
Citizen Science Show
#059 - Anastasia Guise | Journalist | Ecologist | Author
Season 2, Ep. 59
Anastasia Guise is a grass-roots journalist, qualified ecologist, and published author.
When not writing, she works as a landcare leader in her intentional community in the Northern rivers.
Anastasia trains citizen science teams with a particular focus on forest protection.
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86. #086 - Dr Kevin Bonham | Land Snails | Carnivorous Glass Snails | Lost Orchids
26:05||Season 2, Ep. 86Kevin Bonham is an expert in Australian land snails, especially Tasmanian and Victorian snails.He is skilled at identifying Tasmanian orchids, millipedes, centipedes and some beetle groups and Bristletails, as well as marine cowries from anywhere.Kevin is experienced in ordinal sorting of invertebrates and in Tasmanian mammal photo IDs.He is also a curator of iNaturalist and an honorary curator at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.More Information #085 - Professor Paul McDonald | Woodland Birds | Hoot Detective
27:59||Season 2, Ep. 85Professor Paul McDonald is an animal behaviourist from the School of Environmental and Rural Science at the University of New England.His research focuses on understanding behaviour and the impact this has on both fitness benefits, but also management and conservation decisions.He studies vocal communication in birds, using bioacoustics to passively monitor biodiversity, and studies the factors that shape sociality in complex societies.More Information #084 - Professor Lin Schwarzkopf | Frog Acoustics | Cane Toad Traps | A20 Project
38:39||Season 2, Ep. 84Professor Lin Schwarzkopf is an expert on acoustic signalling, communication within various vertebrate species.Using ecoacoustics - a powerful tool for monitoring species biodiversity within a region - Lin researches how individuals of a particular species, immersed in a cacophony of sound, communicate with each other.More Information #083 - Dr Kate Dutton-Regester | Echidna | Feral Cats | eDNA
33:07||Season 2, Ep. 83Kate Dutton-Regester is a researcher who studies the Australian Echidna. She lectures about these fascinating animals at the School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland. Her areas of expertise include the impact of changing climate on animal welfare, cat sterilisation programs and reproductive strategies of the short beaked echidna.More Information #082 - Thomas Mesaglio | iNaturalist Expert and Curator | Citizen Science | BioBlitz
54:24||Season 2, Ep. 82Thomas Mesaglio is a dynamic Australian curator and forum moderator of the citizen science platform iNaturalist.He is also an engagement officer for the Atlas of Living Australia and a current PhD student at the UNSW school of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.Thomas has authored over twenty publications, organised numerous BioBlitzes across Australia and in 2022 won a prestigious Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science.More Information #081 - Dr Rochelle Steven | Urban Habitats | Eco Anxiety | Nature Tourism
30:26||Season 2, Ep. 81Dr Rochelle Steven is a conservation scientist and community outreach specialist currently based in Perth, Australia.Her research and professional experience include working on threatened species management, the role of citizen science in threatened species conservation and in building greater community support for conservation more broadly.Her research themes have explored issues related to human interactions with the environment, both positive and negative. Rochelle currently works for Murdoch University where she teaches units on nature-based tourism, protected area management and conservation science.More Information #080 - John Totterdell | Whale Killers | Orca Hunting and Social Behaviour | Humpback Calf Predation
56:17||Season 2, Ep. 80John Totterdell is a marine researcher and a lead researcher in the field of marine megafauna, with a particular emphasis on orca (Orcinus orca) commonly known as Killer Whales.In this episode, John discusses the social and hunting behaviour of these fascinating marine mammals.He describes the relationship between Killer Whales and other sea mammals and he references his research paper:Whale killers: Prevalence and ecological implications of killer whale predation on humpback whale calves off Western Australia Thanks to our special guest Drew Kelly from Wild Live Media be advised that this podcast episode contains some graphic descriptions of killer whale hunting behaviour which some listeners may find upsetting.Listener discretion is advised.More Information #079 - Professor Sarah Bekessy | Nature Positive Urban Design | Biodiversity Council | Informal Green Spaces
25:02||Season 2, Ep. 79Professor Sarah Bekessy leads the ICON science research group, which uses interdisciplinary approaches to solve complex biodiversity conservation problems. Sarah is particularly interested in understanding the role of human behaviour in conservation, in designing cities to encourage ‘every day nature’ experiences and in defining and measuring ‘nature positive’ development.Sarah also co-developed the Biodiversity Sensitive Urban Design Protocol.More Information #078 - Associate Professor Tanya Latty | Christmas Beetles | Invertebrates Australia
39:22||Season 2, Ep. 78Associate Professor Tanya Latty is an entomologist from the school of life and environmental sciences at the University of Sydney with a special interest in ecology and conservation.She is the co-founder and outreach lead of Invertebrates Australia, and is currently running the Christmas beetle project.More Information