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Maintain Godly Companionship | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

“Show me your friend, and I will show you who you are or what you will soon become. Be careful who becomes your friend." The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "Amnon Had A Friend" 

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  • The Devil Is Powerless In The Face Of The Gospel

    The devil is powerless in the face of the gospel. This gospel must be preached! That is the only thing that can depopulate hell. The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "This Gospel Must Be Preached". 
  • Do Not Nurse Grudges | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    Let us be careful of nursing grudges. Bitter people are schemers, they are always looking for an opportunity to strike back. This is satanic! The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "Bitterness – A Seed Of Resentment In The Heart (Part 17)".
  • Get Rid Of Resentments In Your Heart | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    Being like Christ is not in the way you walk, but it is the state of your heart. It is therefore important for us to work in our inner man. The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "Bitterness – A Seed Of Resentment In The Heart (Part 16)".
  • Do Not Look At The Difficulties Around You | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    Try to be at the top. Increase, do not decrease. Do not look at the difficulties around you. God’s plan to prosper you does not depend on your circumstances. The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "Trusting In God's Plan For Your Future (Part 2)".
  • Seek The Peace And Prosperity Of The Nation | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    Pray for the nation in which you are living because if the nation prospers, you too will prosper. If there is peace in the nation, you too, will have peace. The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message. 
  • God Has Great Plans For Everyone | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    In this life, you must always take a day and live in the day. Live the past behind you. God has plans for everyone of us; His plan is to prosper us and not to harm us. The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "Trusting In God’s Plans For Your Future" 
  • Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude To God | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    Praise is a choice – it is a sacrifice. Do not stop praising God. It is an attitude of gratitude to the Almighty God. The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "I Will Bless The Lord At All Times" 
  • Do Not Dwell On Bitterness | Apostle Eric Nyamekye

    Do not dwell on bitterness. Bitterness are seeds of anger or ill feeling in the hearts of people. But depending on the space of concentration you give to it in your heart, it will grow and become big and have branches will all sorts of “birds” perching on it The Chairman Of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, throws more light on this in this insightful message titled "Bearing Grudge (Part 2)"