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Carrick Ryan Radio

Why are Australians afraid of their history?

Season 1, Ep. 5

The German people have learned to live with the sins of their fathers. Why do Australians struggle to shine a light on the darker corners of their history?

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  • Why we can't treat all races equally in Australia

    There is a sincere desire from many white Australians to stop talking about race and work towards a society where everyone is treated absolutely equal regardless of race. But to understand why that's not fair, we need to talk about intergenerational wealth.
  • 8. The one-off wealth-tax solution

    04:29||Season 1, Ep. 8
    Our economy has never faced a greater challenge, and we are all being asked to share the pain to ensure it gets back on its feet. But we don't all benefit from this economy equally. Why aren't those that stand to make the most from a recovered economy being asked to bear their share of the pain?
  • 7. Why Australia must invest in its defence

    09:24||Season 1, Ep. 7
    We spend billions to defend our Nation, its people, and our way of life. But is the greatest threat to our democracy really a foreign army? Should we be re-examining what we see as "spending on defence".
  • 6. Does Morrison deserve credit for saving us from Coronavirus?

    09:51||Season 1, Ep. 6
  • 4. "So called Experts"

    05:53||Season 1, Ep. 4
    We have never needed expertise more than we do right now. Yet the loudest voices are the men and women that are insisting that "so called experts" don't even exist.Why do these people fear expertise so much and why does it matter.
  • 3. Word from the Front Line

    34:46||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Australia's Healthcare workers are truly at the front line in our war against Covid-19, and just like war, most of us have no idea what really happens in the trenches.Dr Simon Gibbs is the Director of the Victorian and Tasmanian Amyloidosis Service and a Heamatologist at Eastern health in Victora. In this episode, Dr Gibbs provides an invaluable insight into what our healthcare system has done to prepare for Covid-19, and how they are looking after the Australians that have it.
  • 2. Coronavirus in a post-truth World

    12:49||Season 1, Ep. 2
    We have never needed to trust our Government more than right now.We have never had a Government we trust less.Today I speak to a young Woman in Iran about her experience of trying to find out the truth about Coronavirus from social media and word of mouth because even if the Government was telling the truth, they've learned not to trust them. The parallels with what I see happening here is palpable.Australians aren't trusting this Government, and the flow of rumours, conspiracy theories, and a mixture of truth, is creating a level of confusion we've never had in this country before.Has the lack of transparency from the Morrison Government destroyed the trust that is necessary for any national response to this crisis?
  • 1. Pandemic - The chance to define a generation.

    07:51||Season 1, Ep. 1
    There has never been a time like this. We will learn more about our society than ever before. What are we going to learn?