
Dot, Dot, Dot: Anon., WAAC: the Woman's Story of the War (1930)
Season 9, Ep. 3
One of many books about the First World War on the censor’s blacklist, this one claims to offer a new, fresh perspective about the British army. But how much truth can a memoir written by ‘anonymous’ tell? With Dr Andrew Frayn.
- For a novel that's meant to be from a women's point of view, it's often very uncharitable about them. Andrew Frayn
- People are walked up to the door of the bedroom, told it is a bedroom, and then left to imagine for themselves. Aoife Bhreatnach
- It's a generic novel at a moment when this kind of war book is becoming generic. Andrew Frayn
Andrew Frayn & Fiona Houston, The War Books Boom in Britain
‘WAAC: the Woman’s Story of the War’ (1930)
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10. Interview With A Censor feat. John Kelleher
44:35||Season 11, Ep. 10In our last (for now) episode, we chat to John Kelleher who was appointed Irish film censor in 2003. When he left in 2009, the Irish Film Censor's Office had been renamed the Irish Film Classification Office, a reform that reflected how it had become, as John says 'more guide dog than guard dog'. Until the pod returns, thanks to everyone for listening!A & LM xx9. Transparent Classification
39:55||Season 11, Ep. 9Censors have been replaced by classifiers, opaque silence by annual reports. We read recent annual reports from the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) and the Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO) to see how those offices work in a digital media age, and to see what the (complaining) public thinks of their role. Films mentionedMinions: the Rise of GruGhostbustersWatership DownBambiStar Trek the Motion PictureNutcracker (by Matthew Bourne)The BatmanBatman ReturnsA Man Called OttoThe Banshees of InisherinSaltburnCocaine BearBenedettaBBFC 2022 Annual ReportIFCO published reports8. Abject Grace: Bad Lieutenant (1992) feat. Rob Doyle
49:03||Season 11, Ep. 8This remarkable neo-noir, directed by Abel Ferrara, has never been certified by the Irish Film Classification Office (the new name for the censor’s office). Aoife and Lloyd Meadhbh are joined by author Rob Doyle to discuss how Abel Ferrara and Zoe Lund, with backgrounds in porno sleaze, made a sincere film about redemption, and forgiveness.Bad Lieutenant dir. Abel Ferrara, starring Harvey KeitelRob Doyle7. Staging violence: The Wild Bunch (1969)
41:15||Season 11, Ep. 7In Sam Peckinpah’s film, standard Western tropes – outlaws, heroes, beautiful landscape – are used to interrogate an exhausted genre. He knows spectacular gunfights are problematic but did the cut version shown in Ireland convey Peckinpah’s intent?The Wild Bunch, dir Sam Peckinpah, starring William Holden, Ernest BorgnineSupport us and Merch!6. A Celluloid Nasty: Peeping Tom (1960)
37:23||Season 11, Ep. 6One of Martin Scorsese’s favourite films and guess what? We agree, it’s brilliant. Contemporary audiences detested it, preferring to ignore why they derived pleasure from realistic, filmed torture and terror. This film has everything from Freudianism to a Hitchcock doppelganger. Cuts made by censors might be lost forever but it still shocks and gives us a perfect amount of ick.Peeping Tom (1960) dir. Michael Powell, starring Karlheinz Boehm, Anna Massey, Moira Shearer Psycho (1960) dir. Alfred Hitchcock, starring Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh. The Red Shoes (1948) dir. Powell and Pressburger, starring Anton Walbrook, Moira Shearer. Support us!And, Merch5. Anti-natal: Rosemary's Baby (1968)
38:45||Season 11, Ep. 5A horror fan (Lloyd Meadhbh) and not-a-horror fan (Aoife) agree that this unexpectedly feminist film did not deserve to be banned twice in Ireland. Caveat: Roman Polanski directed it.Rosemary’s Baby (dir. Roman Polanski) starring Mia Farrow and John CassavetesMerch!Support us on Patreon4. The Full Gere: American Gigolo (1980)
38:47||Season 11, Ep. 4Ties, suits and sex - Paul Schrader's exploration of consumerism and Richard Gere's hotness was pruned of bad language and "sex scenes" by the Irish censor.American Gigolo (1980, dir. Paul Schrader) starring Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton, Bill Duke, Hector ElizondoYou Must Remember This on American Gigolo More on Aoife's Gere-athon for Patreon supportersMerch!3. Video Nasties (Part Two)
31:59||Season 11, Ep. 3What’s the worst celluloid crime committed in The Evil Dead: excessive violence or Bruce Campbell’s fringe? Lloyd Meadhbh (a fan) tries to persuade Aoife (a sceptic) to embrace this video-nasty classic. Also, listener correspondence on The Rocky Road to Dublin.The Evil Dead (dir. Sam Rami, 1981) Dead II (dir. Sam Rami, 1987) Studies Podcast on ‘Evil Dead II’ us, if you can2. Video Nasties (Part One)
35:23||Season 11, Ep. 2Lloyd Meadhbh rewinds the tape back to the 1980s, when a new film medium caused a new (ish) moral panic. Support usMerch