
Canceled with Chris Cubas
John from Cincinnati (Episodes 9 and 10) with Brett VerVoort
We finally find out what John From Cincinnati was all about! Sort of. Maybe. Anyway, Chris and Brett VerVoort cover the final two episodes of HBO and David Milch's short-lived followup to Deadwood.
Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.
Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @TwistdMiddleKid
Instagram: @ChrisCubas
Recorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.
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Q.E.D. (Episodes 5 and 6) with Avery Moore
48:05|And we're done! Chris and Avery Moore conclude Sam Waterston "classic?" Q.E.D.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @AveryReedMooreInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Q.E.D. (Episodes 3 and 4) with Avery Moore
49:58|Chris is back with Avery Moore to continue the Sam Waterston "classic?" Q.E.D. from 1982.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @AveryReedMooreInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Q.E.D. (Episodes 1 and 2) with Avery Moore
43:02|Chris is back! This time he's joined by Avery Moore to watch the Sam Waterston "classic?" Q.E.D. from 1982.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @AveryReedMooreInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Darkroom (Episodes 5, 6, 7) with Adam Hrabik
01:19:35|Chris and Adam Hrabik finally finish the bizarre trip to James Coburn's '80s serial thriller Darkroom.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @AHrabikInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Darkroom (Episodes 3 and 4) with Adam Hrabik
01:04:31|Chris and Adam Hrabik continue to cover the '80s thriller anthology series Darkroom. Join us!Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @AHrabikInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Darkroom (Episodes 1 and 2) with Adam Hrabik
01:16:12|Chris and Adam Hrabik head back to the '80s to cover the oddly compelling thriller anthology series Darkroom. Join us!Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @AHrabikInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Timecop (Episodes 7, 8, and 9) with Jay Whitecotton
01:10:55|This is our final time TImecop-in'! Chris and Jay Whitecotton go back to 1997 to finish covering the 2007-set series Timecop. This week, they take on episodes 7, 8, and 9. We'll also have a full video version of this episode posted on our YouTube channel soon.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @WhiteCottonInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Timecop (Episodes 5 and 6) with Jay Whitecotton
01:05:01|We're still TImecop-in'! Chris and Jay Whitecotton go back to 1997 to cover the 2007 series Timecop. This week, they take on episodes 5 and 6. We'll also have a full video version of this episode posted on our YouTube channel soon.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @WhiteCottonInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.Timecop (Episodes 3 and 4) with Jay Whitecotton
01:02:24|Chris and Jay Whitecotton go back to 1997 to cover the 2017 series Timecop. Listen to them develop their love-hate relationship to the show covering episodes 2 and 3. We'll also have a full video version of this episode posted on our YouTube channel soon.Support Canceled on Patreon to unlock bonus episodes.Twitter: @ChrisCubas; @CanceledPod; @WhiteCottonInstagram: @ChrisCubasRecorded and produced by @MikeMoody at Permanent RCRD, a podcast studio in Austin, TX.