The Bryar Patch

  • Rude People, Unsolicited Advice, Horror Movies We Missed!

    26:16||Season 1
    On this Afterparty, I wanted to address some of the things I've ran into since moving my podcast to YouTube, some of the haters, unsolicited advice, and rude people who have come out of the woodwork, and how I feel about that, and why our channel is the way it is, imperfect as it might be. Lastly, I'll go over the horror movies we love that we accidentally missed on the last podcast episode! For those regular viewers and new viewers and listeners who haven't crossed the line, this criticism isn't for you, we love ya just the way you are! It's about knowing where the line of decency and privacy ought to be. Behold, our stuff!
  • 15. Horror Movie Top 5's!

    01:04:18||Season 1, Ep. 15
    Dealing with familial health problems, extreme weather changes causing migraines and allergies, and then, the most nerve racking and ridiculous election campaign cycle EVER, we decided to do a fun light humorous episode discussing our favorite horror movies of all time! First, scariest top 5 horror movies, then our top 5 favorites, and a whole lot more. Please enjoy! Behold, our stuff!
  • 14. Election Anxieties, Staying Hopeful & Kind, What Dafuk is Up with Some People Anymore?!

    44:28||Season 1, Ep. 14
    On this episode Rebecca and I share with you our election anxieties as election day draws closer, and the unprecedented amount of odd and extreme misinformation floating around out there about the election and hurricane Helene and Milton, the unprecedented depravity in our politics today, and the sheer stupidity of some people who fall for Trump's lies and Fox News's woeful and despicable propaganda. We've always known Trump to bend the truth, but I never could have imagined we'd get to the point where Republicans would push such insane conspiracy theories about Democrats "manipulating the weather," or Trump scaring his own supporters in their time of need with blatant lies about hurricane relief aid, as well as Trump's nonstop lying about the hurricane response and his debunked lies about the hurricane. It's immoral, it's unconscionable, and it's the lowest and most despicable I've ever seen Trump or Republicans, and that's saying something! At the end of the day, we just wanted to come on here and see how you're doing, and to see if you're feeling how we're feeling. We just wanted to get things off our chest about the craziness out there about the election coverage, and to blow off steam about the media's "sane washing" of Trump, and some of the media's complicity in not addressing the barrage of terrible behaviors about Trump's fitness to serve as President. But, there's hope you guys! Kamala Harris is ahead in the polls, and we believe, despite our frustration and all the hateful rhetoric out there, that sanity and goodness will prevail, so long as we're super motivated to vote, and to get our friends and family to vote too! Here, we go into all of it, and we thank you for your friendship and support! Sanity and democracy will prevail, so long as we're all motivated to use our power to vote, and to thwart the dystopian lies and nihilistic craziness some peddle on a daily basis.FEMA information and the official response to the rumors and lies: registration information: stuff, including the audio podcast, tip jars, Patreon, and our social media sites:
  • 13. Growing Pains, Being Yourself, & Finding Balance in this Difficult World

    32:14||Season 1, Ep. 13
    On this short video I talk about the growing pains of being a radio guy who's trying to find his "voice" doing YouTube videos, and the growth necessary in public speaking and being a person in a touchy overly offended society in general. We all want to pass as cool, but in doing so, we often succumb to peer pressure and lose that quintessential thing that makes us uniquely us. We have to resist trying to be cool at the cost of being a compassionate, grounded, and decent person. But we also don't want to lose our sense of humor or sense of self! Finding balance in this life can difficult, and too many terrible behaviors are normalized out there, and so, we must be above the influence of bad people so we can arrive at a good quality of life and be good people, to be in touch with our innermost humane and decent selves, while still maintaining our "edge."This short video talks about my many varied and different sides to myself that have developed from a lifetime of hardship and grief, like the soldier and the empath, the comedian and the truth teller, my gentleness versus toughness, and how that struggle makes me feel insecure trying to do episodes and being myself to an audience. I'm trying to strike the right balance between two extremes; compassionate, classy, and helpful, while still maintaining my desire to be irreverent, crusty and real. Sometimes, in frustration, you want to trust your audience to know your values even when you're acting up in frustration for the sake of humor or catharsis! You don't want to hold back for catharsis, but you don't want to go too far as to give people the wrong impression of you because you care about people and you have good values. As a crusty old Army vet and experienced person, speaking to YouTube audiences is weird. Oftentimes YouTubers are so often the same, bland, overly upright and professional, and one note, afraid to be themselves or be funny, because they don't want to rock the boat. I believe "greatness" exists somewhere between not going far enough and going too far! Where must one draw the line in finding their online persona or truest self? And how far can you go as a person before crossing a line, in an effort to being uniquely original, bold, and yet still likeable?
  • Our Commitment to You Good People, Our Story, Dopamine Addicts Don't Care they Just Click & Consume

