
cover art for Bigfoot Discovers Compassion

Bigfoot Discovers the World

Bigfoot Discovers Compassion

Season 1, Ep. 3

Acest episod contine cateva ganduri nocturne, pe muzica de jazz, legate de compasiune, ce este si cum se manifesta in viata noastra.

Acest episod reprezinta o chemare catre o lume mai buna, o lume in care oamenii se inteleg, se iarta si lucreaza impreuna.



The Intouchables:


Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last


Pustnicul de pe Athos:


Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? - Seth Godin



1:10 – Definitia compasiunii dupa Dex

2:00 Mila Denigreaza

6:00 Ce Inseamna a intelege pe cineva?

6:30 Empatie

10:30 Respect

14:00 – Rabdare

19:15 – Iubire

24:15 – Recunostiinta

28:30 – Iertare

37:20 Com-pasiune

42:30  Incheiere

Compasiune = Sentiment de intelegere fata de suferintele cuiva fata de care raspunzi cu iubire.

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  • 2. Bigfoot Discovers Financial Education

    In acest episod vorbim cu Karla Socoteanu (Consilier Financiar - OVB) despre locurile noastre de muncă - cum să aducem pasiune in spatiul muncii și cum să ne gestionam veniturile pentru a nu ne gasi portofele goale la sfarsitul lunii. Vom vorbi despre cât de importanți sunt banii atunci când alegem un loc de munca, cateva principii cheie despre cum sa economisim bani și ce inseamna in final sa ai succes în viata.Referinte:Personalitati:Tony Robbins: Money Master the GamePatrick Bet-David: ValuetainmentSimon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat LastCarti:Cadranul banilor / Tata sarac, tata bogat - De Robert KyiosakiCel mai bogat om din Babilon - de George S Clason De la idei la bani - Napoleon Hill Secretele mintii de milionar - T Harv Eker Transformare financiara totala -Dave RamseyMinute:Intro2:00 – Ce este un Consilier Financial? Cum ai ajuns sa faci asta?5:50 – De ce anume esti cel mai mandra? Te consideri a fi un artist?10:20 – Ce este pasiunea pentru tine? Cum gasesti un job care sa te pasioneze?25.30 – De cand si de unde ar trebui sa inceapa educatia financiara?29:40 – Cum sa-ti gestionezi salariu?30:50 - Principii financiare de urmat40:00 - Regula borcanelor49:00 – Ce sa faci cu primii 1000 de Euro?53:30 – Diferenta dintre o viziune si un tel. Ce inseamna sa ai o afacere?1:06:50 – De ce dam mana cand semnam un contract?1.09:00 – Ce este succesul?1:17:20 – IncheiereTo laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 1. Bigfoot Discovers Personal Development

    In this episode we are talking with Madalina Ghinescu (Coach - John Maxwell Team) about Personal Development, what it is and what has drawn her towards it. We will scratch the surface of Leadership and how we can influence people towards a better direction, while becoming a Linchpin for the community we live and work in.References:People:John Maxwell - one of the world’s most influential leadersBooks:21 Laws of Leadership - John MaxwellEmotional Intelligence - Daniel GolemanLinchpin: Are You Indispensable? - Seth GodinMinutes:Intro2:30 – How and when did it all started for you?3:20 – What do you consider to be your milestones in your life so far?10:20 – Why Personal Development? What does it mean for you?18:00 – Where does leadership fit in all this?20:20 – What is influence and how does it work?24:20 – Self leadership? What is that?30:00 – F.O.R.T influence model35:20 – How do you differentiate between influence and manipulation?42:00 – Do you have to be a genius to be a leader?51:20 – How does influence impact the 0 sum game mentality?55:30 – ClosureThis episode is dedicated to Clementine, who has helped me understand that:- happiness is a general state of peace and quiet, not just moments of joy- I should do things from which other may benefit, regardless of my selfish original intentionsWithout these lessons, this project would still be just in my notes.