
cover art for Stripped

Big Girl Panties


What is intimacy and why would we want it? Time for me to get down and dirty on my experiences with intimacy, what surfaces in intimate moments and what it took for me to get vulnerable..finally.

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  • Comfortably Uncomfortable

    There's a saying that life happens at the edge of your comfort zone. Maybe...but have you stopped to think how uncomfortable your comfort zone really is? In this episode of BGP: how being uncomfortable is an invitation, real hard lessons in business, having grit and the down and dirty truth of change.
  • See Me

    How a beautiful curly headed stalker created a movement and made a model out of me, the joys of letting go and a powerful, and often missed, lesson given by airline stewards with guest Lorraine Massey, author of Silver Hair: A Handbook.Thanks to my beautiful friend, MJ Songstress, for providing the end music. Find her at: @MJSongstress, her single, "See Me", now available now on iTunes.
  • Hungry?

    What happens when your world crashes around you? Who do you become? Being broke, the joys of taking care of the elderly and a baby, and the reinvention of self.
  • “Big”

    Do you ever feel like a kid playing in adult clothing? Feel like everyone around you knows what they are doing but you? Listen in as I pull back the curtain on my experience of being an entrepreneur and doing what it takes.
  • Roadtripping

     The gift of sitting on a cactus, fire ants and other family vacation disasters. Can “mistakes” be gifts that keep on giving?
  • Three Days Missing

    Losing three days of my life and the lessons I learned from not remembering them. A hospital visit, meeting an angel, vulnerability, and asking for help. 
  • “Raw”

    “Raw” is finally released. This episode took three weeks to write, record, and produce — then I had to decide if I wanted to even release it. The title says it all. Listen in as I get vulnerable and real about my experiences with 9/11, panic attacks and thoughts of ending it all. “Raw” is as raw as it gets.
  • Gaining in the Near Miss

    An intimate conversation with mom. The lesson she learned from Botswana. The incredible way life throws a curveball when you least expect it and the reminder I received.