
cover art for Ep 77. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) with Anje

Cherry Pop Horror

Ep 77. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022) with Anje

It's all fun and games until the glowsticks are covered in blood.

Anje joins me again and this time they wanted to show me Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)

Sophie and her girlfriend Bee are in the beginnings of their relationship when they decide to attend a 'hurricane party' at Sophie's oldest friend's house. Tensions are high right from the get-go as several of her friends never expected Sophie to show never mind to bring a date. Drinks are had, glowsticks are snapped and champagne is opened as the storm rolls in...that's when they decide to play Bodies Bodies Bodies - only it isn't too long before the bodies start hitting the floor.

So let's giggle and slap, rummage through the boardgame cupboard for our hidden stash and cut a slice of zucchini bread as we play Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)

Let us know what's your favourite party game - / @cherrypophorror (twitter)

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