
cover art for Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Bonus Episode

Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis

Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Bonus Episode

Season 1, Ep. 24

Husband and Wife cover a brief summary of the Book of Genesis and perform fairly well on a quiz. Then learn that Nimrod was very likely Gilgamesh, and that he was pretty much a douchebag. Husband falls asleep.

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  • 1. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis 1 - 3

    50:38||Season 1, Ep. 1
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 1: The Creation; chapter 2: Man in the Garden of Eden; and chapter 3: Man's Disobedience. Things that are right out: Alaska, Evolution, and Womans. Early inventions include shame, guilt, murdering an entire species, sewing, unicorns, and passing the buck. We question the need for gold in a 2-person garden.Thank you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 2. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis 4 - 7

    42:31||Season 1, Ep. 2
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 4: Cain and Abel; chapter 5: The Descendants of Adam; chapter 6: The Wickedness of Mankind / Noah Makes the Ark; and chapter 7: The Flood. Lots of sex, murder, and mayhem ensue. We question whether fishes can drown, and critique the Bible's lack of character development.Thank you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 3. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis 8 - 9

    26:03||Season 1, Ep. 3
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 8: Noah's Ark; and chapter 9: God's Covenant with Noah / Noah's Drunkenness. We question the amount of sacrifices and cursing that happen. Turns out, Noah is as big a dick as God.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 4. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis 10 - 11

    24:20||Season 1, Ep. 4
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 10: The Descendants of the Sons of Noah; and chapter 11: The Tower of Babel / The Descendants Shem / The Descendants of Terah. Names are hard. Places don't matter, amirite? Nimrod is awesome.
  • 5. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Chapters 12 - 13

    25:57||Season 1, Ep. 5
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 12:God's Call to Abram / Abram in Egypt; and chapter 13:Abram and Lot Separate. Sacrificing animals is gross. Rape is gross. Calling slaves "servants" is gross.Skip the ads by joining Acast+ you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 6. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Chapters 14 - 15

    27:09||Season 1, Ep. 6
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 14: Abram rescues Lot / Melchizedek Blesses Abram; and Genesis chapter 15: A Son Promised to Abram. He cut the animals in HALF!? Grody! And God's still a big dick. A children's Bible is like KidsBop for #WAP.Skip the ads by joining Acast+ you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 7. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Chapters 16 - 17

    26:10||Season 1, Ep. 7
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 16: Hagar and Ishmael; and chapter 17:Circumcision the Sign of the Covenant. We question whether God has a , whether or not it's circumcised, and who performed such action. Everybody line up 'cause it's dick-choppin' time! WHERE'S STEVE? All this accompanied by the sweet background sound of a running computer that Husband can't tame.Skip the ads by joining Acast+ you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 8. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Chapters 18 - 19

    37:47||Season 1, Ep. 8
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 18:The Birth of Isaac Promised / Abraham Intercedes for Sodom; and chapter 19: The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. We are knuckle-deep in rape, incest, and salt. Does too much masturbation actually blind you because of all Lot's crazy parties?Skip the ads by joining Acast+ you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon:
  • 9. Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis Chapters 20 - 21

    26:06||Season 1, Ep. 9
    Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 20: Abraham and Abimelech; and chapter 21: The Birth of Isaac / Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away / The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech. We ponder who would be a better hunter: Nimrod or Ishmael? More incest is brought to light. God, being a dick, punishes, like, everyone. As usual.Skip the ads by joining Acast+ you for stopping by Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists!Check out these links for more information about our podcast and merchandise:Our Homepage: support us by subscribing on Patreon: