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8.1. Quickie; Confessing to Things That i bet you do Too
18:52||Season 1, Ep. 8.1Thursdays are for quickies...with producer Hayley!Keeping with the theme of the season, it felt only right for our last quickie to be a little confessional; to help you feel seen, to normalise, for you to resonate with and for me to expose myself even more than i've already done. Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokProducer Hayley @producerhayley
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8. The Tea on PR Relationships & Stunts
37:23||Season 1, Ep. 8We all love a little tea when we're not involved, which is why there is a fascination with celebrities and influencers, perhaps even an entitlement. So when it comes to those in the spotlight, is the old saying really true; all publicity is good publicity? And when it comes to fame, do people really go to the lengths of faking relationships just for a little extra attention? Let's chat to PR queen Kat Orchard for the inside scoop...Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokKat Orchard; @kat_orchard, @jag_communications, @justanotherprgirl_7.1. Quickie; Things That Need to be Normalised as an Adult
17:05||Season 1, Ep. 7.1Thursdays are for quickies...with producer Hayley!When you're younger you think that becoming an adult means that you have life all figured out. But with most of us still in shock that we are in fact adults, i think it's best that we normalise a few things...Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokProducer Hayley @producerhayley7. I'm an Adult but When i Grow Up i Want to be...
40:19||Season 1, Ep. 7It's something we regularly ask children, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and the answer chops and changes depending on the week. But the truth is, even most of us as adults don't know. The major difference is our delusion and ability to dream because it reduces as we get older when reality kicks in...or so we tell ourselves. But is the secret to living out your dreams just being a little delulu and going for it? According to someone who became a professional boxer in their late 20's, maybe it is...Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokNicila Costello; @nicila_ @thefitnessvault_tfv6.1. Quickie: 90's and 00's Movie Moments that did not Make Sense
18:16||Season 1, Ep. 6.1Thursdays are for quickies...with producer Hayley!Sticking with the millennial theme this week, i had to do a little dive into some of our favourite movies...and debrief on their questionable plot decisions...Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokProducer Hayley @producerhayley6. Millennial Songs for Every Occasion
40:37||Season 1, Ep. 6They say that Millennials are often obsessed with nostalgia but how can we not be? Such simpler and sweet times and who doesn't love a little trip down memory lane? Come on a journey with us to revisit the bangers, the questionable lyrics and one hit wonders from the nineties and noughties that you'll want to re-add to your playlists immediately...Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokStepha Stock; @lovestepha IG & @lovestepha_5.1. Quickie; Phrases I've Been Saying Wrong the Whole Time...
14:50||Season 1, Ep. 5.1Thursdays are for quickies...with producer Hayley!After the Open Sesame/Open Says Me debate, i've found more phrases that apparently have been lost in translation along the way, so let's see how many of these resonate and whether you too have been saying them "right or wrong". Can We Debrief was produced and recorded at Edge Studio with Producer Hayley McKew and Audio Engineer Hayley Dell.Find us on socials!@canwedebriefpodcast IGDannii Rodgers; @danniirodgers IG & TikTokProducer Hayley @producerhayley