
Cork Today
Paul Byrne speaks to those on how tough it is to buy their dream home
Paul Byrne speaks to those on how tough it is to buy their dream home
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CorkToday 17 February 2025
01:45:28|Discussing is it time to bring back Town Councils for larger towns in Cork The lack of dog fouling and litter fines issued by both Cork’s local authorities A Russian drone last week struck a cover that was built to contain radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and while radiation levels have not increased there are concerns across Europe and campaigner Adi Roche joins Patricia on Monday On our Insurance Matters segment, we chat about insurance claims following storm damage and new rules coming into force for car insurance Nutritional advice this week with AnnelieseNutritional advice with Anneliese 17 February 2025
11:16|Nutritional advice with Anneliese 17 February 2025No time to snooze when it comes to Chernobyl in Ukraine war
14:56|No time to snooze when it comes to Chernobyl in Ukraine warThe lack of dog fouling and litter fines issued
10:21|The lack of dog fouling and litter fines issuedIs it time to bring back Town Councils for larger towns in Cork
11:53|Is it time to bring back Town Councils for larger towns in CorkCorkToday 14 February 2025
01:48:26|Discussing why a rescue helicopter is needed for remote areas of West Cork The North Cork Dementia Alliance are inviting individuals, businesses, services, community groups and clubs to join them to learn more about dementia and the practical steps we can all take to help build a more inclusive community for people with dementia and their families.❤️️Do you lack confidence when it comes to Love - is there someone special you want to ask out but cannot work up the courage to do so - We will discuss what you can doWe hear about Ireland’s first E-Kiosk Store - a self-service store with just vending machines Our Movie Review with Mark - Reviewing the latest Bridget Jones film ; Mad about the Boy