 3AW complaining about Ox. And we've received a letter to The Ox supportive of Joel, we'll publish it on our socials. Ox then reveals a weird fact about kitty litters which neither Marko or Third Man believe is true. We wrap the show with a joke, this time it lands on pizza, Ox's fave!We're here thanks to Paul & Kurt at the E&S Trading Clearance Centre in Clayton, Melbourne on Dandenong Road - right opposite Ikea. After an incredible deal on amazing gear? You won't believe the prices! We'd love you to follow a Couple of Blokes, and get involved with the show on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. If you've got a comment or feedback, feel free to send a voicemail to Ox and Marko here. And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!
  • Ox's 'Hand Sandy' Radio Commercial

    Recently The Ox came up with a cracking idea to develop gloves made of sandpaper for working on timber, walls, anything really that requires sanding. Brilliant! And yes, we've had multiple messages from listeners saying that the idea already exists, but we're not the kind of podcast to let that get in the way. So, with thanks to the Couple of Blokes Sound Engineer Daz, we present to you Ox's radio commercial for the Hand Sandy as premiered recently on the Couple of Blokes podcast.We're in the process of booking the ad onto radio stations all over the country. Sadly for The Ox, his favourite station, Smooth FM have rejected it and said that they won't play it. We can't imagine why.