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Between Two Cairns

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  • 27. L3: Deep Dwarven Delve

    01:06:15||Season 3, Ep. 27
    Yochai, Brad, and Sam discuss L3: Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka, and adjudicate a rulings-related question.How do you handle the Wish spell?08:40 Let's Make a Ruling 25:20 Main Review49:08 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 27: Deep Dwarven DelveFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!

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  • 26. The Smoking Pillar of Lan Yu

    01:16:15||Season 3, Ep. 26
    Yochai, Brad, and Sam review The Smoking Pillar of Lan Yu by Kevin Crawford, and answer a mailbag question.Question: “How do you approach running mystery adventures?”08:00 Mailbag30:36 Main Review1:06:05 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 26: The Smoking Pillar of Lan YuFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!
  • 25. Morgansfort: The Western Lands Campaign

    01:27:07||Season 3, Ep. 25
    Yochai, Brad, and Sam review Morgansfort: The Western Lands Campaign by Chris Gonnerman, and answer a mailbag question.05:24 Mailbag15:10 Main Review23:44 Art33:24 Reviews1:01:44 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 25: Morgansfort: The Western Lands CampaignFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!
  • 24. The Horrendous Hounds of Hendenburgh

    56:59||Season 3, Ep. 24
    Note: We recorded this episode before Brad had signed on to write a module for The Merry Mushmen. He feels weird about it. Whatever.Yochai & Brad review The Horrendous Hounds of Hendenburgh by Liam Pádraig Ó Cuilleanáin, and answer a mailbag question.4:00 Mailbag17:00 Main Review45:00 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 24: The Horrendous Hounds of HendenburghFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!
  • 23. The Big Squirm

    01:08:02||Season 3, Ep. 23
    Yochai & Brad review The Big Squirm by Luke Gearing, and adjudicate a rulings-related question.How to run a pickpocket in a tavern/in general?06:56 Let's Make a Ruling21:20 Main Review31:40 Art54:06 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 23: The Big SquirmFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!
  • 22. Hell Unearthed

    50:24||Season 3, Ep. 22
    Yochai & Brad review Hell Unearthed by Cameron Maas, and answer a rulings question.How do you handle boundary-pushers?01:52 Let’s Make A Ruling25:28 Main Review38:32 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 22: Hell UnearthedFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!
  • 21. I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City

    01:24:01||Season 3, Ep. 21
    Yochai & Brad are joined by Sam Mameli to review I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City by David Cook, and answer a mailbag question.Mailbag: How do you organize your work?15:04 Mailbag 00:30:40 Main Review00:38:08 Art Talk00:49:04 Reviews1:01:12 Deep DiveSeason 3, episode 21: I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden CityFor listener questions, email or ask on our discord server.Thank you for supporting us on Patreon!Thanks to Bobby McElver for the music and bumpers from this episode!