Cork Today
CorkToday 27 November 2023
As Cork County Council discuss budgets local councillors demand more outdoor workers across Cork as many feel there has been a significant fall in workers since the removal of Town Councils
Ongoing concerns from the residents of Shannonvale regarding their water quality
We speak with the mother who is highlighting issues with eating disorder services in Ireland
Nutritional advice with Anneliese Dressel
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The Cork woman who shares her life living with HIV
08:42|The Cork woman who shares her life living with HIVMembers of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael look set to back the new programme for government
10:10|Members of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael look set to back the new programme for governmentThe deal with the Regional Independents and the Healy-Rae brothers will be ratified by the Fine Gael membership during a series of regional meetings, while Fianna Fail will hold a special Ard Fheis at the weekend.Cork Today 15 January 2025
01:42:00|Patricia speaks to Cllr Ian Doyle on road conditions following last week's cold snap, Susan Grey from PARC Road Safety on driving test wait times, and Mallow man William Mills tells us how organ donation saved his life. We also discuss the severe lack of allowances available for breast cancer survivors, and how using AI for homework isn't a good idea.