    38:00||Season 1
    On this special episode, I wanted to explain to you where we come from, and the grief and hardships which prompted me to become the caring and sensitive person I am today, and why we care about things the way we do, and what "Humor, Heart, Shenanigans" means to us in real terms. We're all about celebrating real working class heroes, just all regular salt of the earth folks, making a better kinder world, and why we feel the need to be here doing all this at all, when practically nobody could really give a shit!We're going to start shortening our episodes and calling them all The Bryar Patch Podcast, really, because we live in super busy times, and sometimes in order to grow our audience and reach the right people and just more people, we felt the need to make our content shorter and more succinct, so it's all simpler and more accessible for fans and newcomers alike. We want to make this as easy and understandable as possible, because many folks just don't have the desire or time to deep dive into podcasts. So in an effort to make things better for our audience, we're turning the Bryar Patch into several short videos per week, instead of the once per week long episode and the after party.We're always trying to make this easier and better for everyone, and so all episodes will now fall under the Bryar Patch Podcast moniker, whether they're long or short, the after party, or the main event. Everything will live under The Bryar Patch name and banner, because we're always trying to grow as people, grow our audience, and grow this channel to reflect and represent the people, the needs, and the times we're in. At the end of the day, we refuse to clickbait our titles, sensationalize life just to appease the dopamine rush chasers, or act like insane clowns just to get more attention or abandon our values just to get monetized and more people talking about us. This has and will always be about keeping it real, talking about real life in real terms, and finding the positivity, clarity, and purpose in sometimes insane, idiotic, and irrational times. Life has been cheapened by fake people, bad intentions, wealth agendas, and just poor values. It's high time we make this life feel real and good again for average everyday people.Buy us a cup of coffee or explore all our stuff here!
  • After Party for Episode "Empath Life!," Seeking Humanity & Joy in these Overbearing Times

    On this super chill episode, I speak about why I identify as an "empath," and try to dispel the stigma of that word, and to share with you my hopes and wishes for this world, and to a lesser extent, this podcast and YouTube channel. Then, the difference between anger and frustration on the political right vs us on the left. Finally, I speak about the importance of letting go of all that anger, frustration, and hate, and how to live a more fruitful, pleasant, fun, and balanced life.Everything can be found here.
  • 12. Empath Life! Remaining Strong in a Weird, Harsh, Insane World. Coping with Toxicity in our Times.

    01:22:04||Season 1, Ep. 12
    On this very special episode, Rebecca and I talk about our innermost thoughts and feelings about the EMPATH phenomenon, and identifying as "empaths." It's a loaded word which invites much judgment and scrutiny, and yet, we don't call ourselves this to get attention, to feel special, or to invite criticism. It's simply our reality we've always dealt with our whole lives. We're no more special than anyone else, and yet, we are all special, so long as we give in to our better angels and are guided by higher principles, rather than sink down to the ignorance and cruelty certain people succumb to anymore in these highly divided and morally ambiguous times. Here, we go into all of it. What is an empath, how does it feel, who can and should identify as an empath, and how do you know you have "it?!" The bottom line is that human beings are descendants of ancient peoples who had to be in touch with the external world to survive. As a consequence, most of us have some ability to sense things; vibes, energies, motives and intentions, because we are descendants of people who relied on their "fight or flight" response simply to make it. Nowadays, it may seem like life is less dangerous and treacherous than those ancient times, and in many ways it is. But that doesn't mean that we aren't still these physical creatures who rely on our senses in order to survive! Just that, some of us have learned to hone our inherent "sixth sense" of sorts more than others. My whole life, I always wondered why I was so sensitive, and so hyper aware of things on this meta level? Things just came to me! I thought there was something wrong with me, like I was on the spectrum, or that I had some kind of anxiety disorder or something. But, it turns out, this is a rather common and misunderstood thing. Because it's so elusive and unperceivable, science is still trying to understand why some people can be around others and sense their grief, pain, anxiety, fears, and sometimes their innermost feelings of love and joys, and not others? At the end of the day, I've grown used to people labeling me as different, and yet, I'm just a regular guy. Just that, I started out as a very sensitive child, then developed inner strength and tenacity as I gained insight into various disciplines like sports, martial arts, the military, culinary school, metalation, and spending my time alone, learning and reading all I could about what it means to be human and alive! As we get older we become more comfortable in our own skin, and with that, we learn that sometimes different is a good thing! Here, we talk about the life and times in American society today, and what it takes to make it, as the world fills up with hate, cruelty, and insane and incurious people always in a hurry to bury their feelings and put on a mask, oftentimes a mask of fake toughness, while on the inside showing little growth or inner tenacity or openness to understanding a greater world, and little concern to attaining a better life. We're all empaths, I just happen to wear the label as a badge of courage and honor, as a statement of deeper thought, deeper more vivid emotions, and a more rich inner life! The world at large will always criticize those who dare to be different, while many will choose the easy path of mediocrity and the status quo. We should all dare be caring, more evolved, and challenge ourselves to be better than the smallness of our times. Being an empath is nothing more than maximizing what it means to be human and real.
  • Presidential Debate Analysis, DNC After-Party, Our Seattle/Metallica Trip, Down with the Sickness

    52:30||Season 1
    On this Bryar Patch Podcast after-party, we discuss the general "derp!" of the country nowadays anymore it would seem. Then, we talk about the new "every day American" direction of the Democratic Party and the momentum of the Harris campaign, and the bizarre tone and choices of the Republicans have adopted. Then we get into our analysis and takeaways of the Harris/Trump Presidential Debate on Tuesday, and the aftermath that ensued! Finally, we talk about our fun little trip to Seattle last week, getting sick, and how we're feeling now. This podcast and channel is all about trying to make life feel personal, humane, and fun again for regular people, that's what it's all about! Please like, subscribe, and watch the videos all the way through! It's a small thing to do for you, but a big thing to help grow this into something super great for regular working class people who want good living and better outcomes for average folks just like you! When we support and care about one another, we become better people and a better society as a whole.Behold! Our Stuff!
  • Went to Seattle, Saw Metallica, Caught Covid, Still Worth it! Just Checking in on Y'all!

    14:28||Season 1
    Just thought I'd pop in and say hello, it's been a spell. I was going to record this week but then ended up catching covid. But I'm good, we're fine, just wanted to touch base with you guys!