
cover art for S7 Ep. 6: #METOO Meets #BLM

Beyond Surviving with Rachel Grant

S7 Ep. 6: #METOO Meets #BLM

I chat with La'Tia Parker Stewart about the intersection of trauma that exists between #metoo and #blm. We discuss the pros and cons of looking at sexual and racial trauma through a common lens.

We also dig into how patriarchy among other things has led to black women being treated as an “afterthought” in the Black Lives Matter movement.

We tackle some of the discomfort that comes with talking about sexual trauma and racism, and ultimately find our way to championing the importance of active willingness to listen and bear witness to the pain of others and to communicate non-violently and with love.

We seek to celebrate and acknowledge the women who are at the heart of both #metoo and #blm.

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La’Tia Parker Stewart is the founder of the Flourish Foundation Inc. and the V.O.W.(Victory of Women) Network. She is also an author, certified life coach, graphic designer, women’s ministry leader and a certified victim advocate for sexual assault and domestic violence victims and survivors.

In 2001, she began to host a “Let the Healing Begin” Support Group in her home after finding a need for a safe place for women still suffering from traumatic experiences. Within months La’Tia’s home was overflowing with women so needing a bigger platform, she founded “V.O.W” (Victory Of Women) Network and begin hosting annual Women Conferences within her city to assist women with tools and resources to live victorious over the after-effects of sexual assault and domestic violence.

In 2009, she then founded S.O.A.R (Speak Out Against Rape), a campaign/program to raise awareness in her community about sexual assault and to aid sexual assault victims to find their voice and seek support for the long term effects of any issues they may be still suffering with. She became a sought-after speaker on the topic of sexual assault and launched “Speak Out” Campaigns, workshops, conferences, media campaigns, numerous rallies and WAR (Walk Against Rape) to bring awareness to these issues. She received a resolution from the City of Selma in 2010 for her work with SOAR.

La’Tia herself had been a victim of childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence and was outraged by the lack of resources, social stigma and other barriers imposed on those affected by sexual assault and domestic violence in her community. Seeing an even greater need for victims suffering with “overlooked issues” such as PTSD, eating disorders, self-harm, and other issues, she co-founded Family Affairs, Inc. to provide counseling and coaching resources to people in her community. She received her Life Coaching Certification and studied crisis response, trauma care, & suicide prevention to help assist in these areas in the organization.

Her latest project, the Flourish Foundation is geared to totally assist survivors to move from survival to flourishing status. She believes that survivors can not only overcome the affects of trauma but that they can CONQUER them. The Flourish Foundation aims to offer a retreat center that focuses on the full recovery of survivors.

La’Tia has been a part of ministry work for over 10 years and has worked in social services for over 20 years. She co-hosted the radio talk show “God’s Voice” and is the author of the book “Where Can I Take My Shame?” where she openly shares her journey to healing from years of trauma. Her story has been heard in churches, college campuses, radio interviews and several blogs. She is currently releasing her second book “Rebuilding the Ruins” and is aiming to provide advocate and sensitivity training to churches, law enforcement,  clergy, and medical staff for victimized individuals.

La'Tia currently works as Executive Assistant to the Executive Director of the Bridge Crossing Jubilee. She has also worked for over 10 years with advocate organizations such as the National Voting Rights Museum and S.O.S to fight for voting rights and civil rights, She obtained her Degree in Computer Information Systems in 2000 and is currently studying to receive a Master’s in Counseling. 

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