
cover art for Bonus Episode #E24/24 The World needs changing and we have the power to change it | Donna Holland

Different Hats Podcast

Bonus Episode #E24/24 The World needs changing and we have the power to change it | Donna Holland

My guest this week is CEO of Rockinghorse Children's Charity, Donna Holland. Donna is responsible for the smooth running of Rockinghorse: ensuring that the strategy and plans meet the needs of children, young people and their families, and for ensuring that the charity can continue to support sick and disabled children across Sussex in the future. She has been in the charity sector for two decades working with a number of large and small charities and playing her part in having an impact and making a real difference.

This was the final episode of the 24 hour podcast and I could think of a better way to finish than with the CEO of the charity the event was raising money for. It was such an honour to interview Donna for the final episode. We talked about life growing up and her intrinsic desire to have a career with purpose and to really make a difference. She shared stories of her various roles within the charity sector working for large national charities including the 'Missing People' and how she was on call as the media person when Madeline McCann went missing. We delve into what life was like running a charity during a global pandemic and how she is creating a real team culture within Rockinghorse, where everyone plays their part. It was a fascinating conversation and a real insight into the mindset of someone who genuinely wants to make a difference, having an impact and helping to change peoples lives, as she says 'What makes her happy is there is a big job to be done and she has a small part to play and will play her part until the big job is done'

Everyone has a story to tell... Happy Listening 🎧

Donna's one rule for living a fulfilled life:

💥 'Do something that is bigger than you'

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  • 97. #E97 Showing the Alternative Side of Success with James Mallinson on Different Hats Podcast

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  • 96. #96 From A Council Estate in Dundee to Award Winning Lawyer: Pam Loch's Inspiring Story

    🌟 Dive into this week's episode as we welcome Pam Loch, the founder and Managing Director of Loch Associates Group. With a career forged in law and a passion for people, Pam's journey from a Dundee council estate to business leadership is truly inspiring. Founded in 2007, Loch Associates Group stands as a beacon of expertise, offering holistic support in employment law, HR, wellbeing, training, health and safety, and mediation services. Pam's mantra, "People are our business," fuels innovation and excellence, fostering environments where businesses and communities thrive. 📈💼Pam's narrative unfolds from her early years instilled with a strong work ethic to her academic pursuits in accountancy, ultimately finding her calling in the legal arena. Through insightful discussions, we explore the essence of company culture, the intricate dance of cash flow management, the art of effective communication and leadership, and the vital importance of mental and physical wellbeing, including navigating the complexities of Menopause. 🗣️💰💡Tune in for an enlightening episode packed with wisdom on life, law, business, and the enduring power of the human spirit.#BusinessSuccess #Entrepreneurship #LifeLessons #Love #Happiness #Fulfillment #Podcast #BusinessPodcast #lawyer #law #EmploymentLaw #People #culture #Menopause #MentalHealth #BusinessLeadership #Wellbeing #InspirationTo watch the episode on YouTube click here 🧢 Here or wherever you get your podcast 🧢 here to connect with Pam Loch 🧢 here to find out more about Loch Associates 🧢 thanks to our sponsors and producers who make these moments possible.OUR SPONSORSRivervale 🧢 X 🧢 VT 🧢 Hove 🧢 PRODUCERSH2 Productions Ltd 🧢
  • 95. #95 Redefining Masculinity: Daniel Gainsford's Mission to Inspire Mental Fitness on Different Hats Podcast

    ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This episode contains content that may be alarming to some listeners. We do talk about suicide which we know can be distressing.🎙 Join me on this episode as I dive into the inspiring world of behavior change coaching with Daniel Gainsford, founder of the transformative Way of the Viking program. Daniel's mission is clear: to empower men in their middle years to reignite their passion for life and fitness, reclaiming their mental and physical well-being.💔 We confront a staggering reality: suicide is the leading cause of death in men under 45 in the UK, claiming 84 lives every week. Daniel's personal journey, marked by the tragic loss of a dear friend to suicide in 2020, fuels his relentless commitment to shifting this narrative. Through the Way of the Viking, he pioneers a path to modern-day warriorhood, guiding men back to their primal essence, and embracing mental fitness as a daily ritual.💬 In our candid conversation, Daniel opens up about his own battles with mental health, channeling his struggles into a beacon of hope for others. He dismantles stereotypes, advocating for vulnerability as a profound strength, and reimagines mental health as a journey towards holistic fitness.🌟 Join us for an enlightening dialogue that challenges conventions, sparks introspection, and champions a new era of mental resilience. Don't miss out on this powerful episode!#BusinessSuccess #SuicidePrevention #Behaviour #ChangeTheNarrative #MentalHealth #MentalFitness #WellBeing #Entrepreneurship #LifeLessons #Love #Happiness #Fulfillment #Podcast #BusinessPodcastTo watch the episode on YouTube click here 🧢 Here or wherever you get your podcast 🧢 here to connect with Daniel Gainsford 🧢 here to find out more about Way of the Viking🧢 thanks to our sponsors and producers who make these moments possible.OUR SPONSORSRivervale 🧢 X 🧢 VT 🧢 Hove 🧢 PRODUCERSH2 Productions Ltd 🧢*If you have been affected by any of the content during this interview you can reach out to any of the below:Samaritans - https://www.samaritans.orgMy Black Dog -