
cover art for Design the life you seek using your Chakras


Design the life you seek using your Chakras

Season 3, Ep. 3

Each night right before you sleep, your soul whispers and at times you can sense unlimited power churning inside you. You know there's an ideal you but how do you bring him/her to reality? How do you honor your purpose and have that channel abundance in whatever form you need it? How do you connect with your heaven energy?

In this episode, we explore what chakras are, how they are lined up along your spine, the symptoms you experience when they're blocked or aligned, how to unblock them and finally how to use them as a manifestation system to create what you seek as in tandem with your purpose.

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    On this episode I reveal ways you have been kept asleep and blind to your power then convinced that is normal. It is linked to the previous episode. Before you manifest anything, first cut out the chains keeping you enslaved for you have that power. This episode awakens you to how this is so.For more please visit . On the about page there are details about a book that delves deeper into this.
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  • The Other side of Fights

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  • 9. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.

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  • 8. Reconditioning your brain.

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