
cover art for Caring For, and Beyond, the Body | Jessica Haley

CCO Podcast

Caring For, and Beyond, the Body | Jessica Haley

Season 2

Jesus healed people. Paul was healed as part of his conversion to Christianity. And the whole arc of the gospel is that God is healing and redeeming the world. It is no mistake that in Genesis, God completes his creation by breathing life into a body—our bodies—and therefore, our health matters to God.

So where do we fit into God's story as future healers and healthcare workers? Is there anything unique about working for the health of others as a Christian? In this session, we will explore these questions and more, focusing on health justice and equity, rest and boundaries in healthcare, when medical ethics meet Christian ethics, health systems versus health care, and being a faithful steward of your training and education. Whether you are an aspiring nurse, physician, midwife, pharmacist, physical therapist, or any other member of the healthcare team, or are unsure but asking any of the questions above, you are welcome.

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