
cover art for Welcome To CHAT About Aging In Your Community

Let's Chat About Aging In Your Community

Welcome To CHAT About Aging In Your Community

Welcome to the inaugural episode of "Aging Gracefully," the podcast that champions aging with dignity and choice right in your community. In this episode, we embark on a journey of exploration into the ever-changing landscape of aging.

Join us as we delve into the topic of navigating transitions in aging, from retirement to shifting healthcare needs and beyond. Through heartfelt interviews with individuals who have traversed these transitions firsthand, we uncover valuable insights and practical advice for embracing change with resilience and optimism.

Our expert guests lend their wisdom to the conversation, offering guidance on how to navigate the complexities of healthcare options, financial planning, and maintaining a sense of purpose and fulfillment as we age.

Whether you're a senior embarking on a new chapter of life, a caregiver supporting a loved one through transitions, or simply curious about the dynamics of aging in today's society, this episode is packed with valuable resources and heartwarming stories that illuminate the beauty of growing older while maintaining independence and choice.

Tune in as we embark on this transformative journey together, because at CHATS, aging isn't just a phase of life — it's an opportunity to thrive.

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  • Mary Bayliss

    Mary Bayliss is the Chair of the Board of Directors for CHATS - Community & Home Assistance to Seniors, a non-profit organization providing a wide range of community support services to help seniors live at home safely, affordably, and with dignity.With a diverse background in healthcare governance and senior leadership roles, Mary brings extensive experience to her position at CHATS. She has served on numerous boards and advisory councils, including the Ontario Long Term Care Association, Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, and Ryerson University's School of Nutrition and Food Science Advisory Council. She serves on various town committees, including the Audit Committee, Heritage Advisory Council, and the Anti-Black Racism Taskforce.Mary's passion for supporting seniors and promoting healthy aging aligns perfectly with CHATS' mission. Her insights and expertise will undoubtedly shed light on the challenges and opportunities surrounding healthcare and aging in our community.