Adolescents Falling: What Grownups Don't See
Season 1, Ep. 4
Listen in to our continuing conversation with psychologist/psychoanalyst, Dr. Ken Corbett, and
award-winning literary fiction writer, Susan Choi. Our guests take us behind the scenes of the
stories told in their recent books. Through spirited discussion they expand our perspectives on
the ways in which adults can and do fail adolescents in their attempts to navigate the
complexities of sexuality, race, gender, and aggression. This episode is sure to evoke timely
reflections about the politics of identity and psychological struggle.
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2. Group Psychology: The Promise and Perils of Togetherness
40:09||Season 5, Ep. 2Join us for this inspiring conversation between Dr. Francisco Gonzalez and Dr. George Makari. Our guests explore the impact of group dynamics on both individuals’ lives and in our collective experiences. Their in-depth analysis helps us to understand how the contradictory experiences of belonging and exclusion continually shape and reshape us.1. Beyond Surveillance and Criminalization : Sex Work, Fetish, and Feminist Action as Care
35:31||Season 5, Ep. 1Join us for this eye-opening conversation between Yin Q and Dr. Katie Gentile. Our guests challenge common preconceptions about sex work, kink, and reproductive justice. Through academic rigor and poetic expression, they draw us into unique perspectives on sex worker advocacy and feminism.4. Dismantling Anti-Black Logics: Creating Alternative forms of Knowledge and Storytelling
36:20||Season 4, Ep. 4Join us for a heartfelt conversation between psychoanalyst, Chanda D. Griffin and choreographers, Hilary Brown-Istrefi and Briana Brown-Tipley. Our guests share their embodied and scholarly knowledge about anti-blackness and creativity. They inspire and challenge us to think beyond the confines of white supremacist structures and invite us into new imaginaries.3. Surviving Apocalyptic Catastrophes: Facing Reality and Imagining a Future of Care
37:31||Season 4, Ep. 3Join us for this incisive and rallying conversation between, Drs. Robert J. Lifton and Sally Weintrobe, as they discuss the obstacles to facing our catastrophes, past, present, and future. Our guests share their personal and scholarly wisdom, pointing us toward the importance of mourning what we have lost and are losing, while encouraging us to sustain hope despite rising demoralization.2. “Something We Call Care”: Land, Community, and the Social Imaginary
42:25||Season 4, Ep. 2Join us for this lyrical yet sobering conversation between psychoanalyst, filmmaker, and professor, Dr. Ricardo (Rico) Ainslie and anthropologist, professor and author, Dr. Angela Garcia. Through offering us an intimate look into the communities they work with and belong to, our guests bring us into the lives of those impacted by the historical trauma of land loss, displacement, and suffering. Using an ethnographic approach that is rooted in subject-centered ethics, our guests share clinical wisdom rooted in identifying the absence of institutional recovery programs as the site of community care.1. All Together Now: Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic
53:10||Season 4, Ep. 1Join us for this profoundly moving conversation between colleagues and close friends, Dr. Judith Butler and Dr. Ken Corbett, as they engage with and reflect on the altered landscape of our world since the COVID-19 pandemic. Our guests share personally impactful insights and clinical wisdom rooted in phenomenology and psychoanalysis.4. Decolonizing Psychoanalysis: Intersections of the Interior and Exterior
50:22||Season 3, Ep. 4Join us for this intimate and intellectual conversation between Dr. Gail Lewis and Dr. Lara Sheehi, both of whom are esteemed authors, activists, psychoanalytic therapists, and professors as they engage each others’ stories about how their commitments to the decolonization of psychoanalytic discourses evolved. Our guests offer cogent social and clinical critiques that offer a way through painful lived experiences of otherness and alienation.3. Exposing Transphobic Legacies, Embracing Trans Life
55:20||Season 3, Ep. 3Join us for this riveting conversation between Dr. Jules Gill-Peterson, author and distinguished professor of transgender history and history of sexuality, and Dr. Avgi Saketopoulou, esteemed psychoanalyst and author, as they put forth a cogent analysis of both the history of transphobia and the current onslaught of assaults on trans children. Our guests offer incisive social and clinical critiques while proposing new visions for understanding the multiplicity of trans experience.2. Our Bodies, Our Lives: Protecting Reproductive Rights
43:20||Season 3, Ep. 2Join us for this hard-hitting conversation between Kathryn “Kitty” Kolbert, distinguished attorney who defended reproductive rights in the U.S. Supreme Court, and Dr. Katie Gentile, esteemed psychoanalyst, professor, and author, as they tackle the current assault on women's freedom. Our guests put forth both a cultural critique and propose necessary actions for this time of crisis. Listeners will connect a newly nuanced understanding to more effective action.