
cover art for CorkToday 12 September 2024

Cork Today

CorkToday 12 September 2024

Tougher approach is needed for city no-go areas

Discussing the late farm payments and the effects this is having on farming communities

We try to find out why there is an 80% drop in the number of patients on hospital waiting lists inquiring about availing of treatment abroad under the EU Cross Border Health Care directive

Our Garda File


Pet advice with Jane 

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  • Our Regular Counsellor Joe Heffernan joins us discussing grief after a suicide

    Our Regular Counsellor Joe Heffernan joins us discussing grief after a suicide 
  • CorkToday 17 September 2024

    We hear from residents in a South Cork village who are campaigning for works to improve a dangerous bend in their village as they fear of an accident due to speeding motoristsUkrainians who had settled into communities in West Cork are now being moved to various counties across Ireland We look ahead to the Macroom Food Festival Our Regular Counsellor Joe Heffernan joins us discussing grief after a suicide 
  • Macroom Food Festival 2024

    Macroom Food Festival 2024
  • U-Turn on ambulance cuts

    U-Turn on ambulance cuts 
  • CorkToday 16 September 2024

    Concern is being expressed over proposed cuts to emergency ambulance cover across Cork Louise O’Keeffe who successfully took the State to the European Court of Human Rights for failing to protect her from abuse she endured in primary school has doubts the state will live up to its obligations in the latest redress scheme following this month's scoping inquiry - Louise joins Patricia  Why the Apple Tax Windfall should be used to fund the disability sector and to bring forward infrastructure projects such as the Cork to Limerick Motorway  How the County Emergency plan is to be made known to the public before the end of September We hear about a 32 County Cycle Challenge Nutritional advice with Anneliese Dressel
  • Nutritional advice with Anneliese 16 September 2024 - CorkToday

    Nutritional advice with Anneliese 16 September 2024 - CorkToday 
  • Mallow residents frustrated by security alarm ringing at disused building

    Mallow residents frustrated by security alarm ringing at disused building 
  • Use Apple Tax to fund disability sector and M20 Project

    Use Apple Tax to fund disability sector and M20 Project
  • Will the state live up to its obligations in the latest redress scheme

    Louise O’Keeffe who successfully took the State to the European Court of Human Rights for failing to protect her from abuse she endured in primary school has doubts the state will live up to its obligations in the latest redress scheme following this month's scoping inquiry